This board has cost a lot of hucksters, frauds, plastic shamans, and false gods a LOT of money. For every person who's come here and posted "I was on my way to this 9-day School, that Week-end Seminar, this Week-long Retreat and then I came here and I changed my mind" there must be 100 people who read this board, cancelled a registration for something, and didn't post.
So we're costing a lot of people a lot of money. Lakhani is the first person to come here and directly mention the threat to his income (other salespeople tend to send trolls who blather on and on about how wrong we are about their enlightened master) but I've always understood that loss of income is the major threat this board presents to all of the abusive persuaders out there.
I've benefited from many of this board's posts. I'm really grateful for everyone who takes the time to post, and for Rick Ross, who's been dragged through courtrooms around the nation fighting cults and defending our right to free speech.
But from time to time I've chuckled over the fact that many exploitative persuaders would LOVE to know the true identity of The Anticult. TAC posts often dissect advanced methods of persuasion, and they reflect a high level of learning in a fairly obscure area. Any entity that wanted to use the fewest resources to eliminate the single biggest threat to its income would want to knock TAC out of the game, absolutely.
So it doesn't surprise me that Lakhani, who nakedly expressed his concern for his income via some trumped up accusation about a torrent link, would just come here and ASK The Anticult to take off his Web mask.
After all, that's the first thing they teach in sales trainings and in a lot of LGATs -- if you want something, ask for it. So he asked.
But Lakhani can't give greed (or wounded pride) as his reason for wanting to know who TAC is, so he keeps blathering about how TAC should give his name BECAUSE of TAC's claims to expertise. That's where his little game falls apart.
ImthatDave Quote 1
"I'd like to ask both of you to be as transparent as I am, identify yourselves and your background. Show my your research, your books, your scholarly works other than posts that you put up here many of which are not well reasoned at best."
ImthatDave Quote 2
"if you are as skilled as you say you are then you shouldn't have any trouble debating me and an honest open debate should expose me if there is something to expose. I'm perfectly willing to do it with you hiding behind your avatar here and we can have Rick moderate it"
ImthatDave Quote 3
"but he does present himself as a bonafide expert so he should establish his credentials, especially in a forum frequented by people who have been harmed by cults."
Unfortunately for Lakhani, TAC, in nearly 2800 posts, hasn't made any claims to expertise. Lakhani imputed them so that he could call them into question. It's another lame red herring, with straw man elements. IOW, more distraction, in this case with a goal of smearing TAC.
I pay attention to TAC's posts because I've found them helpful and interesting. My respect and consideration have never once been demanded. TAC's posts stand on their own merit. Although I rarely use the word expert, I'll use it here to say I've concluded TAC's is one, because my experience with the posts supports that conclusion.
Lakhani's learned to manipulate a system where journal articles, association with big names, and braggadocio can confer legitimacy and the appearance of expertise. One aspect of this tactic is Werner Erhard's attempt to make Harvard Business School's case study of Landmark look like an endorsement, and Byron Katie's attempt to make a talk near Harvard appear to be a talk at Harvard.
Lakhani doesn't realize he's operating in a new environment, so his incessant chatter about his expertise is weird and very noticeable. Internet message boards, especially anonymous ones, operate on a system of earning merit only through the quality of what you write.
No one cares who you are, and demanding validation because you think you're somebody is the sure route to ridicule and distrust. Because if you could earn respect through the usefulness of your posts, you'd just do that. If you want to debate, debate on the board, in this format. The desire to drag people somewhere else, when we're all right here, is suspicious at best. (And once again, Dave, if you have problems with this environment, adapt or go away. Those really are the only options.)
Everyone, ask yourself, how useful have Lakhani's posts been to you? What have you learned? Look up some of his other offerings. What do you get out of them? How much would you pay to learn more from him?
Evaluate his claim of expertise. Stoic, for example, commented a couple of posts ago that s/he doesn't claim to be a cult expert, yet even a quick Google revealed that Scientology took over CAN years ago. (Interestingly, I've learned a lot from Stoic's posts on many threads, yet s/he explicitly rejects the "expert" label. Hmmm.)
Quote from rrmoderator:
"You make some of the same mistakes many naive observers of cults have made regarding cult coercive persuasion techniques."
"Naive" is an antonym for "expert". Someone who's naive cannot possess expertise. (BTW, I think rrmoderator's estimation is extremely generous.)
I actually had heard of Lakhani before, in fact, in connection to his "I'm a cult expert; I was raised in one" claims. I'd listened to a couple of podcasts where he and some other people circle-jerk about how brilliant, learned, independent, and, well, just gosh-darned unique they all are. I learned nothing about the topic areas of the podcasts, just how swell the podcasters think they are. Actually, it was a lot like Lakhani's posts here. A lot of ego inflation and bluster, very little substance.
Lakhani lays claims to expertise because that's what he has -- claims to expertise. All I've seen in his posts are threats, pouts, and boasts. Which, I'm sad to say, will get you over in a lot of places in the world. But not here.
To put all this in a wider context, the Internet is a very big threat to shysters everywhere. Scientology is now crumbling largely because of the interaction and information the Web makes possible. They used to be invincible, now they're reportedly telling people in at least one Org "we know you're going leave, please just don't talk to the press." Quite a change, eh? It really wasn't possible to take them on before, and now it is.
Link to article about the harm done to a parent who was accidentally sent to CAN after the Scientology takeover. It's from 1997, when there was still some excuse for not knowing. How many people might Lakhani's ignorance -- I mean, naivete-- have harmed?