Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 04, 2022 10:51PM

I am now commenting on Lama Tendar Olaf Hoeyer's article here:



I think that Ole's mental illness have been developing since he had his parachute accident and after the death of Hannah. That brings us back to 2004-2007 (or so). That's more than 10 years ago. One could already see the signs of mental health issues back then.

There was a denial of course and Ole published a letter that his mental health was very good because he had a brain scan.

I will probably be the first person to say it but it has to be said. Ole had hundreds of sexual partners before his marriage to Hannah, during his marriage and after. Literally hundreds. He was bragging about it. Everyone knew it was true. He had sex with hundreds of people in his lifetime.

Well as we know, excessive sex puts one at the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. One such illness is Syphilis. Syphilis, if untreated, is an STD that directly causes mental health problems.

It is a very though observation and a very unpleasant one but it has to be said. Ole's lifestyle was treated as an example by thousands of his students worldwide. They copied and imitated his conduct and behavioral patterns. Thousands of his students were promiscuous. It was their ambition to be promiscuous, just like their spiritual teacher was.

Ole was always pointing a finger at Chögyam Trungpa's organisation Shambala, where one of Chögyam's assistants or close disciples was continuing to have unprotected sex with Chögyam's students although he was well aware of his HIV diagnosis. He eventually infected several people.

A difficult, very difficult topic but it is only fair to bring it up because of the impact Ole has made in the world of contemporary buddhism.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Micaela Riepe ()
Date: June 07, 2022 07:49PM

Dear Anita, you said: "Micaela Riepe, that's very kind of you. You have a very generous and forgiving heart. " Is tat true? I do not really know. Fact is sometimes I want to stay in theat bad mood I had according to Ole Nydahl before my state of mind totally changed. And that is generated only by him in co-working with my talents. So I am in the schizophrenic situation of rejecting Tibetan Lamaism with all its implications and practices and at the same time being grateful for what they have done for me. Yes, everything you write happened and it was ghastly. But today I recognize the deep psychological distortions I experienced as the path to the consciousness in which I now live. And really, I don't wish for another, though it still seems foreign after so many years. It is simply wonderful! What I wish ole Nydahl is the only thing ic can do!

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 12, 2022 08:56PM

Micaela Riepe Wrote:
> Dear Anita, you said: "Micaela Riepe, that's very
> kind of you. You have a very generous and
> forgiving heart. " Is tat true? I do not really
> know. Fact is sometimes I want to stay in theat
> bad mood I had according to Ole Nydahl before my
> state of mind totally changed. And that is
> generated only by him in co-working with my
> talents. So I am in the schizophrenic situation of
> rejecting Tibetan Lamaism with all its
> implications and practices and at the same time
> being grateful for what they have done for me.
> Yes, everything you write happened and it was
> ghastly. But today I recognize the deep
> psychological distortions I experienced as the
> path to the consciousness in which I now live. And
> really, I don't wish for another, though it still
> seems foreign after so many years. It is simply
> wonderful! What I wish ole Nydahl is the only
> thing ic can do!

Dear Michaela,

Thank you very much for responding to my message.

I do think you have a very good heart. I also think you are very brave. I hope your experiences will help others.

I have read your blog in the past and I will give you my very honest take on how I see your case.

I understand you have given a yes answer to most of my questions, leaving some of them unanswered. So I will rephrase these questions and put the assumed “YES – CORRECT” answer wherever I assume you gave this answer.

Question 1:

While being a member of Diamond Way group you experienced some sort of abuse. As a result of this abuse you ended up psychologically injured. The injury was serious enough to prevent you from continuing your own work. You had to attend psychotherapy.

My first question is what happened exactly in this group or in your relationship with Ole Nydhal that either directly caused this crisis or triggered it?

Question 2:

While in therapy you opened an online blog, where you were conveying your experiences. You created a very detailed record and you chronicled events in a real time.

Ole Nydahl's lawyer Jan Weber has managed to close your blog down. He also threatened you with a defamation case for conveying your experiences and expressing your opinions online. You were in therapy and you couldn't work. Understandably you could not have afforded legal expenses.

Did Jan Weber only close your blog down or did he also force you to make a statement (written statement) that the information posted on your blog was untrue?

Answer to question 2: YES – CORRECT

Question 3:

You saved parts of your blog by copying it on Rick Ross Forum. Was this RRF copy taken down or trimmed in any way by Jan Weber?

Question 4:

For what I also remember Jan Weber also threatened your psychotherapist. That's outrageous. She was afraid of his threats. Why Jan Weber threatened your psychotherapist and did his letters to her/him have an impact on your psychotherapy.

Is it fair to say that Jan Weber interfered with your psychotherapy process?

Answer to Question 4: YES - CORRECT

Question 5:

In your opinion and up to your knowledge, was Jan Weber instructed by Ole Nydahl as far as your case was concerned or did he act of his own volition?

My comment on that is as follows.

I am glad that you have found some peace of mind but I don’t think that what he did to you was a guidance on the “path to the subconscious”. I think that you were terribly, terribly abused while in psychotherapy and that that your psychotherapist didn’t handle this situation as s/he should have.

You live in Germany, as I gather, where diamond way is the strongest. It would have make things more difficult to you in terms of facing this organization.

What transpires from your recent post but also from the posts that you have written earlier, is an ambiguity if not split in how you perceive Ole Nydahl. On one hand you write that you don’t want anything to do with anything Tibetan. On the other hand you say that Ole Nydahl worked with your talents.

I don’t know what happened in your group that caused or triggered your crisis. As you were struggling through this crisis you had a right to your version of reality. You presented this version in a blog. I don’t know if it was lawful for him to take your blog down but he possibly was within his rights to threaten you with a defamation trial.

It was your right to present your version of reality to psychotherapist and it was a duty of the psychotherapist to work with your version of events.

You also had a right to open a personal injury case. There are differences in how different jurisdictions deal with personal injury cases. Nevertheless in every jurisdiction there is a process which you had a right to follow. You had a right to apply for evaluation of your damages to a relevant body. Ole Nydahl or diamond way would have been a respondent in such case. They of course would have had their own rights to question your version of events and/or refuse to pay damages.

You were entitled to go through this process and they had a right to respond.

They did not allow you to go through this process. They decided to prevent you from successfully submitting the case for evaluation by threatening your therapist and forcing you to sign a written statement that the version of events you presented on your blog was untrue. They decided to derail your case at the early stage before it entered evaluation, not to mention a court.

It was deliberate, intentional and reckless on their side. This is how this organization operates.

I think what they did to you and your therapist was unlawful. I also think it amounts to the case of witness tampering and an attempt of perverting the course of justice.

Witness tampering and an attempt to pervert the course of justice are both criminal offences and should have been treated as such.

Why they chose the path of witness and victim intimidation (if not harassment)? Well, in my view, they did it, most likely, because there were other personal injury cases against diamond way pending. Both the evaluator and judges who deal with personal injury cases look into how many personal injury incidents an organisation has to its credit. That obviously impacts their perception of credibility of victims who bring such cases on.

By derailing your case early on, they were preventing it from being evaluated. If your case went through, it would have strengthened the credibility of other victims who, in my view, had at that time open and pending personal injury cases against diamond way.

Once a personal injury cases enters the evaluation process there is a record. So regardless of the fact whether the case enters a court dispute or not, they evaluating body has this record and it can estimate how many people claim to have been hurt by a given organization.

What your psychotherapist should have done when the events unfolded as they did?

First of all I hope s/he was a licensed psychotherapist. Secondly I hope s/he was in supervision and was a member of a professional organisation. German Association of Psychologists perhaps? Psychotherapy in Germany is regulated.

The psychotherapist should have contacted his/her supervisor and let them know that s/he was receiving threats from the lawyer who represented the organisation that his/her patient had a potential injury case against. S/he should have let the supervisor know that this organization is harassing the patient by forcing this patient to sign a statement saying that whatever the patient claimed regarding the case was untrue.

In the next step the supervisor jointly with psychotherapist should have presented the case to the board of their professional organization. The board would have reviewed the case and decide whether it should have been passed on to prosecution. Should the case have been passed to the prosecution, the relevant prosecutor would then have to decide whether Jan Weber and Ole Nydahl should face criminal offence charges, on the grounds of potential harassment of a psychotherapy patient, potential witness tampering and potential attempt to pervert the course of justice.

What does it mean to you? It means that you were retraumatized. Your version of reality was taken away from you and denied.

That's one of the worst things that can happen in psychotherapy.

The therapeutic process should have validated and respected your version of reality and should have dealt with whatever trauma was at the core of this version. That would have allowed you to heal the split that this trauma has caused.

Such healing process would have allowed you to integrate the very extreme emotions that you feel to Tibetan buddhism and Ole Nydahl. As a result you would have been able to contain these conflicting emotions while remaining an integrated person, without the necessity to split or to regress to what you are referring to as a schizophrenic state.

In my view this split is still there and hence the ambiguity of your posts that I was referring to earlier.

My apologies for being so honest. I hope that I haven’t hurt you by writing this analysis. I wrote it with the best of my intentions. I hope that my honest approach to this case can help others.

Thank you again for your courage. Take care of yourself and stay well.

Best wishes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2022 08:58PM by Anita 2.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 01:32AM

Anita 2 Wrote:
> Discussion Boards
> charlesthegreat wrote on May 19, 2022 at 5:35pm
> Earlier comments of internauts, discussing this
> problem on Rick Ross forum, were removed.
> Internauts commonly attribute the removal of forum
> comments to Ole Nydahl’s lawyer Jan Weber.

Ole Nydhal's views on Dalai Lama are well known. I often heard Ole slam Dalai Lama in public. He literally hammered him. In his view Dalai Lama was a political failure. He failed to protect Tibet from China. He should have encouraged guerrilla warfare in Tibet but he didn't. Dalai Lama supported the opposing candidate to the title of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley. Ole Nydahl was openly referring to Ogyen Trinley as a Chinese spy.

I listened to many of Ole's lectures where he openly broadcasted his views to a wider public and to hundreds of his students. These lectures were public.

There was a clear resentment and anger really. Although Ole preached about disturbing emotions and distortions of an angry mind, there were some people who he couldn't stay anger free about. Dalai Lama was one of them.

Around 2008 someone posted on Rick Ross forum a photo of Ole from Canada. From what I remember, after his own lecture Ole was invited by his students to see Dalai Lama. They happened to be at the same time in one city.

Ole wasn't invited by his students to attend the lecture but to wait for Dalai Lama at the back door of the conference centre where Dalai Lama held his lecture.

So this photo shows Ole waiting for Dalai Lama at the back door of the conference centre. His hands clasped in prayer. He seems to be waiting for Dalai Lama’s blessing. His facial expression strange. I think he had some rucksack on his back.

Everyone who knew Ole realizes that this photo was very strange. It was not Ole's normal behaviour. Ole was a very proud man.

He turned hundreds if not thousands people against Dalai Lama. He influenced their negative perception of him. And here ... he was just standing at the back door, praying and waiting for Dalai Lama to give him a blessing.

This photo was published on RRF around 2008 or 2009.

I think this photo showed that already at that time Ole was losing a plot and he did not fully understand what he was doing.

I could not find this photo again. I think that Diamond Way have managed to take it down from RRF and from Internet altogether.

Everyone who already at that time was asking about the state of Ole's mental health was ignored or silenced. A letter was sent to students stating that Ole was mentally in great form.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 02:21AM

Anita 2 Wrote:
> Discussion Boards
> charlesthegreat wrote on May 19, 2022 at 5:35pm
> Caty Hartung was one of Ole’s many girlfriends.
> She had a long relationship with him at the time
> he was married to Hannah.
> Upon parting with Ole Nydahl she married a
> Hungarian businessman. He was active in the
> Hungarian sangha and he became a diamond way
> teacher.
> He was running serious investments globally and
> was somehow related to Hungarian power circles of
> Victor Orban. From what I have heard he was not
> only investing in property but also in oil. Among
> other he was investing in oil in South America. At
> least that’s what I have heard. If you have more
> accurate information, please correct me.
> The problem was that the power and influence of
> Caty Hartung over diamond way wasn’t governed by
> any set of rules. She had her own personal
> investments and agendas. There is an opinion; I
> think a legitimate one that she seemed to have
> been using diamond way to pursue her own business
> goals.
> That she seemed to have been running her and her
> husband’s business on the back of the diamond way
> organisation. So personal business profits seemed
> to have been exchanged for assignments of
> positions in diamond way Buddhist centres. For
> example positions of Buddhist teachers.
> There seemed to have been a problem of revolving
> doors and conflicts of interest. Diamond way never
> introduced any anti corruption policies.
> That led to tragedies. One of such cases was
> described by anton carson, posting on this forum
> before me.
> Ole claimed that the social system he created was
> a meritocracy. That’s not true. It is an
> oligarchy.
> Bee Scherer writes in her academic articles that
> Cathy Hartung was going to play a leading role in
> the organisation after Ole’s death. We know that
> this information is true.
> Well, in this case Hartung’s full financial and
> business disclosure should be requested. That
> should include a disclosure of potential income
> from tax free countries.
> Financial and business interest disclosure refers
> to the system whereby organization’s officials are
> required to disclose information about their
> assets and/or business activities.
> Disclosing the value of assets and liabilities,
> along with the amount of income, makes it possible
> to detect unexplained wealth variations and
> potential illicit enrichment. Business interest
> disclosure focuses on activities, commitments and
> business connections that may compromise
> officials’ impartiality in their policy decisions.
> To facilitate detection of potential conflicts of
> interest, information on the sources of such
> interests (as well as sources of assets and
> liabilities) is required.
> Earlier comments of internauts, discussing this
> problem on Rick Ross forum, were removed.
> Internauts commonly attribute the removal of forum
> comments to Ole Nydahl’s lawyer Jan Weber.

Another RRF post comes to mind which was also taken down by Diamond Way.

Again around 2009-2010 someone posted a link to a photo picturing Caty Hartung walking on a scene in Russia during Ole Nydahl’s public lecture. She was wearing cockneys. Cockneys were not the shoes she would normally wear.

The internauts were commenting that by wearing these shoes she was sending a positive message to Russia’s far right who she sympathized with. In this way she was demonstrating who she was identifying with.

The comments were that in Russia cockneys were worn by far right extremists. (
The comments and the photo of Caty Hartung were taken down from RRF and Internet by diamond way.


Perhaps we should consider that the current war in Ukraine has exposed layers of corruption both in Germany and Hungary. It has shown how German and Hungarian influential businesses were dependant on Russian oligarchs. Do you remember the earlier Panama Papers scandal? Among others it revealed Russian and Hungarian businesses off-shore holdings in tax free jurisdictions. That included off-shore holdings in South America and Caribbean.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2022 02:33AM by Anita 2.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 02:30AM

I also would like to comment on Ole’s views on LGBT+Q.

He believed that being a gay or a lesbian was a result of impurities of a speech. If you spoke negatively about men, while being a woman, you would end up as a lesbian in your next life. Conversely, if you spoke negatively about women, while being a man, you would end up as a gay in your next life. The views you held about the opposite gender in one life would determine your sexual orientation in the next.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Micaela Riepe ()
Date: June 14, 2022 04:39AM

To make two things clear: Never once was a single post of mine deleted on the Rick Ross forum. Everything is still there, but under a strange moniker. Rather, I assume this site was hacked by Nydahl's gifted students. I find it remarkable the energy with which most of it was saved.

Secondly, I have been pushing my legal issues throughout therapy. After I was prohibited from making certain statements by a court order, I published the injunction in full on my blog. There, of course, the prohibited statements were recorded. This and Weber's insinuation - he always acted on Nydahl's instructions -, that I published my blog under different country abbreviations, even though Google did so, led to a sentence of two hundred EU administrative fines, or two days in prison. I had to laugh secretly, because in the open letter to Nydahl I had bet that I would go to prison before him. The whole thing was a game. Nevertheless, I went to the next higher instance, the Higher Regional Court, and was proved right on all points.
What else is bothering you, Anita, is a mystery to me. Especially your analysis of my mental state and how it got there.

Let us finish this dialogue here.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 09:27PM

Micaela Riepe Wrote:
> To make two things clear: Never once was a single
> post of mine deleted on the Rick Ross forum.
> Everything is still there, but under a strange
> moniker. Rather, I assume this site was hacked by
> Nydahl's gifted students. I find it remarkable the
> energy with which most of it was saved.
> Secondly, I have been pushing my legal issues
> throughout therapy. After I was prohibited from
> making certain statements by a court order, I
> published the injunction in full on my blog.
> There, of course, the prohibited statements were
> recorded. This and Weber's insinuation - he always
> acted on Nydahl's instructions -, that I published
> my blog under different country abbreviations,
> even though Google did so, led to a sentence of
> two hundred EU administrative fines, or two days
> in prison. I had to laugh secretly, because in the
> open letter to Nydahl I had bet that I would go to
> prison before him. The whole thing was a game.
> Nevertheless, I went to the next higher instance,
> the Higher Regional Court, and was proved right on
> all points.
> What else is bothering you, Anita, is a mystery to
> me. Especially your analysis of my mental state
> and how it got there.
> Let us finish this dialogue here.

Micaela, thank you for your comments. Well done on winning the case in the second instance. Congratulations. I wasn't aware that you eventually won with them.

I actually didn't assume that your messages were deleted from Rick Ross' Forum. As I listed my questions I did not assume that the answer to the question number 3 was YES.

I also wonder how this forum manages to maintain its contents taking into consideration how much was already taken down on other sites.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2022 09:32PM by Anita 2.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 09:39PM

To forum Moderator:

Hi Rick,

I will now re-post my previous comment dated: June 14, 2022 02:21 AM but without the link which was previously included. This link may constitute over-interpretation. Readers should be allowed to do their own searchers and should not be influenced on how to interpret certain concepts. The earlier version of this post can be deleted.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Anita 2 ()
Date: June 14, 2022 09:47PM

Anita 2 Wrote:
> Discussion Boards
> charlesthegreat wrote on May 19, 2022 at 5:35pm
> Caty Hartung was one of Ole’s many girlfriends.
> She had a long relationship with him at the time
> he was married to Hannah.
> Upon parting with Ole Nydahl she married a
> Hungarian businessman. He was active in the
> Hungarian sangha and he became a diamond way
> teacher.
> He was running serious investments globally and
> was somehow related to Hungarian power circles of
> Victor Orban. From what I have heard he was not
> only investing in property but also in oil. Among
> other he was investing in oil in South America. At
> least that’s what I have heard. If you have more
> accurate information, please correct me.
> The problem was that the power and influence of
> Caty Hartung over diamond way wasn’t governed by
> any set of rules. She had her own personal
> investments and agendas. There is an opinion; I
> think a legitimate one that she seemed to have
> been using diamond way to pursue her own business
> goals.
> That she seemed to have been running her and her
> husband’s business on the back of the diamond way
> organisation. So personal business profits seemed
> to have been exchanged for assignments of
> positions in diamond way Buddhist centres. For
> example positions of Buddhist teachers.
> There seemed to have been a problem of revolving
> doors and conflicts of interest. Diamond way never
> introduced any anti corruption policies.
> That led to tragedies. One of such cases was
> described by anton carson, posting on this forum
> before me.
> Ole claimed that the social system he created was
> a meritocracy. That’s not true. It is an
> oligarchy.
> Bee Scherer writes in her academic articles that
> Cathy Hartung was going to play a leading role in
> the organisation after Ole’s death. We know that
> this information is true.
> Well, in this case Hartung’s full financial and
> business disclosure should be requested. That
> should include a disclosure of potential income
> from tax free countries.
> Financial and business interest disclosure refers
> to the system whereby organization’s officials are
> required to disclose information about their
> assets and/or business activities.
> Disclosing the value of assets and liabilities,
> along with the amount of income, makes it possible
> to detect unexplained wealth variations and
> potential illicit enrichment. Business interest
> disclosure focuses on activities, commitments and
> business connections that may compromise
> officials’ impartiality in their policy decisions.
> To facilitate detection of potential conflicts of
> interest, information on the sources of such
> interests (as well as sources of assets and
> liabilities) is required.
> Earlier comments of internauts, discussing this
> problem on Rick Ross forum, were removed.
> Internauts commonly attribute the removal of forum
> comments to Ole Nydahl’s lawyer Jan Weber.

Another RRF post comes to mind which was also taken down by Diamond Way.

Again around 2009-2010 someone posted a link to a photo picturing Caty Hartung walking on a scene in Russia during Ole Nydahl’s public lecture. She was wearing cockneys. Cockneys were not the shoes she would normally wear.

The internauts were commenting that by wearing these shoes she was sending a positive message to Russia’s far right who she (allegedly) sympathized with. It was assumed that in this way she was demonstrating who she was identifying with.

The comments were that in Russia cockneys were worn by far right extremists. The comments and the photo of Caty Hartung were taken down from RRF and Internet by diamond way.


Perhaps we should consider that the current war in Ukraine has exposed layers of corruption both in Germany and Hungary. It has shown how German and Hungarian influential businesses (and politicians) were dependent on Russian oligarchs. Do you remember the earlier Panama Papers scandal? Among others it revealed Russian and Hungarian businesses off-shore holdings in tax free jurisdictions. That included off-shore holdings in South America and Caribbean.

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