Desteni, shaved head, dogs
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: March 10, 2011 09:19PM

Some Desteni-related trivia which highlight just how ridiculous the cult really is...

On their FaceWorldFaceOff website the purpose of which is to help "to get at least 100 million people to shave off their hair" they're offering downloadable stencils to put the words, 'faceworld' and 'faceoff' on T-shirts, as well as stencils of the alphabet and an image of a shampoo bottle with 'shame poo' on it.

Fun Stuff

There are also downloadable 'cards' with questions on them similar to those Bernard Poolman asked Katie Conklin [] in the videos she deleted after SimulacronX uploaded this video:

Desteni Erotic Series: Bernard Poolman, of the cult of Desteni, asking a girl undecent things.

such as 'do you like having your toes sucked?'.

The idea of these cards is to "videotape yourself when you pick up a random card and read the question and answer it. Make sure your face is well visible on camera". Presumably this is for the amusement of Bernard Poolman, who always makes sure his face is never visible on camera.

On Facebook, there is a page called 'Desteni For All Time Genius Nobel Prize'

The reason they suggest 'Desteni' should be given an 'All Time Genius Nobel Prize' (not that there is one) is a video by Poolman:
2012 Solve the Global Energy Crisis

They seem to be confused between the name of the organization they support, 'Desteni', and Bernard Poolman. Either they want Poolman to be given the Nobel Prize or the Desteni group.

Their range of T-shirts is constantly expanding. The exciting news is that visitors to a website devoted entirely to Desteni T-shirts: [] have voted in a new design with the slogan 'I am one vote for equality' on it.

Bernard Poolman's son, Leslie-John is apparently one of the recruiters for Desteni... []

Like his dad, he has special privileges. The rest of the Desteni group are expected to make vlogs on a regular basis partly in order to recruit. But Leslie-John only has one video of a dog asleep on a bed put out five months ago: []

He looks very pleased with himself and his fellow Desteni recruiter at

Maybe he gets away with not making vlogs because he recruits just by having a picture of himself on yet more Desteni t-shirts?

See: []

One of the new Desteni recruits is already being coerced into shaving his head, in comments posted at:


Some Desteni recruiters get away with not shaving their heads:

Sandy Jones
jeanne kenney
Ingrid Bloemheuvel

Doesn't seem fair, and certainly not very 'equal'. When the plan is "to get at least 100 million people to shave off their hair" then each head counts. They still only have just over 100 people in Desteni, there's a long way to go yet.

Even the dogs in Desteni get their hair shaved off. Poolman's daughter, Cerise shaves a dog in
Blond Beauty Shaving Black Beauty

Just because they're mature women doesn't mean they shouldn't shave off their hair. How else do they expect to stop poverty and bring about a 'dignified life for all'?

Lastly, on the Desteni forum there is an administrator called AngelaPagano, apparently from Indiana, USA. All the other Desteni forum administrators are recognizable members of the group with their own blogs and YouTube channels. Using your real name, having a blog and YT channel is mandatory for any active member of Desteni. There is no AngelaPagano blog or YT channel, and no Desteni recruiter by that name. Who is AngelaPagano then?

There's a MySpace
and a facebook page:

Oh, another Desteni dog.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2011 09:27PM by Sandman.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: concernedmom83 ()
Date: March 11, 2011 12:54AM

I was thinking something along the same lines. destini claims to be 'one and equal', yet there are things about their website I find troubling.
First of all, if they do indeed think that we are all one and equal, shouldn't they forgive us for not following their belief system, with no critisism . We will do what we feel is right to help those in need. The world has always and will continue to help without destini dictating how it should be done. It's actually laughable that destini has the nerve to say a thing, when they themselves do nothing to help. Don't they want a world where we can all live together in harmony?

I find it almost suspicious that there are different groups on destini.

The "administrative" arm (kind of like high school clique)
The 'recruitor' arm.
Now are they helping those they recruit, and if so do they feel equal to someone who doesn't yet know all that they know?

And of course "the portal". Is she the same as the others, or a step above? Does anyone else question these obvious inconsistensies?

Who makes up the rules at destini? Why do some have to shave their heads and others seem to be able to 'opt out' because of employment, etc.
I wish someone would explain the 'exceptions' to the rule here.

Just thought I'd ask so we can all understand what make destini tick...

And what, oh what does posting information on one's sex life have ANYTHING to do with a equal money system?
Do the members ask themselves these questions? Can one imagine if one's employer (for instance) asked the questions that bernard proposes? Or how about any political party in the world? Do they actually think that the people running a campaign CARE or want to know about one's sex life? This to me is a HUGE red flag!

Think, think, think....for yourself.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2011 01:14AM by concernedmom83.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: ThomDarc ()
Date: March 11, 2011 02:27PM

And of course "the portal". Is she the same as the others, or a step above? Does anyone else question these obvious inconsistensies?

Sunette Spies aka The Portal aka Winged is really only an extension of Bernard Poolman. She only serves as the face. She was the initial recruiting mechanism when Desteni appeared on the radar a few years ago. In this way Sunette and Poolman are the same. We know very little about her except that she is probably an orphan and that she comes from a troubled home.


Who makes up the rules at destini? Why do some have to shave their heads and others seem to be able to 'opt out' because of employment, etc.
I wish someone would explain the 'exceptions' to the rule here.

Poolman makes up the rules. And he is the only permissible exception to those rules.


And what, oh what does posting information on one's sex life have ANYTHING to do with a equal money system?
Do the members ask themselves these questions? Can one imagine if one's employer (for instance) asked the questions that bernard proposes? Or how about any political party in the world? Do they actually think that the people running a campaign CARE or want to know about one's sex life? This to me is a HUGE red flag!

Think, think, think....for yourself.

Exposing secrets (especially sexual ones) about one's life gives the cult leader leverage over the cult members. It is a means whereby he further ensures his control as it decreases the likeliness of members falling away. A thought of leaving Desteni also entertains thoughts of embarrassment.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: concernedmom83 ()
Date: March 12, 2011 02:40AM

Thanks Thom. How did denstini come about. I take it with sunette. Was she involved with an equal money system before coming to destini. I don't get how the portal interviewing the dead has a thing to do with the equal money system, that desini has now taken on as their reason for existence. Am I correct in assuming that destini has changed it's mission since it's inception? Or does it have one really?
Think, think .... think!

Re: Desteni
Posted by: ThomDarc ()
Date: March 14, 2011 02:05AM

Thanks Thom. How did denstini come about. I take it with sunette. Was she involved with an equal money system before coming to destini. I don't get how the portal interviewing the dead has a thing to do with the equal money system, that desini has now taken on as their reason for existence. Am I correct in assuming that destini has changed it's mission since it's inception? Or does it have one really?
Think, think .... think!

I don't think Sunette had very much to do with any of this before meeting Bernard Poolman. The ideas for Desteni were his which he created from drawing from other sources in religion, philosophy, and popular media. Poolman used Sunette since he realized that people especially younger people would her more appealing than himself.

For the most part their mission remains unaltered. They preach about the Desteni Process and Equal Money System. However, these things are all just red herrings. The real mission is dupe people. Poolman wants people to send him cash and believe he is a god. And the more people he dupes, the more likely he'll get what he wants.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: freespeech4tw ()
Date: March 14, 2011 06:07PM

I remember reading one of their forum-threads in late 2008 that had Spamann and a couple of other people discussing if they should just poison the rest of humanity and start over new for themselves.
Even back then someone said they should be 'careful with such ideas' and the thread was deleted some time later after nobody had been adding anything for a while. You can always see that threads are deleted if you watch one persons post-count, occasionally they go backwards which means that some of their former posts have been deleted with the whole thread. On their completely unstructured page entire topics might easily get 'lost' / deleted without anybody ever noticing.

The idea of the 'purification' of humanity has been coming up in Desteni more than once, generally combined with explanations that humanity is 'fucked up' or that those in the way of their cult must inevitably be 'dealt with'.
On a personal note I wish to add that to me it appears as if these Desteni-members condamning humanity or a certain group in this way are using the idea of 'they are lost anyway' and 'humanity is fucked' to freely express their hatred and justify it in front of themselves and each other. Believing that they are doing the right thing for 'the best of all' is their way of denial, we are talking about genocide after all.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: Citizendc ()
Date: March 16, 2011 04:09AM

Hi Guys,

Something to keep keep in mind. If any desteni videos offends you, you can take measures to stop them and potentially have the core desteni youtube channels shut down in the future.

The process to do this on Youtube is as follows:

Say I dislike the following video "Woman Masturbate with Commonsense".

1. Flag the video. (thumbs down)
2. The following link appears "Would you like to report this video as inappropriate?"
Click this.

3. A drop down box will appear. Select 'hateful or abusive content.'
4. From there, move your cursor across to the right and select -- 'Promotes Hatred or Violence'
5. Another drop down list will appear with categories.
In this examples case I choose the "sexual orientation" category and submit my report.

This may seem a small resistance but I think if these videos are flagged enough times it can have an effect on the long term "health" of their channels.

Now the warning:
Dont go reporting every video desteni releases out of shear frustration with this cult.
Abuse of the YouTube reporting system comes with consequences and if you wish to keep your YouTube account, I recommend only reporting videos if you find them offensive to gender, race, religion, sexual content etc...


Re: Desteni
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 16, 2011 07:18AM

The idea of the 'purification' of humanity has been coming up in Desteni more than once, generally combined with explanations that humanity is 'fucked up' or that those in the way of their cult must inevitably be 'dealt with'

Purity is an absolute. Defining purity is like trying to reach the last digit of the number Pi. No one is wise enough or good enough to define purity.

With 'purity', the goal posts can be re-arranged at whim according to the changing moods and paranoid shifts of whoever is in charge of the crusade.

Crusaders for purity can become so attached to the struggle for purity that they become addicted to struggle itself and after bumping off external foes, end up purging each other.

Look what happened during Stalin's regime. The purge trials.

And no one is wise enough or good enough to decide whether those different from us should be eradicated.

Desteni, genocide, self-purification
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: March 16, 2011 09:20PM

In Desteni, 'self-purification' and 'self-realization' are described in terms of destruction of the personality, the mind, consciousness, thoughts, feelings and emotions, and the destruction of beliefs and opinions. All of it is to 'realize self as the physical', whatever that means.

Other people in disagreement with these notions are variously described by Bernard Poolman and his cohorts as abusers, mental cases, criminals, psychopaths, and unworthy of life, they 'don't deserve to live'. He has repeated these statements numerous times.

It is useless for members of Desteni to try to make out that their policies on what they plan on doing with dissenters do not involve imprisonment and murder when Poolman has repeatedly suggested they do. They may instead use a word like 'euthanasia' or allude to certain corrective procedures, but the fact is, any political movement (and Desteni describes itself as a political movement) that denounces its detractors as psychopathic criminals that don't deserve to live is recommending, if not inciting, mass murder.

Re: Desteni
Posted by: freespeech4tw ()
Date: March 16, 2011 09:43PM

It is delusional of Destonians to think that their ideas would allow them to form political parties all over the world as they suggest will happen.
Even suggesting euthanasia makes the party an 'enemy of the constitution', which means in Germany for example that they would be forbidden instantly. The front they put up would have to be something entirely different from the values they try to spread on their forum and as soon as they would even attempt to show their true colours, they would get kicked out of political life sooner as they can say 'I forgive myself...'.

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