Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: Christa ()
Date: March 29, 2009 11:27AM

Wow, thanks for doing this!

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: toeti ()
Date: March 29, 2009 03:52PM

From Janakis story, chapter 9 on Feedback

"I started to say something and she (Katie) said, ‘Janaki, you don’t have to say anything, because I already know everything you are thinking’. "

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: March 29, 2009 09:10PM

Wow, thanks for doing this!
You're welcome. :-)

TAC suggested setting up this separate thread, since the other thread got so big. It can be quite overwhelming to navigate all that info.

I must say it really packs a punch when you are able to read the accounts one after the other.

I think we need to do all we can to combat the many tactics of this odious woman called Byron Katie.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 29, 2009 10:00PM

For starters:

Do an author search (all dates) of the message board for all input from 'JJ52' Helpme2times said that reading JJ's information led H'2t not to attend the 9 day program.

Two, do the author search only this time, look for 'Garden of Even' who kindly supplied copies of the release form.

Three, read the newly supplied information from the Gurupiliac forum source

Four, read information from 'Janaki' from Jkis own blog.

But...this is only the beginning. Others need to find their voices and speak up.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: mysticjaw ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:48PM

Byron Katie should be locked up! This woman is putting people so close if not over the edge into full blown mania! What is this woman thinking? She has no moral or ethical right to do these types of things to people! Her work may not be illegal, but it sure comes close. No legitimate group counselor or leader would ever do any of the types of things thsi woman does!

The tactics I read from the individual taking her program are nothing more than mind control dynamics!

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 30, 2009 10:06PM

This report from Guruphiliac's forum is of the utmost interest because it purportedly describes an incident from 1999-2000 (just 1 to 2 years following publication of the first edition of Losing the Moon).


I went to the 1999-2000 Byron Katie New Year's Cleanse.

'The turning of the millenium did make my experience a bit more intense, but I certainly did not expect what happened--I ended up completely ungrounded and by the next day had developed a thought disorder that kept me out of work for a few months.*

*(Comment from Corboy--how many of us can afford to have this happen to us, today in the current economy? At least around December 31 until April of 2000, the economy was still roaring at its height, so one could take time off to recover. But today--not so many of us could afford to be sidelined from work for 'a few months.')

'I did a partial fast during the event and I think that was a major contributor to the ungroundedness. I later heard from soneone else that they knew someone else who had some kind of mental breakdown during the same event.

'I emailed the organization to report this and to suggest that there be wording to warn people that fasting can be dangerous for some people, etc., but I guess they didn't take the suggestion, which is reckless and irresponsible.

'I see it like this--some of us are on the rigid side, and can benefit from theirr minds being loosened up for a little while.. Some of us are already on the loose side, and will be damaged by further loosening.

'A longer term aftereffect was that I felt an existential emptiness that did not feel like freedom but rather cold and purposeless. Looking at others as my projection, which was talked about in The Cleanse, went against my desire to see others as truly human beings with whom I could share warm feelings.

'Just as the potential side effects of medicine are listed with the product, I think the potential side effects of these kind of mind-changing interventions should be listed on their pamphlets and website.'

From 'redwoods24'


replyquote29th March 22:41 p.m.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2009 10:10PM by corboy.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: March 30, 2009 10:25PM

It's really interesting to me that after all this time, the person doing the 1999-2000 "cleanse" is coming forth about what happened to him/her. That's nearly a decade ago. I think it shows how burned this person felt.

The word is definitely getting around about the work.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 31, 2009 12:36AM

It may not just that the person felt massively burned and needed that much time (a decade!) before bearing witness.

Until now, no safe venues (sanctuaries) have been available for people who felt harmed.

Until now, people may have feared (and with reason) that they would be shamed, invalidated, and rejected by their friendship networks in the seekers scene if they dared to say anything negative about BK.

But now, first on, then Janaki, then the small seedling community sprouting on the Guruphiliac forum...there's now the beginning of a sanctuary zone where people can start sharing stories and discovering they were not the only ones, and that what felt like personal failture is not their own fault, but an indication that the Work School infrastructure is harsh.

Remember in the 1970s how it took data gathering for people to find out that the Pinto was not a well designed car, had an unacceptably high rate of catching fire in collisons?

And was pulled off the market?

You had to collect a sufficient number of individual damage reports and by doing that, to establish the existence of a trend that pointed in the direction of a badly designed automobile--that the real trouble orginated with the car, not the person driving it.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: April 02, 2009 06:38AM

Bumping this thread up.

Re: Byron Katie and "The Work" Participant Reports
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 02, 2009 10:49AM

Warning to those trying to recover:

Unless your discussion venue is conscientously moderated, recruiters from BK land may try to slip material in to re-trigger you, or others may try to recruit you into new
forms of bondage.

We may seem a bunch of brutes here on, but we've been trolled many, many times.

And, I confess I have become at times too quick to assume someone is not acting in good faith.

Pilot did us all a world of good by telling us about Janakis story, and perservered despite my display of bad manners.

Once again, Pilot, I was a boor and a brute and too hard on you when you first showed up.

So thank you, yet again, for hanging in with us and telling us about Janakis story.

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