Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Christa ()
Date: August 23, 2009 06:47PM


If you'll forgive me, I can't help but feel badly for people who get caught up thinking the kinds of thoughts you've expressed here. It's a kind of do-gooder mentality which, in my experience, is usually a cover in it's own right. In other words, it goes around pointing the finger at all of these "evil-do'ers" but not without real love, consideration and understanding of people.... but because it builds a kind of power in its own right -- a power from self-righteousness.

<SNIP a load of crap you hardly need reread>

IFCaUfY,jlB (I'm Fat Cheap and Unhealthy for You, just like Bacon)

@Posters and Lurkers:
Where the fuck did this guy come from, and how quickly can we get him to go back there?

You're seriously posting here? Is this some sort of assignment? Or is this thread jeopardizing your income?

You posted this on a Saturday -- with all the women beating down your door, I'm amazed you had the time.

@Posters and Lurkers:
I know, I know, don't feed the trolls. But posters like this sometimes don't know they're trolls. And even if they do, I don't want to wade through pages and pages of well-meaning refutations of his "points" to get to the interesting posts.

sparrow, thanks for your insights and the great links!

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: August 31, 2009 10:13PM

Well said, Christa.

I found a very interesting blog-post on the irony of these PUA's seeking authenticity by being inauthentic. The writer is an admitted student of NLP but clearly not so enthralled with the narcissistic sociopathy advocated by these types.

authenticity and PUA's

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:58AM

The word 'authenticity' itself is what is called in semiotics an empty or floating signifier, in that it has no concrete, easily accessible, agreed upon meaning and can be used along with similar empty signifiers like 'freedom' 'abundance' etc in argument, persuasion and sales as a thought stopper or confusion inducer.
empty signifier

Apparently NLP'ers call this nominalisation, an illusion of meaning, such a vague generalisation that it is, to all practical purposes, useless.

Useful in hypnosis but not in practical living.

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 22, 2009 10:07PM

A link to yet another line of stuff.


Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: sparrow ()
Date: November 30, 2009 04:50AM

Thanks Corboy. Interesting read!

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: February 13, 2010 06:40PM

Ross Jeffries is taking a leaf out of the James Ray marketing manual and beginning to marry the pick-up artist manipulation with spiritual concepts.

This video is chockful of manipulative tactics and NLP patterns, I'd advise great care on viewing as Jeffries is at his seductive 'best' here.

ross jeffries sales spiel

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Christa ()
Date: February 14, 2010 09:23AM

Ross Jeffries is taking a leaf out of the James Ray marketing manual and beginning to marry the pick-up artist manipulation with spiritual concepts.

This video is chockful of manipulative tactics and NLP patterns, I'd advise great care on viewing as Jeffries is at his seductive 'best' here.

ross jeffries sales spiel

Best line in this video: "Get out of that altered state for a minute!" I think he said that just to amuse himself, because he had those guys under his complete, firm control.

This video reminded me of those old army movies where the sergeant yells at all the new recruits and they jump around, completely terrified. Different setting, different tone of voice, exact same vibe.

Ross Jeffries has a Buddhist teacher? Armageddon draws nigh.

I'm glad to see this thread revived. So many men are putting their faith in these predators.

Read the comments on YouTube. He's definitely putting viewers into altered states. It's alarming.

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Mr.Bungor ()
Date: November 13, 2010 05:50AM

I don't see any wrong on using these "PUA skills", as they are exactly the same what really attracts woman. Basically they are teaching you to be confident, and that is what attracts woman.

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: bigpigweed ()
Date: November 18, 2010 06:49AM

this is a new topic to me and i apprecuate the inputs from others.

Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
Posted by: Whtm ()
Date: December 08, 2018 09:17PM


I am so many years late to this discussion unfortunately. I’m not sure if you’re still around. I believe every word of what you’re saying. I am definitely a victim of this and probably a victim too of at least one “dark pattern.” I have amnesia for much of the actual hypnosis so I don’t know what was done exactly but feelings of trauma are certainly there. Thanks for trying to raise awareness about this issue. Storytelling and metaphors were a huge part of what was used against me and indeed it was very effective. He “persuaded” me to do things that I only have vague memories of and that would never have consented to if my critical mind had not been shut off.

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