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Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 22, 2003 10:53PM

Obviously you can say whatever you want. As can others.

Sorry, but I looked at your links and that's my opinion.

Looks like bizarre conspiracy theories.

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Posted by: urantiagate ()
Date: April 22, 2003 11:53PM


And what do you suppose a website might look like which attempted to alert people to an actual conspiracy by a multi-billion dollar government intelligence/security community pledged to the highest degree of secrecy?

All that can be seen is the tip of the iceberg in such a case. And people don't begin with the professional polish of established investigative journalists.



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Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 23, 2003 12:22AM

Many paranoid conspiracy theory sites look just like what you have put together.

But that doesn't mean the theories expressed are about anything with substance and/or real. Though it may seem real to the paranoid webmasters who run them.

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Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 23, 2003 12:49AM

I was in a peace group that maintained a 24 hour vigil at military installation. Initially we had a large number of people, and functioned well.

Over the course of a year and a half, things changed. The more talented, socially adept people in our group found other things to do--they returned to school, or formed partnered relationships that needed attention. Or they decided to travel or just move on to something else. Eventually the core group consisted of eccentrics who lived there for want of other options--we became a hobo camp that called itself a peace vigil. Bad habits developed, such as drug use--something our ground rules forbade, but that people did anyway.

No one in the group wanted to examine the ways that their own behavior created an unappealing impression to visitors. One day, the senior member of this group insisted that our numbers were down because the people at the military base were beaming radio waves in our direction to create a covertly unpleasent atmosphere, so as to drive visitors away.

That was how I learned that it is so much easier to create a conspiracy theory than to look at a group's pattern of self defeating behavior. Other peace groups I was in blamed declining numbers on subversion tacitic by the police--they loved to remind us of CONTIPLRO. They chose to ignore the fact that most people do not have the time to sit through boring, hours long 'consensus' meetings, and that its tiresome to be in a group that refuses to screen out dysfunctional people who throw tantrums when things do not go their way.

A minister who pastored underground churches during the savage Communist regime in Romania, (his name was Wurmbrand) said that the authorities used the most ruthless methods to destroy churches, but that a church remained indestrutible so long as it was a healthy community. (The Romanian secret police were even nastier than the Russian secret police) Pastor Wurmbrand's recommended these precautions to any church or community: members must not gossip and must hold no grudges whatsoever. Resolve disputes immediately, because the secret police exploited any hint of discord in a community. Two, have no secrets. If any member had a moral lapse, all he or she had to do was share it with the congregation. That way, the person was not isolated with a burden of shame that the police could exploit. And the community could help and heal the individual. Finally whatever money and resources belonged to the church were to be administered with scrupulous honesty. If a community followed these precautions, the secret police could not infilitrate or disrupt it--there were no weaknesses to exploit.

Moral of the story: a healthy community that works on itself and takes full responsiblity for its mistakes can withstand disruptive tactics--if you work on your own shortcomings and take conscious responsiblity for them, the less you need to worry about grand conspiracies.

Hustlers, crooks and secret agents are powerless if they dont have anything they can latch on to--and thats entirely up to us. Be conscious about your blind spots, hold no grudges, live a clean life on the up and up, avoid bad company, and there's nothing anyone can use against you--even if they belong the to biggest baddest conspiracy out there.

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Posted by: urantiagate ()
Date: April 23, 2003 02:00AM


Freud said that sometimes a cigar is really a cigar! Meaning that things that seem to have different meanings are in fact what they are (to Freudians a cigar is usually a phallic symbol).

One difference between what I am doing and what a paranoid might do, because of the nature of paranoia, is that I almost always qualify my statements. To me there is not a conspiracy there so much as a certain amount of evidence and logic (admittedly incomplete) pointing to a conspiracy.

I think you do a disservice to inquiring minds to lump things together the way you have, and to issue condemnations out of hand.

Two things which characterize paranoia, neither of which I have or exhibit on my website, and they are fear and a belief that I am at the center of a conspiracy, that is, that the conspirators are "after" me.

I may be wrong, we all are subject to that. But little shows me to be paranoid. I had mistakenly believed that this forum was devoted to uncovering religious machinations which victimize innocent people. Sorry, apparently I was wrong. The administration does not even give one a good hearing before making quick judgements and issuing condemnations of ideas.

As to the links I supplied to give context to the quotes. If I had given a dictionary reference to define a word, would you think all the words in it were in my vocabulary? The website something is found upon has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of that something.

Is a diamond less a diamond because it is in the hands of a fool?


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Posted by: AppleCider ()
Date: April 26, 2003 01:04PM

Actually "channeling" is thought of as "possession" by most Christian churches and some other religions. Think about it...would you invite anyone living into your mind and allow them to speak through you?

For a very good example of the dangers, I refer you to two current Moonies, who finally caught on to the Zimbabwian who supposedly "channeled" Moon's son, Heung Jin.



Although these two don't actually repudiate the idea of channeling, they did see its results in this case. People were hurt, some very seriously, because of this nut's using "Heung Jin" to beat people.

I also have a small piece on my site regarding the Zimbabwian Cleopas Kundioni.

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Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 13, 2003 07:08AM

The Bible tells us to avoid spiritists, mediums and the like, and it also tells us why- because even Satan can disguise himself as an Angel of Light. Satan is the father of all lies, and he has come to kill and destroy. If channeling, UFO's, fortune telling or any of that kind of stuff has any element of truth to it, it is not of God, which means its bad, and you should avoid it.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: May 13, 2003 09:39PM


Originally posted by letGodbetrue
The Bible tells us to avoid spiritists, mediums and the like, and it also tells us why- because even Satan can disguise himself as an Angel of Light. Satan is the father of all lies, and he has come to kill and destroy. If channeling, UFO's, fortune telling or any of that kind of stuff has any element of truth to it, it is not of God, which means its bad, and you should avoid it.

Now I'd like to point out some interesting things in your posts. YOu were claiming that Jesus wasn't a wimpy character. He was bringing a sword not peace, so he came to kill and destroy. Now how many fortune tellers and UFO believers want to do that? I believe the Bible is best a book to be discarded. It's time for a new system based on science not mysticism and superstition.

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Posted by: express ()
Date: May 13, 2003 10:20PM

It's time for a new system based on science not mysticism and superstition.

You keep saying that but seem to offer no alternative. Now I don't believe in channeling but I do believe in God. And I find your whole arrogance to the subject disrespectful. You were treated badly by the Jewish Orthodox and it impacted you. I lost my boyfriend to the ICC and it took me a very long time to get past that but it didn't destroy my faith. I am not saying you have to believe in anything but please be repsectful of us run of the mill chrstains, jews, muslims..... because we are respectful of you.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: May 14, 2003 12:39AM


Originally posted by express
It's time for a new system based on science not mysticism and superstition.

You keep saying that but seem to offer no alternative.
(RMG's reply: No, I've offered quite a few alternatives. Just look at some of my postings. Also, the secular Israelis have a cultural alternative that could be looked at too.)

Now I don't believe in channeling but I do believe in God. And I find your whole arrogance to the subject disrespectful. You were treated badly by the Jewish Orthodox and it impacted you.
(RMG's reply: I also had a bad experience with Born Again Xianity.
I don't believe these religions are the final spiritual solution for the human race).

I lost my boyfriend to the ICC and it took me a very long time to get past that but it didn't destroy my faith. I am not saying you have to believe in anything but please be repsectful of us run of the mill chrstains, jews, muslims..... because we are respectful of you.
(RMG's reply: The fact is that the run of the mill people aren't the problem. It's the fanatics who are the main problem. And I've been up against a few. Hickman, Schneersohn, etc...

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