Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: February 23, 2010 07:28PM

You said that God heals poeple from cancer at Bill Johnson's church as if it were a fact. Do you have any suporting evidence for that claim?
Another question. What was Bill Johnson doing with Tod Bentley on that stage in Florida? Any insite on that?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 24, 2010 12:22AM

I attend turning point and here is my view.

7. I trust God. I trust Him to tell me where to go and if I am in some horrible church where my salvation is at stake I really think He would get me out. See if false doctrine is being taught it can't change whether or not my heart is seeking after God and if I am seeking after Him He will show me if I am messed up or if something I believe is wrong. I don’t think salvation is based on whether or not you get the right doctrine or you believe in apostles or you didn’t believe in the prosperity movement. For goodness sakes David didn’t follow any of the rules, he was dancing naked worshipping God but he had a heart after God's own heart. All I am saying is it seems like there are better things we could be doing with our time.
If you want to respond please do so in a personal message because I am busy and it will be too hard to keep up with these, there are just too many posts and I don’t like having to read buddy’s posts and the other mean ones.

A man was hiking along the ridge of the crater on Mt Saint Helens. He stopped to take a picture when the ground beneath his feet gave way. As he was falling into the crater he cried out "God, Save me!"

At just that moment his coat caught on a branch and stopped his fall. As he was hanging several hundred feet below the ridge another hiker came along and spotted him. This hiker hollered down to the man hanging from the branch, "I'll help you". The fallen man called back up, "No. Its okay. I trust God. He will save me." So the hiker continued on his way.

After a few moments the fallen man heard the branch starting to crack. He prayed again, "God, Save me." Just as he finished praying another hiker came by and saw the man hanging from the branch. This hiker had climbing rope in is pack. He took the rope out and lowered it to the man on the branch. "Take hold of the rope and I will pull you to safety" called the man with the rope.

The fallen man cried out, "I am a man of faith. I trust God. He will rescue me from this situation."

The hiker yelled back, "I too am a man of faith. Take hold of the rope and I will pull you to safety." Again the fallen man yelled back up the cliff, "No. I have faith in God. He will save me. I prayed to Him and asked him to save me."

The hiker called back down, "Yes. I know. Take hold of the rope and I will pull you to safety." The man hanging on the branch refused saying, "Do you not think that God is capable of saving me?" Just then the branch gave way and the man fell to his death.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 24, 2010 01:31AM



PURSUE unity within the Kingdom of God (Eph 4:1-6, 11-16)

Do these verses really say what mike is inferring???




Ferris Bueler?

You pastors who have given yourselves to unity, as a man gives himself to a harlot, need to realize the reason mike ( Turning Point Church )pushes for unity in your midst. When will you open your eyes? When will you repent? You have exposed your flocks to the works of satan just as a husband who sleeps with harlots exposes his wife to disease and death.

"KEEP the unity (notice its not pursue or chase the unity-you cannot attain that which has already been established) of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3.

You pastors chase after something you have no power to attain like a dog in heat sniffing the air...Go back and read chapters 1 through 3 of Ephesians to understand the context in which Paul speaks these words in the fourth chapter. What is the unity that Paul speaks of? You believe in unity with each other. Paul speaks of Unity with God through Christ at work in us through his Spirit.

When God created Adam and Eve they were in unity with Him. Then their arrogance, their pride, their sin brought disunity. Can you in your own strength and ability resolve that sort of disunity? Are you capable of doing only what Christ could do through his work on the cross? No? Then why have you sold yourselves and your flocks to chase after the unity that mike dangles in front of your noses for you to sniff after? Paul was very clear that Christ and Christ alone reunites us with God (read chapters one through three). THIS is the unity that Paul speaks of.

We are commanded to maintain this unity (with God through the Spirit which Christ restored). Instead, you seek to recreate or perhaps create a NEW unity...a false unity. Why do you disobey this command by pretending that the unity has not yet been attained? You burden yourselves and your flocks trying to accomplish through your works that which has already been attained through Christ and His work alone. In doing so you elevate yourselves as false idols. The unity that Mike calls you to...that the NAR calls you to is not the unity Christ has already gained, but to a false unity that leads to destruction.

Some one else said, "Unity is not about friendliness or camaraderie. The unity spoken of in the Bible is not some common aim.
It is the result of all that Paul has been saying in chapters 1-3. It is the product of the cross and God's work in Christ. There can be no Christian unity unless it is based on the teaching of chapters 1-3. Since Christian unity is a result of God's work in Christ, it is not something that we are to aim at for the sake of unity.

Spirit is capitalized. It refers to the unity provided by the Holy Spirit. It is a unity (which you, marysville pastors), can never produce. You are not even asked to do so.

Unity is living and vital. It is not mechanical. It is not a coalition, group or movement. These consist of a number of miscellaneous units coming together for a given purpose. But Christian unity, the unity of the Spirit, is a unity which starts within and works outward.

The unity of the church is organic in character. She is not a collection of parts. She is a new creation, a spiritual body created by God in Christ. The old has been done away in the this body.

There are no longer the distinctions of man. There is no longer Jew and Gentile ." And yet those who proclaim this call to a false unity long to make distinctions, do they not (apostles, prophets, honor, double honor)?

So why the push for this false unity?

Latter Rain - New Apostolic Reformation / Kingdom Now & Kansas City Prophets / Dominion Theology / Manifest Sons of God (Joel's Army) / Third Wave / Toronto Blessing - is all False Teachings regarding the Modern Day Prophet & Apostle Movement in the Church. Latter Rain brought forth other Unbiblical False Teachings such as the Manifested Sons of God. This whole movement was condemned by the Assemblies of God in 1949. False Teachers in the movement: the late William Branham, C.Peter Wagner (Vineyard), Rick Joyner (above), Bill Hamon, Mike Bickle (IHOP), Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Todd Bentley, Patricia King, Francis Frangipane, Bill Johnson...and the like.

The Third Wave:

FIRST WAVE - started in 1906-1909 with the Azuza Street Revival; start of the Pentecostal Movement
SECOND WAVE -started in the 1960s thru the Charismatic Movement;moved into mainstream Churches
THIRD WAVE- started in the 1980s, and is very much alive today through TV & the Internet. C.Peter Wagner and the Vineyard Movement, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner are a big part of the Third Wave.

Latter Rain or Dominion Teaching can be summed up this way - From Apologetic Index:

1. The Church must be Restored & Equipped to rule by the five-fold ministries.
2. It must come to Perfection & Complete Visible UNITY (i.e. One World Church -do research on One World Church)
3. Out of the purified church will come a Spiritual Elite Corps, a Corporate Christ
who possess the Spirit without measure
4. They will Purge the earth of all Wickedness & Rebellion
5. They will Judge the Apostate Church
6. They will Redeem a Creation, and Restore the Earth
7. They will eventually overcome death itself in a Counterfeit of the Rapture
8. The Church will thus Inherit the Earth, and Rule over it from the Throne of Christ.


Unity...why cant we all just get along and be united...






Why do you pastors drink from the harlot's cup? What will your flock do when they come to realize you have recklessly chosen unite them with a harlot?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: February 24, 2010 08:48AM

You said that God heals poeple from cancer at Bill Johnson's church as if it were a fact. Do you have any suporting evidence for that claim?
Another question. What was Bill Johnson doing with Tod Bentley on that stage in Florida? Any insite on that?

Yes, I agree with Mville04. These supposed "healers" have trouble supporting their claims. Do you know of someone, iattend, who has been healed at Bill Johnson's meetings? How do you know his claims are legitimate? Todd Bently claimed to have healed countless people, and he couldn't produce evidence of even one actual healing when asked for only three cases. He was given time to produce evidence and never could.

And just as a reminder, when people ARE healed, it's God's doing. Those who boast about what God has done as if they themselves had something to do with (or to add to) the goodness and power of God are arrogant and vain and often lie to boost their "ratings."

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 02:17AM

I attend brought up a couple of points which got me thinking , the one about Bill Johnsons church and healings made me think of verses in the bible warning us of many false prophets coming and performing miracles and wonders in the last days, I’m not saying Bill is a false prophet or not ,I’m saying we cant determine if God is in a church by miracles and wonders, Its weird though how church’s seem to hype all this stuff to get people in, It reminded me of driving down the Las Vegas strip in the 80’s each casino said loosest slots here, but how can that be? Only on can have the loosest the others have 2nd and third loosest. God draws all men to Himself, why do we thing we have to hype Him to get people to have a relationship with him, no wonder the church’s get more humanistic all the time. We rely on our methods, good music positive thinking, bright lights and uplifting testimonies, , and great sounding preachers with warm handshakes

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 03:01AM

Dear Iattend,

Thank you for your post.
You did bring up some good points.

I would like to say that I agree with you about the Jeff Moors going on vacation thing, the obession with TPC thing and I also believe that many people hyper anaylize P. Mikes sermons, although that does not negate their vaild points.

There obession with TPC is actually a larger obession with the apostolic movement that is going on within the Christian church, and where Pastor Jeff B and Mike are leading you. Many people on this website seek to promote truth and awarness of the movement and what it actually means and preaches, much because we know they don't tell you everything at TPC. We also continue to post this because we know many of you follow the fourm.

Even though I agree with you, you still failed to address the real issues of why people are posting, the lack of accountablity, the lack of financial transparency, the highly authoritarian atmosphere, and the false doctrine which perpetuates all these problems. Not to mention the highly agressive behavior to those who question them or their methods.

I am also very sorry you have been manipulated by some of the people on the fourm, If I am one of them give me the chance to make ammends and take you out to coffee.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2010 03:20AM by TruthAfterDisillusionment.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 03:05AM

Iattend broght up another thing I do believe there are those on here with their own agendas, and become obsessed with bringing Mike and cyndi down, maybe for good reasons I cant judge others hearts. But I do know people,there are some who have a relationship with God and some who have relationship with those who have a relationship with God, and they want to suck everything out of them. and when they cant they blame the godly person for their shortcommings. I'm not a bible scholor, I dont know the mind of God, I'm more interested in loving Him and truth than finding the right doctrine to believe in. So I must state again for me, I did not leave tp because of doctrineral issues.though the performance stuff was deffinatly taking away my freedom that I was told Jesus gave me. I left because I found out for a fact not hearsay, or rumor that our pastor,who sets himself up as all knowing of judge of who has faith and who doesn't of what to do in marriage and how to be a good husband and what not to do, was threatening his wife with devorce for many years, while all the while putting on a good face and telling us how to walk with God on sundays, Now I do not think this was the part that bothered me. but it was the not being honest about it. repenting confessing and all that stuff, so that we may see his teachings in action. then the elders decieded to put them on sabbatical and they to covered up the exact nature of their wrongs. they twisted the love covers over a multitude of sins to do this. As I see it (and I'm no authority) but I see it as a munipulation of Gods word. We are to confess our sins to each other and repent then Gods love covers over our sins they are forgiven by him and hopefully by other believers, because of His and their love. not love covers up a multitude of sins. so anyway I lost respect for Mike and cyndi and for the elders. of the church. So how could I support them, and If I cant support them it would be a lie to continue with them. when the bible says no student can be greater then his teacher, it means your teacher must have something you want or need to learn. well I already know how to lie and hide the truth and munipulate the truth I just once want to find a teacher who practices what he preaches. so that I may take courage in his actual doing what he says not just talking spiritual crap. dont stand on the edge of a pond and tell me to walk accross cuz its not deep you walk accross it and show me its not deep. I know people at turning point wont believe me,but I know for a fact that the leaders at turningpoint will not stand up for good character over their own selfish gain, either postion or security, they let fear direct them, or else they would have never covered this stuff up. God did not tell them to lie, who is the father of lie. If i learned anything its dont put your hopes in man, its taken a long and painful time to learn this but its been learnt hehe. Its so hard to respect someone who tells us to make the right choice and do the right thing because God loves you and ;yet they don't they put their financial security ahead of good charactor ahead of the truth, and then preach to us what profits a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul, you know who you are you can justify all you want but your heart knows the truth, you say to yourself the ends justify the means, but the ends will be destruction, and im not going there with you. One person gave up a large salary, a position security, because she didnt want to be apart of the lie anymore, she chose character over money and popularity, what did she gain, well lets see people whom she sacrificed her family for people who she spent many hours repairing their hearts from mike v's attacks in the office, and took time off of her life to help them who gave her money to when they needed it whos son was virtually dead and she prayed for him and gave up her time for .all these people abandoned her for their postitons. and when she was accused of a crime and not allowed to defend herself in order to try and stop people from leaving turningpoint. and then the graciouse holy pastor says after he tried to destroy her reputation how hes not going to prosecute making him look spiritual, but really keeping her attorney from getting the so called evidence to defend herself. these people who once professed their undying love for her aligned themselves with the one who did pick up the stone and throw it. thats why I left turningpoint. and now with all the coverups how could I possibly belive that something else didnt happen with mike and cyndi and thats why jeff barnes is the lead pastor, I dont belive them or trust them. One other thing i want to note, the person I just mentioned who was accused the one who should be posting on here who has every reason. doesnt

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 04:26AM

How do you define "doctrine"?
I see where some say, "right or wrong doctrine doesnt matter" or "I didn't leave Turning Point Church because of doctrine."
So-- what do you mean when you say "doctrine"?

If true or false doctrine doenst matter then why did Peter, Paul and John confront false teachers who taught doctrines contrary to what they themselves taught?

If "doctrine" doesnt matter, and all that really matters is a "heart that is seeking God" as iattend asserts
or "I'm more interested in loving Him and truth than finding the right doctrine to believe in" as nooneofimportance states
then why not attend a mormon church or the Church of Scientology, or one of the many new age "churches" that can be found in any community? Why not attend a muslim mosque or a Jewish synagogue? After all, these people are genuinely "seeking God" and are "interested in truth".

Heck, why not go back to Turning Point Church if doctrine doesnt matter (after all the defenders from SOMA NW - now known as Pacific Northwest Bible College-- frequently assert that doctrine doesn't matter)?

Doctrine (Latin: doctrina) is a codification of beliefs or "a body of teachings" or "instructions", taught principles or positions, as the body of teachings in a branch of knowledge or belief system. When you say "right doctrine doesnt matter" you are saying right teaching and instruction from the bible don't matter. Do you REALLY believe what you state?

If mike says he "believes" this or that about marriage, but doesnt live it out-- why does it matter? After all-doctrine doenst matter.
If his "body of teachings and instructions" dont matter then why hold him accountable for how he lives out that "body of teachings"?

Doctrine does matter.
Doctrine is a set of beliefs.

Do you "believe" Jesus is the Son of God? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" that Jesus died to pay for your sin? If so then you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" all you need to do is "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved"? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" in repenting and confessing? If so you believe a doctrine.

If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if you believe Jesus is the Son of God or the Son of the Devil.
If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if the bible is full of errors on not.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if Jesus paid your debt or the easter bunny pays your debt.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if you believe in Jesus or in the big oak tree in your back yard--you will still be saved.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if people repent, confess.

The Bible IS doctrine. It is a "body of teachings and instructions" considered "truth" by many. Many of us believe that the Bible is a "body of truths or instructions" given by God, Himself.

If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if you find "truth" in the Bible, in the Sunday Funnies, in the lint found in your belly button, or the teachings of some 3000 year old guru being channeled by a stay at home mom each and every Saturday.

If doctrine doesnt matter why spend $4500.00 each year to attend Pacific Northwest "BIBLE" College?

If doctrine doesnt matter...get rid of your Bible... and start gazing at your navel as you seek truth. It is safe to say you wont find any doctrine in your bellybutton.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2010 04:27AM by TurningPointReject.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 05:47AM

How do you define "doctrine"?
I see where some say, "right or wrong doctrine doesnt matter" or "I didn't leave Turning Point Church because of doctrine."
So-- what do you mean when you say "doctrine"?

If true or false doctrine doenst matter then why did Peter, Paul and John confront false teachers who taught doctrines contrary to what they themselves taught?

If "doctrine" doesnt matter, and all that really matters is a "heart that is seeking God" as iattend asserts
or "I'm more interested in loving Him and truth than finding the right doctrine to believe in" as nooneofimportance states
then why not attend a mormon church or the Church of Scientology, or one of the many new age "churches" that can be found in any community? Why not attend a muslim mosque or a Jewish synagogue? After all, these people are genuinely "seeking God" and are "interested in truth".

Heck, why not go back to Turning Point Church if doctrine doesnt matter (after all the defenders from SOMA NW - now known as Pacific Northwest Bible College-- frequently assert that doctrine doesn't matter)?

Doctrine (Latin: doctrina) is a codification of beliefs or "a body of teachings" or "instructions", taught principles or positions, as the body of teachings in a branch of knowledge or belief system. When you say "right doctrine doesnt matter" you are saying right teaching and instruction from the bible don't matter. Do you REALLY believe what you state?

If mike says he "believes" this or that about marriage, but doesnt live it out-- why does it matter? After all-doctrine doenst matter.
If his "body of teachings and instructions" dont matter then why hold him accountable for how he lives out that "body of teachings"?

Doctrine does matter.
Doctrine is a set of beliefs.

Do you "believe" Jesus is the Son of God? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" that Jesus died to pay for your sin? If so then you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" all you need to do is "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved"? If so you believe a doctrine.
Do you "believe" in repenting and confessing? If so you believe a doctrine.

If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if you believe Jesus is the Son of God or the Son of the Devil.
If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if the bible is full of errors on not.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if Jesus paid your debt or the easter bunny pays your debt.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if you believe in Jesus or in the big oak tree in your back yard--you will still be saved.
If you say doctrine doesn't matter then it doesnt matter if people repent, confess.

The Bible IS doctrine. It is a "body of teachings and instructions" considered "truth" by many. Many of us believe that the Bible is a "body of truths or instructions" given by God, Himself.

If you say doctrine doesnt matter then it doesnt matter if you find "truth" in the Bible, in the Sunday Funnies, in the lint found in your belly button, or the teachings of some 3000 year old guru being channeled by a stay at home mom each and every Saturday.

If doctrine doesnt matter why spend $4500.00 each year to attend Pacific Northwest "BIBLE" College?

If doctrine doesnt matter...get rid of your Bible... and start gazing at your navel as you seek truth. It is safe to say you wont find any doctrine in your bellybutton.

well I guess I should take back what I just wrote, I certainly dont want to make you mad lol. I dont need to seek the truth I can count on you to tell me. the truth or your truth or some truth ole wise one

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 25, 2010 06:22AM

well I guess I should take back what I just wrote, I certainly dont want to make you mad lol. I dont need to seek the truth I can count on you to tell me. the truth or your truth or some truth ole wise one

I am not interested in telling you what truth you should follow. In fact, I believe that you do have a set of doctrines you follow and hold close to your heart and mind. Our truth is defined by our doctrines.

However, for those who say doctrine does not matter, I say bull. This thread was started because of the errant doctrines being taught at Radiant Life Church. I knew of Mike's relationship with Tony and wondered if Mike was teaching similar errant doctrine at Turning Point Church. Sadly, it turned out that this is the case.

Noone, you may say right doctrine is not as important an loving God and seeking truth, and iattend says teaching false doctrine doesnt matter as long as you are seeking after God but this is not what the Bible tells us.

The Bible teaches that doctrine – sound (correct) doctrine – matters.

In writing to Titus about the work of an overseer in the Church, Paul told him that he must hold fast “to the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” (Titus 1:9). And, he urged, “in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine” (Titus 2:7).

Paul told Timothy, who oversaw the Church at Ephesus:

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. - Source: (1 Timothy 4:16 NIV)

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following. - Source: (1 Timothy 4:1-6 NNAS)

Paul even warned Timothy that there would come a time when people “will not endure sound doctrine”:

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. - Source: (2 Timothy 4:1-5 NNAS)

(Note that in the Greek the word ‘instruction’ in the above passage is didache, doctrine.)

False doctrine occurs within and without the Church. Doctrine does matter.

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