Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: AndrewM1 ()
Date: April 22, 2011 02:35PM

You are so wrong 'rrmoderator' that it is almost unbelieveable. The groups you mention certainly do not 'acknowledge each other in equal fellowship on basic beliefs and salvation' - if they did why would they not all unite as one and so increase that so-called 'fellowship.'? There are some very fundamental differences between them although they perhaps do 'accommodate' those differences too easily when one has a more in-depth understanding of what is true biblical fellowship.

You either accept that the Bible preaches certain clear and fundamental truths or it doesn't - if you do then you need to find 'like-minded' believers. The Christadelphians have such a belief - actually so do all the other groups you mention! So why single out Christadelphians, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. for your vitriol? If you leave the Catholic Church they are very clear about your chances of salvation - and they are not good.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 22, 2011 07:10PM


Though different Christian denominations disagree on certain doctrines they agree on much larger and more basic issues, such as the divinity of Jesus and purpose of the crucifixion. That's why a Billy Graham Crusade often included many denominations coming together with a common purpose, which was simply to "win souls." Graham would not promote his own denomination, but rather Christianity and its basic message of salvation.

Most Christian denominations don't condemn other churches and denominations.

"True biblical fellowship"?

The spiritual elitism and exclusivity of the Christiadelphians appears to be coming through again.

Again, you never answered the questions asked directly. And continue in your attempt to either ignore them, obfuscate and/or change the subject.

What church by name in the world would Christadelphians today acknowledge as equal and as viable as their own regarding the general practice of the Christian faith and salvation?

Name one specifically. There are thousands of churches in the United States. Certainly you can think of just one.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: AndrewM1 ()
Date: April 22, 2011 08:22PM

They would not acknowledge any - if there were any then they would be united with them. That does not,however,mean that there aren't members of other denominations who will receive eternal life at the Judgement - and if Christadelphians have been in error then God will most certainly make that known to them. Equally, being a Christadelphian is not any any guarantee either - we are all individually responsible / accountable but the Bible is clear that we should only be in fellowship with those who also uphold Truth - if one is considering eternal salvation then why would you wish to compromise on issues of doctrine and practice?

Now, you name any who the Roman Catholics, for instance, would so regard - because there aren't any as the Roman Catholic religion believes that it holds all truth.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 23, 2011 09:39AM


Thank for finally more or less admitting that Christadelphians "would not acknowledge any" other churches or denominations. And your comment that if there "were any" other churches that "uphold" what Christadelphians consider to be "truth" somehow "they would..." further demonstrates this.

You specifically state "that we should only be in fellowship with those who also uphold truth..."

This also is a tacit admission that you believe that only Christadelphians meet this criteria and therefore there is no other church that you will identify as upholding "truth."

Your comment about "eternal salvation" as based upon "issues of doctrine and practice" seems to imply that those who don't agree with the doctrines and practices of Christadelphians will not have eternal salvation.

Roman Catholics fellowship with other Christians who they believe hold to the same basic truth of Christianity, such as Anglicans and Greek Orthodox.

Apparently Christadelphians are an exclusive group that will not fellowship or acknowledge any group as being in the "truth" but themselves. And based upon your responses here it appears Christadelphians believe other churches have somehow lost eternal salvation because they have compromised on issues of doctrine of practice..

This simply illustrates that the criticism about Christadelphians on this thread fair and accurate.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: AndrewM1 ()
Date: April 23, 2011 03:21PM

No Roman Catholics do not believe that Anglicans hold the same 'basic truth of Christianity' - you are incorrect, they believe that they alone hold it.

Yes, Christadelphians do indeed believe that most other groups have either 'lost' the Truth or never had it or, as you correctly term it 'compromised' their beliefs and practises.

Which brings us to what is Truth, where is it revealed and is it essential to salvation?

I believe that those answers quite clearly according to the Bible are that it is the revealed word of God, only found in the Bible and that it is indeed essential to salvation - why would we wish to compromise eternal salvation on the back of humanitarianism and ecumenicalism, for instance, just to feel more at ease with others regardless of doing what God says we must do?

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: AndrewM1 ()
Date: April 23, 2011 03:55PM

I should have said 'humanism' in my previous Post.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 24, 2011 09:39PM


You are wrong about the Roman Catholic Church.

Not only do Catholics accept other Christians through ongoing ecumenical dialog, they have also reached out to other faiths, such as Jews and Muslims.

In particular there is a Catholic encyclical that enunciates this called "Nostra Aetate".

See []

Also see []

"Nostra Aetate calls for Catholics and Jews to engage in friendly dialog and biblical and theological discussions to better understand each other's faith. After intense debate and some strong opposition, Nostra Aetate was approved by the world's Bishops and Cardinals in Rome on October 28, 1965. Nostra Aetate also calls for the church to dialogue with other world religions."

But thank you for firmly establishing on this thread that Christadelphians have no such ecumenical dialog with other churches and simply see the sole organized group that has the "Truth", recognizing no other church and/or denomination through ecumenical dialog.

Apparently, much like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians teach that they alone can be relied upon as a church to attend and learn the truth and that other churches are "'lost'" and incorrect in their beliefs and practices.

I appreciate having a Christadelphian posting here to confirm this, rather relying only upon a former member's critique of the group.

Thank you.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: AndrewM1 ()
Date: April 24, 2011 09:58PM

Thank you for your much appreciated courtesy - I do believe that it is important to be open and honest and without wishing to unnecessarily extend the postings I am also absolutely clear that it up to each individual to themselves seek for and find the 'Truth' - it does not say that many are called and few chosen for nothing in the Bible, nor that narrow is the way... My advice would always be to listen to what others have to say before making a firm decision.

Unlike some others you refer to Christadelphians do not rely on subsequent 'prophets' such as Mohammad, Joseph Smith or the infallibility of papal pronunciations but that we must always critically compare any such pronouncements against what the Bible itself says.

I also have the utmost sympathy with those who have found Christadelphians to have 'shunned' them or in any way treated them harshly if they have decided to leave. Sometimes the passion and strict adherence of some has been out of balance and Jesus always sought to restore the 'lost sheep' but not by way of compromise but lovingly.

I hope that this helps.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 24, 2011 10:25PM


Thanks for posting about how Christadelphians view other churches.

The Christadelphians apparently rely largely upon whatever theological/biblical perspective John Thomas held, much like Jehovah's Witnesses rely upon Charles Taze Russell and Mormons rely upon Joseph Smith.

Describing those outside of the Christadelphians as either "lost," ignorant of the "truth" and/or unwilling to accept it, is ethnocentric and illustrates the spiritual elitism fostered by the group.

Again thanks for demonstrating all of this first-hand as a current Christadelphian for those that might read this thread. Though at times you have carefully parsed your posts for the purpose of spin, the general tenor and content of your posts has exposed the exclusivity promoted by the group.

Re: Christadelphian HELP PLEASE
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 25, 2011 10:21PM


Please understand that repeating the same statements isn't helpful.

Also, this thread is about the Christadelphians, not the Roman Catholic Church.

It seems like you are not here for any meaningful discussion or exchange of ideas, but rather just to post a defense of your group (Christadelphians) and attack other churches.

Please also understand that preaching is against the rules.

Whatever you think the "truth" may be it is inappropriate to promote your beliefs here.

Pots that violate these guidelines will not be approved.

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