This is to reinforce the WARNING [] put out about the methods and tactics of Dave Lakhani in a previous post.
Of course that warning was 100% correct, and here is the evidence.
There is much more evidence than this, but this gets to the direct point.
Dave Lakhani Speakersite []
QUOTE by Dave Lakhani:
"I'm also one of the world's fastest hypnotists and can put people into trance in seconds."
"I'm also one of the world's fastest hypnotists and can put people into trance in seconds."
Would you like to get put into a trance on the telephone in seconds?
Does that appeal to you?
Do you know what that means, how its done, and how that increases suggestibility?
Why do professional persuaders post their direct telephone number like this?
WARNING: Do not call them on the phone.
This applies across the board to those who say they sell persuasion for a living, and to those who conceal it, and to those who do both. They are trained professionals, who know exactly what they are doing.
This is not just about one persuader, but about how many persuaders operate.
...take note of the serious WARNING in previous posts, about being extremely cautious when "talking in person" or on the phone, to these kinds of professional advanced persuaders. Remember, they do this professionally for a living, and some have done it for decades. This is a SERIOUS warning about calling up a professional persuader/manipulator on the phone.
And don't step into the ring with a blackbelt in Taekwondo either, unless you want to get knocked Unconscious in seconds, without knowing what hit you. Its the same thing.
What is Dave Lakhani really doing? []
Here is the danger and WARNING about guys like Dave Lakhani []
Don't go into a one-on-one meeting or phone-call with them, unless you have at least 10+ years experience in persuasion. []
Would you get into a sparring ring with a blackbelt in Taekwondo, when you've never practiced martial arts? What if the guy inviting you into the ring, had a big smile on his face?
What if the blackbelt Taekwondo expert was wearing a nice sweater, and pretended he wasn't a blackbelt, would you Voluntarily walk into the ring?
What if he told you that Taekwondo is not as effective as everyone thinks...and to not look at the 900 lb gorilla in the room and instead to direct your Attention to where he is putting it now? ..that's right...
Would you like to get knocked Unconscious in seconds by this person? You will literally not even see it coming.
Beware, as those who are professional and experts, can literally have you in a submission hold in minutes if not SECONDS.
Dave Lakhani talks in his writings about inducing trance rapidly, and some of these guys know they can use those techniques in literally minutes. Watch out.
QUOTE by Dave Lakhani:
- "I'm also one of the world's fastest hypnotists and can put people into trance in seconds."
The entire point of many recent threads, is exploring the precise techniques used by persuasion experts person to person, in what appears to be "normal conversation". That is conversational trance and hypno-persuasion, and its very powerful and effective, especially when the guy who is doing it to you, tells you its NOT that effective.
(normally they just say it doesn't exist, at the exact same time they are doing it to you).
Or like Byron Katie, they say reality doesn't exist, while they are doing it to you.
The Taekwondo martial artist inviting you into the ring using deception and misdirection, is the professional persuasion expert who's studied all of the techniques in the world, inviting you to phone him, to have a "conversation"...conversational hypnosis and persuasion..that is.
You don't stand a chance, unless you are too a blackbelt, and you will not know what hit you, until you are knocked out, and then its a bit late.