It's been a while now that town has been talking about that cult on Takaro but nothing has been done to prevent it.
Came across something interesting connected to this Aiping Wang cult up there. Looks like Abdulla Al Gurg is one of their investors and repeated scam victims under their influence, being mind controled with scams and sucked for huge amounts of money.
He also took over a 5 star luxury resort in Switzerland called LeCrans where Lele Sun, Aiping's daughter is based. Looks like the poor guy has been in it for a while and being told how he can become successful if he follows along and implements the techniques they teach him. Here is the link from Emirati Vogue about him:
AbdullaAnd here is the review of one of his workers about him called "A living nightmare":
"Chairman does not understand business. This is not a family office and it does not invest. All staff are leaving because of the chairman's delusion on how to do business. The staff are great and can make the company succesful but the business decisions are constantly changing which does not give the talented people there enough time to make success. He takes instructions from a cult in New Zealand who are exploiting him for his money. The main aim of the business is to sell "energy" for millions of dollars. this is to have zoom calls with people in new Zealand to receive energy via "sessions" . I hope no one ever pays this money and gets conned as he has grown up with wealth, the chairman has multiple people who are exploiting him who are close to him. His staff are trying to help him but they are not listened to and they suffer because of the mistakes he has made involving the "close" people around him. This company will close soon as everyone who has not left yet will leave soon because of the volatile chairman and environment."
Here is the link for this review:
ReviewsThat place should be raid, investigated, cleaned out and allgood, no worries. It is a big black cloud hanging over a wonderful community such as Te Anau.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 05:56PM by southblitz.