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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: silverteen ()
Date: February 24, 2008 08:39PM

THANKS for the info,

PATRICK HOLFORD, in HOLFORDWATCH, has stumbled across this: (

I think in this instance KNOWLEDGE is POWER. We need to share the evil stories and harness the power of the internet to spread this message as far and wide as possible.

AIPING WANG is, pure and simple, a brainwashing cult leader. SARAH MCCRUM is her principle crony and it is her job to GROOM people for AIPING. Aiping is sometimes called AIPING WANG, AIPING WANG FULEPP and AIPING FULEPP.

LIFE'S 4 LIVING TRUST LIMITED and THE WORLD EDUCATION FOUNDATION FOR THE DISABLED are one and the same thing. They all operate from the ENERGY CLINIC, which used to be called the ENERGY BANK. Also watch out for EDEN RESOURCES LIMITED. Also run by the same bunch.

EDEN PHENOMENA is Aiping's new "brainchild" but it is more of the same garbage. They just want MONEY. As much , or often, more than you can afford.

Does anyone know what happened to WARWICK POWELL -- or is he another tragic casualty.

Bear in mind that it is well documented that at least two people have died after Aiping told them to get off their (life saving) medication.

LIFES 4 LIVING is run by Claire Sutton, Joel Sutton, Sonja Bistrovic and Sarah McCrum (also known as Sarah Dumjovic). Claire and Sonja are busy bringing in "new recruits", using message boards, forums, adverts and various freebies. They use various charity names to hide their real activities, which they may or may not know or understand the extent of. They are completely brainwashed. Joel Sutton was a manager (sometimes quoted as owner) of the New Zealand lodge, along with his wife Claire. In the above article they spoke about "distancing" themselves from the controversial past -- one suspects therefore that they do realise what they are involved in -- they should at least have a inkling. Joel is trying to open "Eden Phenomena" Clinics in London and USA. They already have clinics in Eastern Europe and Shanghai. They have been variously called Shen Chi, Shen Qi, 603 Phenomena Academy, Eden Phenomena, Energy Banks, Energy Clinics etc. etc. -- spot the name changes... I wonder why??? (I don't really wonder why, that was a sarcastic rhetoric.)

Basically Xenon is right, they hide behind name changes and move countries and continents... however the true story is out there in the public domain, and needs to be broadcast high and wide. Don't be fooled by one or two brainwashed followers speaking of their love for Aiping. Look at the facts:

Aiping is documented saying she can teach people to fly
Aiping is documented saying that she thinks she can live forever
Aiping believes that energy can be sent down the phone line
Aiping thinks she can heal the world of disease
Aiping charges 30,000 Euros for one month in China
Aiping charges 1000 Euros for little parcels of "essence of food"
Aiping charges 5000 Euros for "private sessions"
You can become a master with Aiping, in a 6 week course (like Sarah McCrum)
Bad Health is YOUR FAULT
Bad Health is a result of BAD ENERGY
If you have bad health you are full of BAD ENERGY
The only person that can save you, if you can afford to lose you wallet and your sanity, is AIPING.

No-one can deny these FACTS. These are straight from the horse's mouth.

Can you imagine this kind of pricing in any other field, hobby or endeavour?? THIS IS A MONEY MAKING SCAM. It is like a giant pyramid scheme, with Aiping and her husband at the top. People paying them for brainwashing disguised as the miraculous gift of energy. The followers and Aiping can't even demonstrate energy, let alone describe it. It is like a gigantic sick joke.

Bear in mind, as a brief note on AIPING's husband, he is one of the most unhealthy looking characters in the WORLD. He is married to this so called GRAND MASTER, yet he shuffles around, grossly overweight, Diabetes almost certainly beckoning... and all of Aiping's cohorts often get sick... how is this the case, when they are in constant (read brainwashing top ups) with Aiping... to keep them in her energy channel!??

An Aiping session is HYPNOSIS pure and simple. Soft, repetitive music in the background. All she does is get people to relax. She claims to be "giving them energy". NO. She is not. There are real massage, acupuncture, chi gung and energy masters out there. They would be appalled to see how Aiping operates. As should everyone who has the misfortune to come in contact with her.

My advice, stay skeptical, challenge everything, read up on Aiping Wang, Sarah McCrum, Joel Sutton, Claire Sutton, Sonja Bistrovic and anyone else involved in any of the companies listed in these pages. They are all either brainwashed or simply evil.

Holfordwatch has collected together a load of good information, all readily accessible on the web:

Here's one entitled SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT, from the New Zealand Herald:


If you google or yahoo their names, and the names of the companies. More will come up. NZ Herald is definitely a good place to start. Times Online has some stuff, so does the Guardian, so does The Observer. Let's face it, BBC, 20/20, all these top quality broad sheets... who do you want to believe? Brainwashed followers of AIPING and SARAH MCCRUM, or independent third parties who are renown for their investigative, impartial journalism?

I know who I'd go for and I encourage EVERYONE out there to share their experiences with this board, so that unsuspecting people do not get dragged into this. The internet is a powerful thing, and in this day and age, people like this can be tried in public, all with the power of information. So please share those experiences, before AIPING's Cult start getting on here and trying to cover up with all their fake stories.

I leave you with a nice quote from Thomas Sutcliffe:

"I hope Sarah McCrum is brainwashed, because if not, she is profoundly wicked - guilty of duping the ill and the addicted to pay for fraudulent treatment with extravagantly false claims (isn’t this a criminal offence in this country, and if not, why not?). However, it seems more likely that she’s just a fool, parroting quasi- mystical rubbish about “blockages” and energy flows in a way that very efficiently separates other fools from their money - including city businesses, who can hire out the Energy Bank’s feng-shuied meeting rooms for corporate gatherings."

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: silverteen ()
Date: February 24, 2008 08:55PM

Also, watch out for the PEACE CLUB in Tucson Arizona. That is their American arm. In 1994 and 1995 Wang and Fulepp lived in Phoenix, AZ. They still have a large presence there.

The PEACE CLUB UK is, predictably, run by Joel and Claire Sutton.

In USA the whole thing is often still called SHEN QI. So beware Statesiders, AIPING and her cohorts are still after you. There were numerous stories of families sending their children from the States to New Zealand, for up to 2 years (paid in advance). There were numerous stories in the New Zealand press about people trying to escape Aiping Wang's labour camp at the Takara Lodge.

Does anyone have any information on Le Le Sun (Aiping Wang's daughter) and her involvement?? Apparently she is the one who reads everyone's charts (be wary if they ask for your passport, or your date of birth) -- she is apparently an expert at the I Ching (Taoist system of divining the future).


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Re: Aiping Wang / Peace Club / Eden Phenomena / Phenomen Academy
Posted by: silverteen ()
Date: February 25, 2008 05:45AM

Here's a translation, of a Slovenian site... before it gets taken down. Excuse the English grammar and spelling, but I think you can get the gist:

World society for education of disabled people was established on 1.9.2005. in Slovenia. President of that society is Sonja Bistrovich. All the people involved are closely connected with the healer Aiping Wang.

„The touch heals“
The society started on the March 2006. with collecting the funds for the action „The touch heals“ who supposed to educate 15 blind and weak seeing persons to become masers, like fast course. The society sent over 10 000 adverts by post for donation in amount of 117 EURO ( 28000 SIT- at that time the Slovenian currency) so thet they can have enought money to educate thoose people to become masers. The education should have start on 3.3.2006. in Ljubljana and continue in hospital for blind people in Nanchang, China.

Printing of the 10 000 adverts in Slovenia was sponsored by the printing company Emona who donated the paper and they payed for all postal costs. The biggest sponsors were Halcom d.o.o. and financial society NLB Leasing d.d. ( that is the biggest bank in Slovenia-NLB=New Ljubljana Bank)

Action „The touch heals“ is financial fraud. The course never started and all the collected donations were sent to Aiping Wang. Similar actions were also done before in 2005. in England, Italy and Croatia.

At the begining of December the Society opened the masseur clinic in Ljubljana in the elite location in street Gregorchicheva 9. ( Ferant gardens- very elite place and very known in Ljubljana)

World Education Foundation for the Disabled
Slovenian society declares itself in the memo for collection donations on the nonprofitable Swiss (Switzerland) foundation World Education Foundation for the Disabled.
The foundation doesn't have any employed persons, they only have post number and adress. The foundation plans to get the licence from the Swiss organization ZEWO which is the organization that makes the list of all reliable (financial strong!) foundations for collecting donatons. But the ZEWO organization don't know anything about the application from WEFD for the licence.

Despite everything even now the money is still collected for so called humanitarian purpose.

Energy Clinic AG
The „students“ (blind people) supposed to have secured jobs after finishing the course in the energetic-masage clinics of the company Energy Clinic AG from Switzerland.

General director of the company is Lele Sun ( she is the daughter of Aiping Wang). The company is the property of Aiping Wang and her family. At the moment she controls the energy-massage clilics in London, Hamburg, Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik. In 2006. their attention was to open the massage centre in Ljubljana.

Masage saloons of the Energy Clinic AG in the property of Aiping Wang and her family will have free labour and the money will be invested in China. All of that will be accomplished with the action The touch heals throught the foundation World Education Foundation for the Disabled.

The „students“ of Aiping Wang are forced to work for her without being payed. INSTEAD OF RECEIVING MONEY HER STUDENTS RECEIVE „THE ENERGY WHICH HEALS“. On the internet in the forum/chat LUNIN.NET there are many testimonials about tragic outcomes of Aiping's Chinese students (destroyed families, bankrupts, houses lost...)

Since 29.10.2005. there have been heavy critique about the so called „humanitarian actions“ of that society in Croatia, with the major newspapers ( in this case one of the strongest newspapers in Croatia the Morning news) leading the way, criticising how the blind masseurs who have to work for free...

I have also heard from people who have lost members of their family. Perhaps they will share their stories with the world.

Another name to watch out for is PAUL BERNAL who was at one time (certainly in 2002) the accountant for Aiping's cult.

There are many stories of people being separated from their family, from their loved ones (told they're not suited), going bankrupt (spending money on Aiping's "energy") and giving up their jobs.

SEARCH TERMS: Aiping Wang, Lele Sun, Phenomena Academy, Peace Club, Takara Lodge, Blind, Energy, Shen Qi, Cult, Eden Phenomena, Life's 4 Living, World Foundation for the Education of the Disabled, Energy Clinic, Energy Bank.

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: xenon ()
Date: March 02, 2008 10:17AM

There is a list of some companies, organizations and activities owned or controlled by Aiping Wang. Please, help to update it.


- Hidden Potential, 2687 North Park Drive, Lafayette, Colorado 80026
- Missing Link coaching for teens and young adults, 4720 61st Ave Terrace West Bradenton, Florida 34210
- Phenomena Studio, 1717 N 77th Street Suite 6, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257
- Long life center, Interfaith Church, 5544 E. Sheena Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
- American Center for Advanced Qi Gong Research, 5544 E. Sheena Drive, Scottsdale, 85254 Arizona


- Life' 4 Living, Sovereign Court, 3 Queen Victoria Terrace, London E1W 3HA
- Energy Clinic (Phenomena Eden), 132 Commercial Street, London E1 6NG
- World Education Foundation for the Disabled Ltd, 53 Cheshire Street, London E2 6EE
- The Energy 'Bank' Ltd, Commercial Street, London E1 6NG
- Satellite 603 Energy Research Ltd, 132 Commercial Street, London E1 6NG


- Fondation Mondiale pour l'Education des Personnes Handicapées en liquidation, Av. de la Rasuda 2, Lausanne
- Energy Clinic SA, Av. Samson-Reymondin, 1009 Pully


- Energy Clinic at the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski Hamburg, An der Alster 72-79, 20099 Hamburg
- Gwen Hoffmann Miric GmbH , An der Alster 72-79, 20099 Hamburg
- Welt Bildungsverein für Behinderte e. V. Marschallstr. 6, Düsseldorf
- Welt Bildungsverein für Behinderte e. V. An der Alster, Hamburg


- Fondazione Mondiale Per L'istruzione Delle Persone Disabili, Via Battistig 42, Udine

New Zealand

- Phenomena Academy (Academy of Potential Education), Takaro Lodge, 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau 9640
- Phenomena Ltd., 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau
- Cybo Vision Ltd. 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau
- Water New Zealand Ltd., 914 Takaro lodge, Te Anau
- 103 Perfectly Ltd., 914 Takaro Lodge, Te Anau
- Credit Info Ltd., 61b Passmore Crescent, Maori Hill, Dunedin


- Shanghai Phenomena Cultural Education Service Ltd
- Nanchang Blinde Masagge Hospital


- Energy Clinic, Hotel Westin, Krsnjavoga 1, Zagreb
- Energy Clinic Spa & Wellness, Hotel Argentina, Supila 14, Dubrovnik
- ECES, Masarykova 9, Zagreb
- Fenix, Fanceljev prilaz 11, Zagreb
- L.I.F.E. Maksimirska 67, Zagreb
- Feng Shui Xuan Kong, Budakova 3, Zagreb


- Svetovno drustvo za izobrazevanje invalidov, Lojzeta Spacala 4, Ljubljana
- Spirala, Mariborska 86, Celje


- Svetska Edukativna Fondacija za Invalide, Pop Lukina 17, Beograd

Bosnia and Hercegovina

- Svjetska edukaciska fondacija za invalide, Himze Polovine 9, Sarajevo

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: Towest3 ()
Date: March 02, 2008 02:19PM

It is lot of places around the world. I am wondering, how many top dogs are actualy in the cult first eshalon and what is the number of brainwashed "voluntieers"?

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: happykid ()
Date: May 26, 2008 10:57PM

yummy yummy, some skeptic candy

"Skepticism, as I said, is not intellectual only; it is moral also; a chronic atrophy and disease of the whole soul. A man lives by believing something; not by debating and arguing about many things. A sad case for him when all that he can manage to believe is something he can button in his pocket, and with one or the other organ eat and digest! Lower than that he will not get."
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) British historian and essayist.

"Skepticism is unbelief in cause and effect."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) U.S. poet, essayist and lecturer.

“Here the skeptic finds chaos and the believer further evidence that the hand that made us is divine.”
Robert Moses

And just for fun..
The NZ Herald, Times Online, the Guardian, The Observer, BBC, and 20/20 have all been proven to misrepresent issues that they attempt to cover (or uncover). You can spend your time searching (and further being skeptical) online..

Here are some examples:

1) Organics: The Blurred Vision of ABC's 20/20
by J. Robert Hatherill, Ph.D, and Jeff Nelson

A recent segment of ABC's 20/20, entitled "How Good is Organic Food?" grossly misrepresented the safety and value of organically grown food crops. According to the 20/20 show that aired on February 4, 2000, commercially grown food is superior to organically grown produce because organic food has higher concentrations of bacteria and is "dangerous," and because organic farmers waste land and resources compared to commercial growers.

An Unbiased Expert?

The organic food critic, Dennis Avery, was identified on the 20/20 show as a former researcher for the USDA and as a leading critic of organic produce. 20/20 failed to disclose Mr. Avery's full credentials. He is presently the Director of the Center for Global Food Issues for the Hudson Institute, and the author of such books as Saving the Planet with Pesticides and Plastic: The Environmental Triumph of High-Yield Farming.

It continues.. bla bla bla

2) Inaccuracies and Lack of Documented Data Cited in "20/20" Program Segment

ABC "20/20" (January 15,1999)
"The Unkindest Cut"

"An examination into whether routine infant circumcisions are medically beneficial or a barbaric act".

NOCIRC of North Carolina is the North Carolina State chapter of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), a nonprofit health educational organization that presents the medical community and the general public with the latest documented medical evidence on routine infant circumcision. NOCIRC of North Carolina issues this press release and the following addendum to detail in full the inaccuracies and lack of documented medical information presented in ABC "20/20"'s recent airing of "The Unkindest Cut" on January 15, 1999.

While "20/20" did raise several important issues concerning routine infant circumcision, they presented only a superficial overview of this medical controversy and pointedly failed to deal with any issue in any depth. "20/20" also was derelict in giving erroneous medical and statistical information regarding routine infant circumcision in the United States.

Specifically, "20/20" obscured the pain issue, ignored the human rights issue, neglected to present the known risks and long-term harm of routine infant circumcision, and completely overlooked the malpractice issue in the case of Linda and Paul Barry (a featured couple whose son was circumcised against their wishes). "20/20" focused only on three "benefit myths" related to circumcision, yet never directly addressed the actual validity of these "myths" during their "investigative" circumcision program segment.

ABC "20/20"'s "investigative" report relied primarily on personal opinion or anecdotes from a handful of interview subjects, most who were firmly for or against this newborn surgical procedure. No documented studies on infant circumcision were presented to support either position on routine circumcision. Although "20/20" did try to appear as if they were providing medical testimony by consulting an "outside expert", Dr. Alexander Walker, this "outside expert" did not present any documented medical evidence in his summary evaluation. Instead, Dr. Walker was asked by Timothy Johnston, M.D., ABC's medical reporter, to use a subjective and intangible scale ranking system to judge the merit of routinely performing a painful and risky surgery with inherent long-term disadvantages on male newborns. Not surprisingly, Dr. Walker gave routine infant circumcision the lowest possible value in terms of benefit: a "1" on a scale of "1" to "10" ("10" representing highest benefit).

NOCIRC of North Carolina, however, objects to ABC's "20/20"'s trivial assessment of a painful and harmful routine newborn procedure and ABC's misrepresentation that "20/20" had actually investigated the circumcision issue in depth. Parents have the right to be presented with documented medical information, not just opinion and personal anecdote, in their evaluation of routine infant circumcision for their newborn sons. Parents should be able to rely on ABC and it's recognized newsmagazine, "20/20", for the most accurate and current medical data when "20/20" chooses to spotlight a medical topic, regardless of the cultural or religious aspects that may be connected with the selected medical issue.

And just for more fun..
Where I live, we joke about the cult factor as "cult fear". In FACT, the people who have cult issues (and bad experiences) have deep cult fear.
So, here are some proven effective steps to overcoming fear. Try em:
1. Take small steps
2. Get some concrete, positive motivation
3. See failure and rejection in a new light
4. Be in the now
5. Surrender
6. Redefine you, me and reality

One way to shift your cult drama away from drama and into reality is to join one of these so called cults. "Just Do It".
Silverteen, Towest3 and Xenon, Why be afraid?

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert Einstein

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
Albert Einstein

humans flying:

Bad Health is a result of your NEGATIVE ENERGY!
I guess your option is to blame others and not be responsible for yourself??

Expand your beliefs folks!!!

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "God bless us all - no exceptions"

GOOD Peace and Health to you all ~

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: Teanau -ninja ()
Date: October 24, 2023 04:52PM

This is am extreme cult with absolute controlling techniques currently at play with my company directly affected, and ten of my staff and families.
avoid at all costs getting involved with this group .
I have been onsite for the last three months and many are simply not allowed to leave the property without threats and coercion.

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: Teanau -ninja ()
Date: October 24, 2023 05:01PM

Hi Silver teen
i am working out thee at the moment and they have been trying to control my company and have had another company attempt to shut me up .
Currently I am on the site and needing to begin revealing the truth as you have written it
how do I contact you ?? to help expose them

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: Jens00 ()
Date: January 27, 2024 10:26PM

Ive just come across this site. I was with this group (Shen Qi as it was first called) for 5 years and I recognise some of the earlier names on this site from 2007/8. I left them, Takaro,New Zealand in 2002. Without doubt this was a cult. I define a cult as an organisation usually with a charismatic leader that is manipulative, controlling, preying on others weaknesses.
there was some truth to their prevailing beliefs systems.

Alot to say, and its very complex. There was a reason why I at the time got drawn in, and its important to search oneself to find out why. there will always be manipulators/persecutors/scapegoats etc, but its essential to 'know thyself'.

One of Aiping Wang's strongest followers although now has left, still refers to AW as a Master. SHE WAS NOT A MASTER. This is ridiculous. And either this person uses this to further her own gains now 'Ive studied with a Master' line, and/or is completely deluded and believes she was/is a Master.

I actually think there are/have been genuine Masters around, and unlike many
Westerners Im not appalled by the notion. Developing discrimination, self awareness in crucuial IMO.
Amazed that Takaro still operates.

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Re: Aiping Wang
Posted by: Teanau -ninja ()
Date: July 13, 2024 02:50PM

Currently -In New Zealands Teanau Basin -- Organic Farms which is Aping Wangs cover organisation in Teanau along with Cosy Kiwi Backpackers and Edgewater resort are recruiting for investors with Brosnan Construction to develop and air port and Lodge along the descriptive of Health Center .Aping Wang claims tea can make you live for an eternity.
Justin Riley a builder at the site has confirmed ongoing works both underground and above ground are without consent.
More importantly are the methods she uses and Sarah Mccrum to recruit vunerable people.

Currently under investigation by New Zealand Police -District Councils and more departments for deception to the public.
The cult activities are real - I witnessed persons not allow to leave the site when there....Importing free labor under the guise of helping people is wrong then undercutting bon fide New Zealand workers show this to be a scam Gifting vast amounts of money to the community does not cut it .Policing in the town is two tier with the Chinese Croatian community getting away with what they want in the valley

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