Kevin Williams of Grace Fellowship Manchester (formally Puritan Fellowship Manchester) UPDATE
Posted by: Jaffa ()
Date: February 05, 2020 08:06AM

I just found out that Kevin Williams has quit the ministry. He has stepped down from his role as Pastor thankfully, citing his own struggles as the reason, (I don't need to go into that as it is not helpful or necessary), but not because he is repenting sadly.

My previous post in this section was a lengthy testimony of my experiences there and I thought this relieving news was so important that it needed a fresh announcement in case any other victims are hunting online for some sort of closure.

I am not 100% sure if the church is to close - if not, all we can hope is that the abuse stops now Kevin has left.

If you have been lied about - and if your name has been slandered and if you have been isolated or excommunicated etc wrongly, please don't give up hope that God can still turn this situation around.

I believe and hope the whole truth will yet come out for all of our sakes.... AND FOR KEVINS TOO! God will not be mocked!

If you are a current or an ex- member in need of support then just look up Grace Fellowship Manchester Ex Members on Facebook and the ex members support page will come up in the search.

I Know it isn't a full answer to prayer, but lets thank God for this huge step in the right direction... God has been and is still working on behalf of His afflicted people and eventually He will make all things good.

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