Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: March 14, 2008 09:42AM

I just found this review on another website:

There are some reviewers here who seem to think that what goes on at Bohemian Grove is no big deal and just innocent fun. I think that they are missing the point. All of these supposed Christians are engaging in the worship of an idol and mock human sacrifice. The Christian Bible is crystal clear on this topic. Delving into the occult in any way, shape, or form is strictly prohibited. Worship of false gods and self-deification are cornerstones of the Illuminati. The whole idea behind their cause is to achieve "enlightenment" and become "illuminated" like Lucifer. If watching the world's super rich and powerful dress up in hooded gowns, burn human children in effigy, and chant to strange gods doesn't make you raise an eyebrow, nothing will. Religious beliefs aside, the ceremony was strange, macabre, and unsettling. How in the world can anyone watch that tape with the strange cackling, the simulated screams of the burning body, and the odd dress of the participants and chalk it all up to innocent fun? The video quality here was absolutely atrocious but other than that two thumbs up.

Thanks to the person who wrote this review. I hope you don't mind me quoting this on this thread!


Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: March 26, 2008 09:46PM

Rama Das (slave name)

Presidential Roots....

The Kings and rulers of old have only vanished on the surface, the same families still have unmatched global power.

I think you're onto something here, Rama Das...

The bloodlines have been kept pure through selective breeding and some in-breeding...

For example, when Prince Charles went to donate blood to the Red Cross (in one of his benevolent moods?), it was discovered that he was Type O, Rh negative. This is considered to be the "purest" blood in that this type can be donated to any other person on the planet (a universal donor) and a person with this type can only receive blood of the same type. I belive there is a pregnancy complication where a Rh negative woman can start to develop a Rh positive fetus (from the father's genes), but the Rh positive is considered as an alien invader within her body, and her system consequently destroys the fetus...

The Rh means Rhesus factor and means related to the Rhesus monkey.

Rhesus monkey = mammalian = primate = of this earth.

Scientists are unable to explain where the Rh negative strain originated, leading some to speculate that it may have originated from an other-worldly source...

But, nah, everybody knows that out of the trillions and trillions of star systems out there and the billions and billions of galaxies, that there is only ONE planet that is inhabited with intelligent life ... and everyone knows that it is written in stone that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Just like 500 years ago it was written in stone that the earth was flat, that the sun revolved around the earth, and that nobody could travel faster than the speed of a galloping horse.

And anyone who stated otherwise was burned at the stake... or hanged, drawn and quartered!

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: March 27, 2008 08:47AM

I think Maury covered this pretty well on his show. I also believe that Silvia Browne covered this as well, using her psychic powers to ASSertain that everything you post here is absolutely true...

Why is it that Occum's Razor is so cruel to your theories all the time? A world outside of your parents basement awaits you...(God help us all)

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: March 27, 2008 01:06PM

Lame post, bro!


UFO PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theory)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 28, 2008 08:02AM

This UFO-PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theory) stuff is interesting, even in regards to cults.

There are some cults, like the Raelians, who use UFO's as a front, along with sex, to draw people in.

There are also those who are opposed to weird cults, while at the same time believing all sorts of weird UFO PCT ideas.

But its also an interesting case-study in True Believers. For example, there are a lot of otherwise "normal" folks who seem to have replaced their religious impulses with UFO and PCT.
This one seems to be popular currently.

UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied

Carl Jung wrote a good book on UFO's called "Flying Saucers" and its clearly a modern manifestation of unconscious material, just with new Symbols. In the middle-ages, it was Fairies and Goblins and Ghosts, now it Aliens and Flying Saucers.

It is very similar to various mythological religious beliefs, just with a different, modern, technological language of Symbols.
The human mind is a strange animal.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: March 28, 2008 09:36PM

I should also mention that people with Rh negative factor have been associated with the following traits:

* Extra vertebra (some even born with a "tail" - known as "cauda")

* Lower than normal body temperature

* Lower than normal blood pressure

* Higher mental analytic abilities

* Higher negative ion shielding around body

* Higher sensitivity to EM and ELF fields

* Hyper vision and other senses

The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin", which happened in Europe, about 25,000-35,000 years ago. Then this group spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, etc. (Basque folk, Celtic folk)

Again, this is NOT theory... these are medical facts. The science of blood transfusions has nothing to do with theory, as if the wrong blood type is transfused, the person will die. It is also scientific fact that the Rh positive factor is related to primates (apes)...

One could also say that the Rh negative blood is "alien" to the monkey blood.


The occult rituals and practices of the Illuminati / controllers / rulers can also be explained by higher physics....

We have all heard of the story of the Russian scientists in India who had electrodes attached to the meditating yogi... Those of us with a poor fund of knowledge may not be aware that the brain emits thought waves which are just radio waves at a lower frequency range. These can be measured on oscilloscopes. Hence the science of electronic mind control. (Again, nothing to do with "theory") ...

Don't you think the military / secret government / controllers / rulers would be interested in such a science? Dah?

And the electronic devices that Nikola Tesla was inventing all those decades ago were in the realm of metaphysics, or what the uninitiated would consider "magic" ... He stated he could make a weapon that would bring down a fleet of aircraft from hundreds of miles away... Don't you think the military / secret government would be interested in this? These "scalar" weapons have remarkable powers and make nuclear warfare obsolete...

These are known as "longitudinal wave interferometers" -- a relatively simple system of two transmitters each emitting pulsed waves ... kind of like when two rocks are thrown into the river the waves will meet each other and cause some interference. Apparently this interference zone produces "longitudinal waves" -- which would be very difficult for the non physicists to understand...

It has also been stated that the two hemispheres of a human brain can also act as an interferometer, and thus we find people who have telepathic and telekinetic powers ... just scalar energy that some people seem to have a natural talent for. Again, psychic powers or metaphysics being explained in physical terms...

James Casbolt stated that the MI5 and secret British Government were taking Rh negative children and training them to have these psychic powers to be used as "super soldiers" ... and Duncan O'Finioan also claimed the same thing is happening in the USA as well.

Apparently the illuminati got a lot of information from Aleister Crowley, the so-called black magician, dubbed at that time as "the most evil man in the world." Crowley wrote in his "Magick in Theory and Practice" book about things like doing human sacrifices to obtain powers and he stated young children were the best for this ... (Could this explain what happens to some of the many children who go missing without a trace???) ...


Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 28, 2008 09:47PM


Please refrain from posting various conspiracy theories on this message board.

Such information is not really relevant to the board.

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