also, i have a nice lengthy list of 3ho related crap. some of it was previously posted, some of it r from other parts of rick's site, but here, have a look -
3 H O Sikhs - most visible by their white outfits, and go by various prefixes like Shri, Hari, Aum/Om, Guru Deva ( often combining Hindu and Punjabi names out of ignorance) etc; often with names such as Amrit, Snatam, etc. (Though is not ALWAYS a sign, as some true Sikhs also have names such as Amrit. Look for other stereotypes and signs, especially as they will have limited association to Punjabi culture, unless to exploit and /or mock it, some even saying it has no connection to Sikhi.)
What they do exploits both westerners and easterners by taking compromise of westerners' fickle, materialistic, ego driven vices and and using them to take advantage of and seem superior to the overly trusting easterners so as to lure and trap them to use them for their evil deceives. They indulge in the easterner's will until it is fully taken advantage of, and most often when it is too late. This is the case with both the 3ho cult and the goris who marry Desi, Asians, or Middle Eastern people, except with the romantic relations, it's done one a smaller ( one or a few people instead of a large community) yet equally destructive, false, and dangerous scale.
They are what is called a cult - a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader. It was started by Yogi Bhajan but his real name is something else. He was a small time criminal until he was hired by the Indian government to start a cult and dress it up as Sikh cult to break the Khalistan movement up (divide and conquer) in 1960s, 1970s, 1980's, and beyond until his death. Anyway he converted a few thousand white (Gora) cult members who treat him as the their unofficial 11th Guru. He gave them Amrit but they don't keep all the 5 Ks or do 5 bani - the prayers everyday (which is mandatory) and they believe in and teach tantric yoga and other Hindu beliefs. They are considered a dangerous cult that is trying to change the Sikh religion into Hinduism by trying to become its leadership. During the 1980s they were very hostile and negative against the Khalistan movement for a independent Sikh state Khalistan (because they were & are funded secretly by the Indian government to break the Khalistan movement up (divide and conquer). They belong to the 'new age' movement - see here for more info - [] . (New age religions are basically fanatic groups, with ideas taken from mainstream religions, then transformed into groups with ideas which sounds like they were on drugs, going on about false spiritual philosophies, for example, how the auras of the body will transcend the soul to various places if you do this or that, or how you can achieve enlightenment by doing some really strange technique. These were stemmed by the hippie movements of the 60's, and were fueled by western stereotypical ideas of eastern religions.) They Also run the Miriri Piri academy - . Obsessive especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. (Please see these links - [] , [] , ), and ( The 'product listing' for their line of false health food products, which they try to market if you purchase them they will change yourmind and spirit enlighten your chakra and bring you to a higher consciousness, etc.) [] (It's currently mostly spam infested, but if you dig through the archives, may find some good people who can tell u about the bullscrap that has gone on.)
[], []?
showtopic=4038, [],
'All forms of Yoga are based on an ancient science, starting in the east. Yoga means to "yoke" or "unite" in Sanskrit. Yoga has therefore been a way for the finite (human) to connect to the Finite (God) Its a way to connect with our higher self, and a realm beyond the physical body.
It is believed, that in every body, dormant Kundalini energy lies in the base of the spine. There are 2 nerve channels at the central nerve of the spinal column. These are called the IDA (lunar, negative energy) and the PINGALA (solar, positive energy. Each of them make 2 and a half turns around the central column of the spine, called the sushmana, as they begin to spiral up the spine. These 2 nerve channels act as conductirs of Kundalini energy that feeds the entire nervous system.
Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, the trapped energy is stimulated and allowed to flow, reaching the skull, activating the secretion of the pineal gland. The pineal controls the nucleus projection of every cell in the body. To go into further detail, would be to describe the undescribable, Kundalini Yoga is all about experience.'
These two wank jobs -
<a href="[];
Guru Jaswant and Rajveer</a>
We are now called to the unavoidable questions regarding our faith and culture which stand before us : What has happened to the old - order Sikhs who unshakably stood up for morals and our culture, and who were wise enough to know the difference between Sikhs, and false people with ill intent? What has happened to the Sikhs, both young and old, who, at the mere mention of 3 H O, or of others who would claim they were Sikh, but who proved to be false in some form or another - would laugh at you gently, and say ' Don't take those people seriously, they are not really Sikh.' They would beautifully explain to you the difference between '3 H O' and other fraudulent groups, and true Sikhs, also noting how they had seen these people in bars, or with cigarettes in the Gurdwara, or doing other shameful things. These days those Sikhs are extremely rare, and have been all but become obsolete next to the new brand of 'Anything Goes' Sikhism - anyone who pretends to be pure Sikh, is heralded, many Sikhs who take Amrit for show, shouting their patriotism loudly, but not following through in action, battle the few old - breed Sikhs who are still not afraid to point out the frauds are chastised by this new order of Sikhs. The current form of Sikhism is being eaten by its own self created Frankenstein monster. Also, the 3 H O are known to befriend an Indian cult called 'Kookay' or 'Namdhari', with similar intent, though the Kookay don't take on the western styles of exploitation. They have their own anti Khalistani tactics, hell - bent on preventing Sikhs to have their own land of freedom from the terrors of the government, and others who try to destroy Sikhism. If our Sikhism DOES survive, thanks to the change in mind set and the trust in so many 'snake oil sellers' - the fakes who try to sell you purity, so that they can poison you and stab you in the back - it will be drastically changed and transformed into a very different, very false, dangerous, and self - destructive vehicle. We must work now to prevent this!
Then, last but not least, we have....
1. Anonymous posted at 9/20/2005 - 10:52:30 PM
Gurumustuk Singh ji,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki fateh!
This is a humble request. I can see on the page on SikhNet you have taken videos from
SikhiFM/EktaOne website. However, there is no recognition of their work, and there is no "Donate to
EktaOne" box. There is only SikhNet logos, and a "Donate to SikhNet" box. This seems unfair and not
very chardi kala. Please kindly give recognition, and put a "Donate to EktaOne" box. Thanks.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa,Waheguru ji ki fateh!
2. Gurumustuk Singh posted at 9/20/2005 11:08:56 PM
Waheguru ji ka khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki fateh!
If you play the videos it is obvious that it is from I am not taking credit for those
videos. I am merely trying to make them more accessable to people. The donation link is there to
allow people to support the bandwidth and hosting costs for SikhNet. You can see that the videos are
hosted on our servers so do not pose any costs to Ektaone. Anyone can download the videos off of
SikhNet and post them on their own websites. The intention is to educate people and get these
materials out there. It would be great if Ektaone downloaded and added all the videos that are now
on SikhNet and would make more options for peole. They could put a donation link there to support
Ektaone too. I have no issue with that. Seriously... I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder. I
really am just trying to help. If you are part of Ektaone we can discuss via email further if this
is not agreeable to you.
1.Gurumustuk Singh veerjee I think you should at least put some mention of EktaOne on the webpage
there - such as "This video is from" for example. vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa
vaaheguroojeekeefatheh !!!
2. Gurumustuk Singh posted at 9/21/2005 12:31:58 PM
Kulpreet: as I mentioned in my previous comment, I don't think this is necessary. If someone watches
the video it is clear that it is by which goes to EktaOne. You can see the web address
quite clear. The prime purpose for the videos is education not promotional purposes. I know some of
the people who created these videos for I am not doing this in a vacuum. If they feel I
am doing something wrong they would tell me. Are you one of the Sevadhars at EktaOne? I'm just
curious why you are so insistant on this.
1. xSHANTIx (aka) (This was the Gori kaur who argued with me over how
important Punjab/Desi heritage is to Sikhi. She feels it has no importance, her real name is Carmen,
and she is also 3 H O. ) posted at 9/21/2005 01:07:28 PM
dear cyber sangat...please stop judging others...Gurumustuk Ji was carrying out very valuable
seva...many of us needed a site like this and i think hes done an amazing job..also the videos from
ektaone and sikhifm clearly have their websites advertised on the video clips so what is the
problem? ALSO whats wrong with sharing!!!! Where is your universal sure ektaone will be
glad that more people are seeing their work! remeber Guruji is the true Judge....whoever ties
dhumulla..for whatever their reason is personal to what they are projecting in the world....its
their choice. eeeee also Gurumustuk....i cant wait for your mothers new album, the sound clip on one
of the clips sounds amazing
Check out this freaky 3 H 0 attempt at doing a ghidda session. They r all in white, with a huge
photo of Yogi Bhajan. BTW -side note, they not only have stolen some videos without credit, but
steal other information from the other, TRULY CREDIBLE Sikhi sites for down to
the name (think
'Every year we have a big birthday celebration for Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa (Yogi
Bhajan). Many guests, friends, family, etc come to this party to celebrate with each other. Every
year there are different types of entertainment, however one of the constants is having a show of
Punjabi Dance. Here is a video clip of some of the local Espanola Sikh women doing a few different
dances in Aug 2002. Ravi Kaur of the Bhangra Troupe "Izzat De Punjab" does some great choreography. She is the one that organizes and gets everyone together to have fun and practice these dances.'
and real sikhs dont do this -
<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="[] style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 640px; height: 427px;" src="[]; border="0" alt="" /></a>
and see this -
or bullshit like this - [] people who deem themself as high as God itself. if you really are that hgh, you would not be preaching yourself and showing urself off in this way. it would show through pure actions, not ego.
What do you know about the strange 3HO Cult?
Someone I once knew was in the 3HO cult, but got very angry when I started asking questions about it. They are very bizarre: they are Americans who wear turbans and grow long beards, and they wear all white clothing. They worship a man called Yogi Bhajan, who is their guru. I wish I could ask this person more, but he got very mad at me "when I asked too much" - I guess they didn't want me to find out what went on inside the cult.
Help! I'm scared for my friend! He seems so strange. He's shoved his friends and family away. They've totally cut him off. They make him do all this unpaid work, and he is supposed to pay the cult a ton of money every month as a "tithe.". His year-round house is a tent in New Mexico. He, and other followers camp outside the temple. He has almost no food or any kind of a life - he has to beg the temple kitchen to throw him some leftover food, and some days he doesn't eat. This cult has stolen his life and his dignity! Help!
Does anyone know anything about this terrible cult??!?
* 3 months ago
Additional Details
3 months ago
Pangel - yes I know, there's the yoga part of it, but that's just one side of it. I've even done the yoga classes, and they were OK, but there is a different side of it once you get pulled WAY in - you are in a different ballgame. You have to dress like them, believe and worship like them, hand over your money, change your name.... etc.... ... usual cult stuff. The yoga part is just what you see on the outer periphery - the inner part of it is very controlling and dark!
And I'm not just over-reacting. How insensitive. I've seen people's lives ruined by 3HO, and my friend has given up his life, all his potential, and is having his soul sucked out of him!
the gori 'sicks' try to bully anyone who tries to speak against the cult. isn't that somethng? this is common on any eastern relions/yoga/sikhism/etc. forum that mentions them. if u have nothing to hide, why be so defensive?
Over the past months I have tried to post my logical, practical, non-hateful, non-offensive opinion on the way 3ho Sikhs are confusing our youth and how their teachings deviate from Sikhism.. My goal was to modestly inform the Sikh youth and public through the internet about how our youth are being greatly confused and taken away from their families. Through meeting people, listening to television shows, radio broadcasts, reading a wide range of information, using 3ho services, listening from their prayer tracks, purchasing their CDs, seeing information and learning their form of Sikhism and seeing regular Sikh I have definitely learned something. Our religion is going through one of the greatest changes any religion has ever experienced. Instead of moving forward we are moving into a mystic, counterproductive experience of Sikhism. I first thought that only a few Sikhs would be affected by this misinformation. However I have found that thousands of Sikhs and Sikh children are becoming confused in some way to some degree.
I have posted on websites like, and I have not been allowed on these websites to post because I simply stated my view. Also I would like to inform you that the most popular website for Sikhs,, is based at Espanola, New Mexico and always supports a 3HO Sikh agenda. On the webmaster’s blog he even tried to tell the Sikh public that we are forgetting that Yoga was once part of our religion. Because his blog is so popular I posted my opinion only to find it deleted and I was permanently banned from the website. Their efforts are becoming successful and many mainstream Sikhs are falling into their net.
In the book titled “Sikh Identity” by Opinderjit Kaur the author explains how the 3HO lifestyle deviates from the Sikh teachings. Also she explains that the Sikh head SGPC president Tohra stated in a news report that Yogi Bhajan was never given the title of Sri Singh Sahib, the Sikh leader of the Western hemisphere. He also stated that there is no such title as the Sikh leader of the Western hemisphere. There are many teachings from 3HO which deviate from the Sikh way of life. First, Yoga is made compulsory, and the quest for enlightenment is encouraged. 3HO even teaches in books like “Yoga for Business Success” by Darshan Singh Khalsa that one can obtain spiritual powers from doing Kundalini Yoga. In the Sikh scripture is states “Inhaling, exhaling and holding the breath by the force of the mind – by empty hypocritical practices, Dharmic love for the Lord is not produced. Only through Word of the Guru’s Shabad is the sublime, supreme, essence obtained.” (Page 1043 of Guru Granth). Infact there are many quotes which support this argument. This organization is like many others which often use the Sikh holy book to encourage doing Yoga, or Meditation to attain enlightenment. In this case, enlightenment means continuously seeing and hearing inner light and sound. This is obviously not possible to any degree, and though meditation can give peace and alertness is cannot make you see continuous white or yellow light as these groups claim. Specifically Sant Mat which was once infamously known in the Punjab (area where Sikhs live in India) as the Rhadasoami group has claimed that they can show people inner light and they have confused many people and may have even ruined lives. For information on this cult go to ( and
Other practices of 3HO are also notable. In the Yogi Bhajan lecture archive on Mr. Bhajan would encourage people to give offerings like Pizzas to Guru Ram Das. Many 3HO members admit that they worship Guru Ram Das by giving him objects and this has never been a form of worship in Sikhism. Sikhs have only worshipped God. Also 3HO encourages people to become strict vegetarians in order to save “Karma”, and to wear only white in order to be holy. As long as there has been Sikhism Sikhs did not have to wear only white in order to follow their religion. In Sikhism the singing of religious hymns is suppose to be done using traditional instruments. 3HO members like Snatam Kaur (www.snatamkaur .com) and Guru Ganesha ( say things like “I give my heart to you Guru Ram Das.” and consistently focus their music on this particular Guru. However there were 10 human Gurus who were all equal and one holy scripture which by title is considered a Guru as well. The holy scripture for the Sikhs the Guru Granth Sahib holds the title as the current Guru of the Sikhs as it holds the teachings from all ten of the Sikh Gurus.
Also 3HO has introduced new mantras which have never been part of Sikhism, or even Hinduism. When I ask many people from India whose Grandparent’s where Sikhs they have never even heard of these mantras. When Snatam Kaur does her worldwide tours she comes to Sikh Gurdwaras and instructs the audience to chant these mantras instead of chanting the normal Waheguru which is the only mantra that Sikhs chant.
I think that this information is important for people to know because many Sikhs and other people are being taken away from their families because of organization like these. Some people are learning about Sikhism and converting to “Sikhism” after being Kundalini Yoga teachers when Sikhism is not associated with Yoga is any way. So many innocent, Americans, Canadians, and Sikhs are becoming confused and following teachings which are not what they claim to be.
You can learn a lot about Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere (the teachings which deviate from original Sikhism) from Google Books search for the book Identity of Sikhism, pages 158-177). Most of these pages are available online at Google Books. Also note that Power Broker magazine has counted Bhajan among 'New Mexico's Top 100' influential business people. An excerpt of the article is available on page 160. Also in a lecture on’s audio archive by Mr. Bhajan he explains specific details of the tenth Sikh Guru. The real details which he describe are actually unknown and cannot be confirmed. Yet “Yogi” Bhajan described the Guru’s height, diet, and stated that he could spin a sword around so fast that no arrow could hit him. This is actually true and can be found in the audio archive on
In conclusion, 3HO is confusing our youth and altering our religion. From this website I have become educated on the true facts of Yogi Bhajan which I wish many Sikhs knew. He told a women from his yoga class ( “In fact, the sex was never presented or regarded as a part of any religion or religious experience. It was only later, when I asked him to reconcile his role as a professed, celibate religious leader with the fact he was having sex with more than one woman, that he put a religious gloss on the sex. He said he was actually living three lives in one, and that I was his spiritual wife in one of the lives..” Many Sikhs have believed Yogi Bhajan to ba a Siri Singh Sahib of their religion. This is the like one rank below the Head of the religion the Jathedar. To help one further understand this rank may be seen as the equivalent of a Archbishop in Christianity who is seen as below the Pope. When I learnt of this scandal I became really shocked and upset. I felt this way because Mr. Bhajan claimed to have such a high rank in our religion and so many people believed in. When in reality he had taken part in scandals which would have never allowed him to receive this religious title in reality. The title “Sri Singh Sahib” is a real religious title which some have earned authentically for example Prof. Darshan Singh.
Also I strongly feel that though Yogi Bhajan has died the 3HO cult is still active and affecting Americans, Canadians and Sikhs throughout the world. One can practice their beliefs but they should have their own distinctive name. This way people would not be confused as they are currently still claiming Bhajan’s teachings that they are following are the original form of Sikhism though they do not comply with the original Sikhism.
this girl also was a fromer 3ho, but has woke up from the horror, and have a great blog about it -
These are good steps Prabhsharandeep Singh indicated, but questioned why more was not being done in isolating those who continue to support Kala-Afghana and the Spokesman editor. He also questioned why the Jathedars attended a function organized by the 3HO, which he stated was as a cult. "During the function, which was broadcast by SikhNet, Jathedar Sahib referred to Yogi Bhajan as 'Sri Singh Sahib'", Prabhsharandeep Singh strongly protested. "How can the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib refer to anyone with that title? There is no precedence of it in Sikh history for anyone having such a title" he later added. Not expecting this line of questioning, the Jathedars were taken aback. Out of embarrassment Jathedar Vendati kept his head lowered when questioned.
one of the 3ho's and some supporters try to spread bullshit...
there's this guy who claims to be pure punjabi sikh...he's another gora, married to a gori, and you can see large amounts of hindu om signs in his pictures...also both he and his wife dress in the 3ho style.
he heads up these websites - [] and [] with which he tries to pretend he is pure and pro khalistan. he spams alot of people with them, and is trying to play tricks on real sikhs who may have been too wise to not fall for other common 3ho tactics. some of his friends are also connected to the frauds kelly 'jasleen' kaur and mai harinder kaur.
[] -
lol - see 'fifi' -
Rick Ross manipulates information and makes money off of so-called "cult busting." His list of "frauds" includes many of the world's most highly respected yoga teachers. Yogi Bhajan was human for sure, and it's wise to question what you hear and read, but question it from all ways. Rick Ross is not at all an unbiased source of information, nor an accurate one.
Yea, right.....sounds like we have another sucker in the making! it's not just rick ross's incredible how many e 3ho-ers there are, and even when mentions it being a cult and yogi bhajan being a fraud, you're a bit outnumbered!
ooh, comes gurumustuk himself trying to defend the gang.....awwwww sucha defensive lad, what are u hiding?!
There is also this Gori 3 H O cow and the Punjabi kuta she claims to have married - both are 3 H O frauds, and both teach Kundalini yoga in Singapore -
and their emails are -
and this girl -
and ash singh actually condones this shit -
and as for my own blogs, as i too am a blogger...they are - [] (which by the way, some people pass off as being racist. let me be very clear that i like anyone from any religion or culture who is respectful of others and doesn't act like scum. i have friends from all over the world, and i myself am punjabi/mongolian/european (gori) mix race. so let it be clear that i am not racist, im pointing out fact. and then there's my more lighthearted blog - []. i also wanted to do a fashion nirmal style and a poetry blog, but havn't gotten to those yet. anyway, gur fateh, rab rhaka!