Hi guys
I just thought that I'd share with you an incident which I had totally forgotten about but which a friend recently reminded me of.
Those of us who were around nearer the beginnings of the church will remember how often HB preached on the 'evils' of gambling (including gambling on the stock market).
I now vividly remember that my Dad owned a game back then, I can't remember the name of the game now although I believe it is still in print, however this game was about stocks and shares and was actually a very good game for playing as a family. We all enjoyed it greatly.
Anyway, I can't remember who it was - it could have been me - happened to mention this game to someone else in the church and before we knew what was happening my Dad was reprimanded for having such a game and the game went into the back of a cupboard never to see the light of day again.
Does this strike anyone else as being totally absurd and hypocritical in light of the huge amount of the churches money lost by the said HB himself in the shares fiasco of the 80's?
As I've said before, the level of hypocrisy in SMC just makes me gag.
As so many others have posted here, certain things seem to be OK for the select few but not for the rest of the church members and it seems that includes whether or not it is evil to watch television programmes or if it's just evil to OWN a TV set but OK to watch programmes on your laptop or tablet.
Would you class these types of 'unwritten rules' as absurd or insane, or both?
I'll be interested to see if Bingowings actually does come back with any answers to any of the questions posed both here and on the
Latigo site, although I suspect they probably won't but I'd love to be proved wrong in that one.
Personally I now believe it is a matter of pride with the leaders of SMC that they are afraid to be shown to be just human after all because they realise that this will have an adverse affect on the remaining few who are still 'under their thumbs' and happy to be dictated to while paying the salaries of the privileged two families who are in authority in the church and school.
I wait, with baited breath, to be proved wrong - now that would be a happy day methinks and I would gladly humbly apologise if such proof of my errors were to be posted here.
As always biiiiiiig love and huge hugggggggs to all
God Bless xxx
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2013 08:26PM by cbarb-again.