Thrive church and the kundalini serpent spirit
Date: June 30, 2018 09:44AM

For the record . this was the last church I attended in the charismatic movement .Warning ! No its not a regular conservative church . it was called the fellowship center .then changed to the worship center . now its called Thrive . I have had quite a few harrowing experiences there . one woman that was supposed to be a prophet called phalene sparks was laying hands on people and they were falling back . crying . shouting and some were laughing uncontrollably . I'm sorry but I have been physically hurt by this church. And humiliated with people that are claiming to be anointed and shoving your head back till you fall down . this is not a church it reminded me of the kundalini spirit video that Andrew Strom posted . and come to find out the new pastor that took over is into karate and yoga. A hand few ofvus left and we are never going back. When I tried nicely to explain to this karate pastor this is idol worship he screamed and ordered me out of his church . I have talked to quite a few that left this church . it is not a church its a cult with severe heavy shepherding abuse .

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