Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Date: February 18, 2008 05:13AM

I support Just Googling in this.

I am glad to see you find an interest in these subjects, what I like to think is the unraveling of the ancient global power structure.

Perhaps I could offer some information and ideas that attempt to demonstrate that the title of this thread and various related subjects are not "false theories", it is, if accurate, and I would suggest the evidence for it is vast, a colossal predicament we are in, have been in and probably should know about.

The following is from an ancestry, genealogy website, written during the 2000 elections:

Presidential Roots

Burke's Peerage suggests that George W. Bush will be the eventual winner of the contested election. "The candidate with the most royal blood has always been the victor. Mr. Bush has twice as many royal connections as Mr. (Al) Gore," said publishing director Harold Brooks-Baker after concluding genealogical probes into their backgrounds. "Although never in the history of the United States have two presidential candidates been endowed with so many royal connections, our final research proves that Governor Bush will be President-elect Bush on Nov. 7," he added. Mr. Harold Brooks-Baker obviously wrote his remarks prior to November 7, and he didn't forecast the closeness of the Florida vote.

Brooks-Baker reports that George W. Bush is closely related to every European monarch on and off the throne—from the king of Albania to Sweden's House of Bernadotte—and has kinship with every member of Britain's royal family, the House of Windsor. Bush is the 13th cousin of Britain's queen mother, and his family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century.

Brooks-Baker reports that Al Gore has fewer royal relatives, but nevertheless his ancestors range from Holy Roman Emperor Otto I to the royal princes of Hanover.

from //

The presidential position is not extremely powerful in their system, it is purely for public consumption, a yes man (or woman) doing exactly as they are told.

A little presidential prediction: Hillary Clinton will be it, she will continue the war, or at least extend it as long as possible, she will support, keep and expand all presidential powers Bush has bestowed on the office like being above the congress and the law. She will support the same secret immigration reform policies and blanket amnesty proposals seen under bush, attempting to legalize vast numbers of illegal immigrants in turn letting them bring multiple family members, accepting violent felons and forgiving unpaid back taxes.
She will also bring the U.S. into all the U.N./Al Gore global carbon tax, one child policy global warming
hysteria which is based on a misleading and provably flawed, far from unanimous hypothesis and designed to further integrate and harmonize the governmental infrastructure of the world and creating yet another layer of regulation and taxes.

The Kings and rulers of old have only vanished on the surface, the same families still have unmatched global power.

the greater power this same network has globally is through money and banking.

The central banks, like the "Federal" Reserve are PRIVATE institutions and they have maneuvered themselves into the position of the issuing of all of the viable currencies globally.

This is a very dangerous situation as all of these banks operate off of baseless currencies, "imaginary
money" or Fiat Currency.


So these powers or families that operate the central banks have the power over the one thing that can get you anything in the world, money.

First off, it is all loaned on interest, so by definition, they have more money than any government. since if all the money in existence was paid back to them, all money would be out of circulation as they wait for the interest we owe them.

They don't just give themselves a bunch of money, but over time these banks can engineer the actual takeover and acquisition of all of the REAL or "hard" assets, like LAND, valuables, homes, companies, etc...

This is done through various techniques like issuing insane amounts of credit as we have seen, then calling in all the debt and seizing real assets.

It is a bait and switch, you get the entire world to accept your money as their wealth as you gradually devalue and bankrupt the system the money is tied to, all the while taking all the real wealth out of circulation.

End result? as time goes on you have far fewer independent, prosperous and wealthy individuals OUTSIDE of the network of the few elite as you engineer scarcity and manufacture fear to cripple the population.

WHY? why would they do this? it is a psychotic sickness, a desire to CONTROL and OWN everything, I don't understand it, but it is a reality that humanity has not been free of in recorded history.

Unmolested, our people of this planet would experience abundance and prosperity as the natural and normal state, freedom would be our birthrite and the universe our backyard.

All you have to do is research any one area of the vast multitude of pathological influences on our society to see that it is not by chance or ignorance that the situation exists, nor is it the byproduct of a few careless, greedy C.E.O.'s.
The truth is that, from food additives and genetic concoctions/aberrations replacing our natural foods to governments redefining a definition like terrorism to legally encompass such vast demographics of activity such as a misdemeanor in turn justifying indefinite incarceration, suspension of rights, juryless trial and execution, all conducted secretly are specifically and coldly designed to harm, hinder and oppress us.

These same powers have a history of staging and creating traumatic events that appear to be a viscous outside attack on their own people to have justification for wars or increased government control and power, recently declassified by the U.S. is the fact that the U.S. orchestrated and carried out the Gulf of Tonkin attacks through an agreement with Israeli military aircraft to attack the U.S.S. Liberty for over an hour as all nearby U.S. ships were ordered not to help, with testimony from a Captain of a nearby ship that the President LBJ personally said "no help, I want that ship going to the bottom."
Another now admitted covert bloody and deceitful action of the U.S. and the C.I.A. in Iran with the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh by carrying out bombings and other public slaughters and distributing propoganda claiming Mossadegh was the proud perpetrator.

Both 9/11 and the Oklahoma city bombing have physical and video evidence that the cause of the collapse and destruction was greater than and in addition to what is officially endorsed as the cause.
Not to mention many other signs of government involvement and/or foreknowledge.


early news reports and eyewitness testimony describe multiple large explosions.

ATF agents were strangely absent from the building that day, as they were based there, and also on the scene in full gear within seconds to minutes when the equipment takes much longer to put on.

Large central columns were found across the street, ACROSS the official, single blast point... in other words, it should have gone AWAY from the blast, not towards it and past it.

The suggestion is that the building was rigged with large amounts of explosives in areas of the building that the Terrorist culprit did not have access to.


WTC 7, a 47 story building hit by no plane collapsed in a perfect demolition fashion at free fall speed a few hours later that day.

The twin towers fell at very near free fall speeds, collapsing totally and creating vast amounts of completely pulverized material.

A mere collapse would not pulverize the building.

A collapse solely from the impact and subsequent fires would have been partial and asymmetrical.
It would have also been far, far slower, perhaps not collapsing at all, due to the construction of the building.

What was seen would require the complete, synchronized and instant removal of the main support columns and structure, likely through the use of massive amounts of internally planted demolitions explosives.

George Bush conveniently signed the orders to attack Afghanistan on Sept 10th and the massive amounts of troops needed had been deployed weeks and months before.

Firefighters and other first responders heard and felt many explosions that were not the plane impacts.

Perhaps before you demand silence from people on these valid subjects claiming personal trauma, you might hear what this man has to say about his experiences in the trade towers that day.

Firefighter John Schroeder


Also, on another subject raised by Googling...

Cathy O'Brien testified the entire contents of her book "Trance Formation of America" to federal courts and the cases were halted due to falling under "National Security", by the way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2008 05:25AM by Rama Das (slave name).

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 19, 2008 07:07AM

Its hard to know who's being serious, or perhaps sarcastic?

But that being said, people need to consider learning about Critical Thinking, and how to begin to analyze evidence.

The book The Demon Haunted World is a great introduction to this, its not just a set of Beliefs or stories. Its a terrific book about learning the different ways of thinking and gathering evidence. You can get it for a few bucks used, and everyone should check it out.

You can also learn some critical thinking skills as well.

That being said, its clear that most folks who get hooked into Conspiracy Theories, don't really ever come out of it. The only exceptions are some folks who come out of 'mania' and then after treatment are able to see how far off their were.
But for run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories, it does not seem like people ever let them go.

Also, these days, there are hundreds of people making a lot of MONEY selling conspiracy theory books and speeches, etc. So there is a vested interest there.

The Best Conspiracy Theories (Lizard-People Are Running the World!)

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 20, 2008 01:30AM

To whom it may concern:

Please recognize that this message board is not for the compiling of conspiracy theories and links to conspiracy theories on the Web.

This message board is about destructive cults and controversial groups that exist as factually reported, not fanciful theories about groups.

Please refrain from posting about conspiracy theories here.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 20, 2008 01:46AM

Hooo boy, could I contribute to this thread!! But I won't, it will take too much time . . .

Suffice it to say that I have been involved for most of my life with "true believers." I know that people drawn deeply into the vast realm of conspiracy theories are ripe for cult indoctrination. You start wandering down that hall o' mirrors and it won't be long before you're good and goddamned lost, ready for some charismatic leader to sweep your confused ass right into his flock.

There are certainly many conspiracies afoot, but unfortunately the realm of "true believers" is comprised of people almost wholly lacking in critical thinking skills and no end to those interested in exploiting them, selling books, doing radio shows, selling survival gear and mystical gadgets and hocus pocus.

Anti-cult, keep on posting those links. Teaching people to think seems to be of increasing importance these dark days.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 20, 2008 10:59PM


Good point.

It seems meaningful to discuss what makes "true believers" tick that believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories.

But any new posts attempting to perpetuate such theories and advertise them through links here will be deleted.

There are already enough links to such unreliable sources on this thread etc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2008 11:04PM by rrmoderator.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 21, 2008 01:07AM


Of course, delete the long ranting about aliens or whatever. But the conspiracy mindset and cult mindset are VERY much connected. And as in Scientology, conspiracy theories and cults can overlap.

This is a topic close to my heart, so to speak, because a very close family member has been a leader in the realm of conspiracy theory. And his conspiracy theory is actually true! (It's basic government conspiracy, nothing otherworldly). Anyway, it has brought me into deep, prolonged contact with this whole wacky world and I have a LOT of thoughts about it. Really, I could write a book. . . gotta do that someday . . .

Again, as in the self-help cults, there are many, many kernels of truth in the realm of conspiracy theory. It's all the OTHER stuff wrapped up in the package that is the problem. "True believers" tend to have logic that goes something like:

If A is true, and B is true, and A + B = C, then C must mean D, F, J, K ,V, M and R!! Even if there is no supporting any of those final leaps of logic.

Also there is a lot of reverse thinking. Many events that are accidents of history are seen, in hindsight, as planned conspiracies because they led to certain outcomes, even if there is no proof.

All of this feeds into humanity's need for cohesion, purpose, an overarching story, a creation myth, an enemy, something to fear and fight against, or for, someone to follow or believe. These needs seem to drown out the slow, tedious process of research into reality necessary to really understand the world.

This post is scattered, I'd like to refine my thoughts about this more, but I"m running out the door now. Maybe I'll post later, if for no one but myself.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 21, 2008 03:45AM

I do want to add that I believe many, many current conspiracy theories do have much truth in them. However, the topic of this thread: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati, is something that contains massive amount of conjecture and leaps of logic in the available literature.

I've actually been a guest speaker on the Alex Jones show many times, discussing a certain government conspiracy. Alex Jones of course claims to have infiltrated the Bohemian Grove. I admit that I haven't seen the entire video he's put out (wouldn't spend the money, sorry) because the clips I've seen of it -- which have been presented as some of the best clips -- were absolute gobbledygook! Giant owl? Where?? I coudn't see a damn thing! It was a blurry mess that looked like someone on acid filming a midnight rave/trance party in the woods or something. Could have been anything to me.

But again, I haven't seen the whole film.

Of course secret societies have always existed and always will. Those secret handshakes are fun! So let's not get too wrapped up in "exposing" these things as if it's something that could ever be eradicated anyway. The boys will build their tree-house forts, and you and I will not be allowed in, and that's just the way it goes. And yes, they will conspire. It's human nature.

Research history, investigate crimes, expose lies, tell the truth. But don't jump to so many unfounded conclusions that you sound like a freakin' loony, cause you're not helping ANYONE that way.

One of the most egregious examples of conspiracy lunacy is David Icke. Book after book after book of unsubstantiated and radical claims of eons-spanning elite collusion, repackaged better-than-ever anti-semitism, alien conspiracy theories and NO PROOF!! NO EVIDENCE!! NONE!!! It's unfuckingbelievable, and I spent YEARS surrounded by people who just swallowed it whole like gospel and parroted it back to anyone unfortunate enough to be cornered at a party.

Good god, help us.

Sometimes I wonder if people like David Icke are part of a conspiracy to make real conspiracy researchers look like wackaroons.

Anyway. My two cents.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: left_of_the_dial ()
Date: February 27, 2008 05:30PM

Actually, I think it's fairly obvious to the rational person that there IS a conspiracy going on. The question comes down to the degree of complexity to which the conspiracy operates. Is it simply a few loosely connected wealthy people using their power and influence to manipulate government agencies into making decisions that favor and increase their current wealth and/or growth? The problem is that evidence seems to support the possibility that the connections between these powerful agencies and government could very well be much more complex than one might think. Both Eisenhower and JFK seemed to allude to something very sinister. Why should something like skull & bones be above scrutiny on a cult forum? Operation Northwoods? The fact that our government is not talking or even trying to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I do think these things need to discussed and looked into. The poor decision making of our government is practically inviting people to become conspiracy theorists and believing in the existence something like an Illuminati, based on the information we have, has almost become become a very small leap of faith even if their is little concrete evidence to prove or support it.

Government leaders as shape-shifting alien lizards? Obviously that's taking things a bit too far and surely I can see why moderators might want it taken to a different forum. But the cultish secrecy of Skull and Bones ought to be looked into and open for discussion and debate right here on this forum since it seems to fall under the very definition of cult activity in almost every imaginable way. Personally, I'm interested in getting more information on exactly what their activities consist of.

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: March 12, 2008 11:10AM


Personally, I'm interested in getting more information on exactly what their activities consist of.

Good to see someone out there who cares.... go and check out "Ted Gunderson" on youtube. Ted Gunderson was the head of the FBI in Los Angeles. He talks about satanism and child abductions involving the upper crust. I don't think his testimony can be dismissed as "theory."

David Icke also reported on a similar case in Brussels, which happened in the mid 1990's, I believe. Also involved the elite of Belgium, and scenes such as high court judges sitting behind bullet-proof glass, 300,000 people going on strike to bring out the truth... etc.

I wonder why "60 Minutes" did not report on these things. Seems like pretty big stories to me?

Re: Skull & Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death, Illumanati
Posted by: Guruphobiac ()
Date: March 12, 2008 12:30PM

vlinden, are you aware of the book by Jon Ronson called "Them"? Mr. Ronson hangs out with various conspiracy nuts, and one of the best chapter is whne he and Alex Jones infiltrate Bohemian Grove.

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