Aisha said, “Hollywood cults such as Kabbalah and Scientology are a danger to the pubic. They are allowed to run loose in society, because of celebrity affiliations, wreaking havoc on innocent members of the public, often in an unlawful manner, as court dockets reflect. Legal case after legal case testifies to their penchant for attempting to destroy people financially, professionally and personally, because they deem them adversaries or suitable targets for their assets. This conduct is in complete violation of domestic and international law."
Their misconduct has touched too many innocent lives and in sick ways. There's too much evidence in too many legal cases to deny it at this point. These are gross civil rights violations and terrible human rights abuses. These cults need to be outlawed, as they are dangerous. Your so called right to practice, enrich and defend your pseudo-religion should never infringe upon another person's privacy, property, assets, welfare or existence. The FBI is failing in its Constitutional obligation in this regard. So much so that it is endangering innocent lives."