Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: December 20, 2002 12:57AM

Uri Kaploun is a Lubavitcher who has been translating alot of Chabad material into English. I know him from my brief stay at Yeshiva D'var Yerushalayim.
You can't really learn from books and you really can't learn what a person is truly like from reading something he writes. My experience with Kaploun and D'var in general were very negative. Suffice it to say that I wish I never went to Israel to be at D'var or to meet Kaploun.
Love of a fellow Jew is reserved only for certain people and I wasn't one of them since I didn't pray 3 times a day and couldn't rise on my toes while saying the Shmoneh Esrai as Kaploun was trying to teach me thus. I think all of this was more a test of them than of me.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Date: May 21, 2006 10:29PM

Richard M Green, you sound like a knowledgeable kind of bloke but couldn't you please start organising your posts into single threads??

I am looking for information on Chabad Lubuvitch Hasidism and what I can find is single posts all over the place. I'd love to be able to read your collective thoughts on the matter, if possible.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: Dan JJ ()
Date: May 22, 2006 07:06AM

I'm also interested in knowing how your longer visit in a yeshiva was. I was myself close to sign up for a yeshiva before I touched the critical stuff about Chabad.
Please write a bit of how it was there in details.
How I see Chabad here is only as a nice couple, who indirectly wants the participants in their arrangements to fullfill more mitzvot.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: May 24, 2006 07:25AM

Richard M Green, you sound like a knowledgeable kind of bloke but couldn't you please start organising your posts into single threads??

I am looking for information on Chabad Lubuvitch Hasidism and what I can find is single posts all over the place. I'd love to be able to read your collective thoughts on the matter, if possible.
Look it all under my handle "richardmgreen". Many of these postings were done years ago.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: May 24, 2006 07:29AM

Dan JJ
I'm also interested in knowing how your longer visit in a yeshiva was. I was myself close to sign up for a yeshiva before I touched the critical stuff about Chabad.
Please write a bit of how it was there in details.
How I see Chabad here is only as a nice couple, who indirectly wants the participants in their arrangements to fullfill more mitzvot.
The whole mitzvot thing gets out of hand. I only have so much belief and so much energy.
D'var was filthy and bedbug infested. The yeshiva students slandered me calling me a drug addict when the fact was I never even took pot. I had to move on so I went to Moshav Meor Modi'im the home of the Chasidim of the late singing rabbi, Shlomo Carlebach. I was treated better there.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: dv ()
Date: June 04, 2007 09:05PM

Please use the [board.culteducation.com] feature.

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Uri Kaploun: Chabad translator
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: June 06, 2007 04:16AM

Dan JJ
I'm also interested in knowing how your longer visit in a yeshiva was. I was myself close to sign up for a yeshiva before I touched the critical stuff about Chabad.
Please write a bit of how it was there in details.
How I see Chabad here is only as a nice couple, who indirectly wants the participants in their arrangements to fullfill more mitzvot.
I was only at D'var for about 3 months. I never forgot about the bad shape of the building or the hatred of the rabbis I encountered. They seemed to think they were doing me some kind of great favor.
As a child, I read a lot of propaganda proclaiming the greatness of orthodox Judaism in general and Chasidism in particular. Lubavitch means "city of love" but I didn't get treated to it.
Years ago, Rick Ross told me that what happened to me was important so I decided to become active on this website and on his main site too.
Chabad is not just about mitzvoth. The mitzvoth in Chabad are a means to an end which is the coming of the messiah which in Chabad is highly political in nature. It's not just about chicken soup on Friday night.
As I quoted a Lubavitcher elsewhere, when to messianic age arrives, the Jews are going to crown a king, kill Amalek and then rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. It's the second agenda item that has many worried.
Some people think that either Italians or Germans are Amaleites. Rabbi Schach of the Ponevez Yeshiva in B'nei Brak, Israel once gave a speech about the mitzvah of slaying Amalekites and someone killed a German tourist in Israel over it. And Rabbi Schach hates the Lubavitcher movement. He went to Chabad for an interview and they turned him out. After that he always contradicted Rabbi Schneerson. Rabbi Schach considered Menachem Schneerson to be a charlatan. So the problem isn't
just a Chabad issue.
It's about much more than that and a lot of people who don't like Jewish people are scared stiff about a Jewish messiah who is going to do just what? No one knows. And it's scary to think about.

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