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Re: Liquid Church
Posted by: AGTG ()
Date: June 04, 2016 10:49AM

Driscoll's model of leadership is a pyramid scheme and it's rampant in churches and ministry schools across the Pentecostal/Charismatic, Evangelical, and even the Baptist denominations.

The scheme is not new, as the Catholic Church is built the same way, but a guy named John Bevere renewed this scheme among Christian ministries with his book Under Cover.

Ihop KC, Bethel Church Redding, Fire School of Ministry, Morningstar Ministry, Elevation Church, Newspring Church, the list goes on and on.

Any time you have a megachurch, it's likely a pyramid scheme.

These ministry models are steeped in hypocrisy, which Jesus warned about. Paul in 1 Tim. 4:1-5 explains what hypocrisy in ministries brings forth and its demonic.

Many of these ministries are practicing witchcraft mind control over the congregants as they heap up followers who blindly tithe and never question anything.

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