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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 17, 2011 04:17AM

I decided to research ESWA on line with the aid of a state based library research service at my public library. I was told that only negative feedback was reported on line.
I have worked for ESWA since '99. I did tables, bucket drives, organizing drives, did Worker benefit Council Meetings, donated food, clothing, toys, computer equipment and electronics. I poured my heart and soul into the organization because I thought I was helping poor workers.
The very people I supported don't buy into the concept. They do not work even if they can help and even if they are bilingual they do nothing. They only come when they need help.
Recently, I found a good position at a site friendly to ESWA. I still had some good thoughts about it. But when I was trying to push for the store I am working for to further help out ESWA, the Operations Manager at ESWA tried to block me. He also kept fighting me. A person who has not done much work at all, was put in charge. When I was thirsty and needed a drink he refused to let me have a drink. I had been donating some money each month, and recently gave some money for food for a WBC meeting. Nevertheless, I was denied help and when I ask for help in general I get nothing. Others have complained too.
Essentially, I feel I was robbed. Furthermore, I am afraid that ESWA might try to sabotage my new career. A lot of unstable pipe dreamers work for ESWA. One person used the office as a soup kitchen and a homeless shelter for a year. They put up with him. Eventually, he was found by the INS and deported back to India.
I think this is a bad group in general. They do not help everyone equally across racial boundaries and I am not the only one to notice this.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: ghostwriter1984 ()
Date: April 17, 2011 07:54AM

There are several ESWA's affiliated with NATLFED. There are some who say it isn't a cult, others that say it didn't start out as one but became one, and others still who say it was a cult from day one. Former cadres will argue this point publicly as well as privately. If you are interested in a private conversation to exchange insights, that's fine. My experience is that public discussions tend to get out of hand.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 01:21AM

All of ESWA is affiliated with NATLFED. I have gotten donations and given them for their calendars too. ESWA operates underground, is anti capitalism, and reports no income taxes although they collect a lot of money. They also have a contact sheet when government officials like police come and investigate. It is all organized. Once I was even threatened by someone at ESWA.
I don't even know to this day what all of their acronyms mean and they won't elucidate for me even when I have asked. It is more than that as the ops manager in New Brunswick tried to sabotage and undermine my new career. I told him where I got my job and told him I could help him more as ESWA does tables in that establishment. He put me down, treatede me like an idiot even though I have an advanced degree in business from Boston U's program at Ben Gurion U of the Negev in Beer Sheba, Israel. I competed with captains of industry and got better grades than almost all of them even though I didn't study much in grad school. I first met and signed up for ESWA at my new job site. He put somone in charge of the office who refused to let me have a drink the other day and they both picked a fight with me over it. I donated a lot of money a few weeks ago at a WBC meeting and used to give monthly donations and can't get a drink? This is ridiculous.
About a month ago, I was at a WBC meeting and everytime I tried to talk, some of the people kept talkiing over me. I wasn't even talking about myself. The Ops manager kept leaning in to me to hear my good suggestions and now he won't even help me? I have done much more for ESWA than it has ever done for me. In fact they tried to mess me up. One of my former superiors in the mental health organization I used to work for told me, "The Devil is always the Other Guy!"

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 01:44AM

The Operations Manager in New Brunswick told me that ESWA does not use the Internet. They why did I find this website: []. Also they go to Board of Public Utilities meeting in New Brunswick and always lose. They have no solutions to my way of thinking and a lot of the people they help, in fact most of them locally, are illegal aliens.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 01:46AM

Here's another ESWA website : []

I should have researched this more myself.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 01:47AM

There are several ESWA's affiliated with NATLFED. There are some who say it isn't a cult, others that say it didn't start out as one but became one, and others still who say it was a cult from day one. Former cadres will argue this point publicly as well as privately. If you are interested in a private conversation to exchange insights, that's fine. My experience is that public discussions tend to get out of hand.

Rick and I discussed ESWA and he told me that NATLFED has a troubled history. They really tried to mess me up.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 01:57AM

I was at a holiday party last year and took a seat that was empty. All of a sudden, one of the workers who has done a lot less than me, screamed at me, "Get out of my seat!!!" Based on the way I was treated, I did not move.
Someone else I had never seen before screamed "Get out of her seat!" Actually, I had a seat before that left to get some food because it was 2:00 PM and I was hungry. I came back to eat and my old seat was taken. They asked me where I went and did not tell them. I have my secrets. I didn't go meshuggah. Also, when I asked someone to help me get some food because I have to use a walker to get around these days, I had to practically beg until they helped.
Last year, I had one meal at my church for lunch at Thanksgiving and one for dinner at ESWA in New Brunswick. One of the workers (who has been running me out of town since she showed up - I am treated like yesterday's news unless they need me) complained about how I had "2 meals that day." Look, I never took a vow of poverty and my bid to equal Mother Teresa, G-d bless her goes unequalled. All the work I have done over the years and I get 2 meals and it is a major event. G-d save the Queen.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 02:47AM

Here's a link the the FBI's file for ESWA []

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 02:48AM

More: []

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 11:01PM

I notified the police of the organization the other day. I took back the CD burner I just donated. Mike Douglis, the Operations Manager who tried to destroy me, started screaming, "You donated that, it ours!" Well, my muscles are bigger than his. He realized he couldn't attack me and take it back. I still need to get back its power supply. I need it. Anyway, I think a full investigation of ESWA should be done post haste.
Douglis informed me he was going to call the police. It's kind of ironic because I donated the telephone cord on the phone he was going to use and I donated the coupler on the other phone. I called him a parasite. He certainly sucked my blood. Anyway, I crippled the office.
With my new job, why did he try to mess me up? I will destroy ESWA for trying to destroy me.

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