The Real Story Behind Tulsi's Success
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 03, 2015 08:54PM

I hate to be the cynic here, but when Tulsi's politics echo the commentator's politics like Bill Maher, Wolf Blitzer, and Greta Van Susteren they only see an ally and not what (or who) is really behind her. Both Hollywood and Washington are a game of masks and ratings. If there were not a need to offer a foil or contrast to Hillary Clinton and Obama, Tulsi would be of no interest. That's why Bernie Sanders has become so popular. At least they have to pretend there is another option to Hillary Clinton, the ordained next President.

Bill Maher has been out on a limb with his peers due to his "not so politically correct" observations about radical Islam. The conversation Maher had with Tulsi illustrated the idea of having to pick the lesser evil over a greater evil. Certainly Maher is picking the lesser evil of Tulsi's Hinduism over what is going on over in the middle east in the name of Islam. Perhaps Maher's producers missed Tulsi's cult affiliation, but if they didn't, it could easily be ignored given her status in the Democratic Party and her opinions on Islam.

See also: Wolf Blitzer interview Tulsi Gabbard - Syria - Oct. 2015

Tulsi is shown here echoing Wolf Blitzer's own politics. People are sick of the older, desiccated politicians in the Democratic Party. Don't be so shocked if the media courts a young, good looking liberal that agrees with them. If she is a DINO (democrat in name only), it does not matter. It's all a show. Even her Hinduism and "Eat, Pray, Love" blissful smile is all part of the theatrics of Tulsi Gabbard. It's popular and the media is always a whore to fashion.

In the end of the day, don't look to the mainstream media to get anything right. It's about ratings and money. There is no moral compass. Right now Tulsi adds monetary value and political currency to these shows. She also shows up on Fox News. You really think this is a contradiction? You really think that there is much difference between FOX and CNN or the Democrats and Republicans?! You would be naive.

I recently saw a clip of George W Bush after 9-11 saying line by line, quote by quote what Tulsi has been repeating in Congress and on the news shows, "Name the enemy. Have a clear mission. Have an exit strategy." Some days Tulsi sounds like a conservative and on other days, a liberal, which is why she has been more successful than her father. Pure protean politics.

It's too late. Tulsi has already passed the gauntlet and is in the House and on the world stage.

The only reason to become a politician these days is that it provides so much insider information and connections that you get rich and powerful. Butler has enjoyed these percs for decades through his proxy candidates (in my opinion). "Servant/Leader" my ass.

Right now Tulsi is too big of an asset for the media, certain contingencies in the Democratic Party, and the Hindu lobby to knock down solely based on her cult affiliation. She's a money maker. As long as she remains so, no one gives a shit that she grew up in Butler's cult.

She's not complaining. She grew up as an elite Patrician in the cult and knows no other life. Here lies the real story. She grew up on the backs of the parents of Rama, Lalita, Shyam Dodge, and many others. She still thrives on the free labor and subsequently the deprivation of other children in the cult. From media productions to waving campaign signs; it has been provided free for both her parents and her own campaigns at Butler's command. It's all done in the name of "devotional service" with the promise of tip toeing through the lotus flowers with guru in the afterlife.

Sure, now she can provide a few jobs, but only to other elites and true believers in the cult. I doubt she loses any sleep over the broken homes, health problems, and financial devastation of those followers who gave their life over to her guru, followers who surrendered everything so she could run for office. Money, college funds, businesses, land, farms, labor, talents, time, energy, and love were foolishly offered to Butler so he could groom this Tulsi plant (pun intended) in the position she enjoys today.

The entertainment and news industry is all about what's making money at the moment. Even the mainstream media would say, "Tough shit. Karma's a bitch." to the families who have been damaged by the cult from which Tulsi Gabbard benefited. She brings in the ratings. Yeah, "Jai Shri Krishna. Jai Shrila Prabhupad" all the way to the bank and halls of Congress...all the way to Bill Maher's lap.

The real story is not her religious or even her political views and affiliations. She may actually do some inadvertent good. I know that will make some of you mad, but hear me out. The real story is that she rose to power because of her shadow guru in a shadow cult disguised as a religion.

Beyond proving that Butler and his proxies like the Gabbard family allegedly may have benefited from laundered drug money, tax evasion, or any other illegal practices (I do not underestimate this angle nor is it any less of a real story), there is an under reported narrative. My heart goes out to the simple families that were destroyed by the the cult through legal, unethical, and classic cultic means.

The real story is not Tulsi's politics or religion. It doesn't matter what party or temple she goes to. The real story is that a few elite Butlerites have benefited from the life, blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifices of the majority of lesser known followers.

One father gave over his very life and a lucrative health food business to Butler. It has had devastating results on both sons. Rama tells it in his own words. That's the real story.

The real story is that a talented musician gave over his life and service totally to Butler. He was left with a third rate career and estranged from a remarkable daughter when he could have been a super star. Listen to Lalita's own words.

Both sets of parents deprived their children of proper educations and healthy family structures because of undue influence and mind control. A responsible media would investigate this and observe Tulsi's rise with scrutiny and care. I'm not holding my breath. The media is just as bad as all the political yahoos. Wake up. We live in a plutocracy with a veneer of democracy and a propaganda infused press. At least seventy percent of the public are disenfranchised with no detectable influence on the policies of their own representatives.

There are thousands of untold stories from people who have suffered under Tulsi's guru. More of their stories need to be told. Tulsi's success has come at great cost to others. Is she even aware of that? She claims to feel compassion for the Iraqi victims of war and religious fanaticism. She needs to walk outside her own palace walls and meet the families who lost so much to this fraud Chris Butler Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda!

Has she ever had an opportunity to talk to an ex-follower and heard their stories!? Is she even allowed to speak with them or does she view them all as demons!? She may one day be in a room negotiating peace with a murderous despot, a genuine demon like Assad, yet she may be more fearful of speaking to someone who is critical of her guru!? She trained men to be part of a killing machine, but she can not acknowledge damages within the Chris Butler group!?

Tulsi trained Iraqi men who at first could not even look at her because she was a woman. Why can't she champion the rights of girls who have been diminished by Chris Butler's schools and philosophy!? Why doesn't she champion the rights of parents and children shunned and separated by her cult just because they do not believe as she does!? Why doesn't she speak out against those abuses!? (Does she even know what happened to Shyam Dodge's sister?)

How is it that Tulsi is so blind as to what is right under her feet!? Or is she drinking rose water out of her own shoes and eating her own toenails too?

[This post is my unsolicited opinion protected, at least for now, under the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution!]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2015 09:10PM by Vera City.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: November 03, 2015 11:01PM

Tulsi was just on REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER.

Posted on Submit Your 'Overtime' Questions for October 30, 2015:

Bill is the guy who made Religulous!
He loves the intersection of politics and religion.
So WHY weren't there any questions to Tulsi Gabbard about her crazy guru Chris Butler???

I wish I'd known ahead of time she was going to be a guest.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 04, 2015 12:48AM

CarlFig ~
Call me cynical, but I don't think it would matter if Mr. Religulous knew about Tulsi's background. Tulsi was invited for one reason alone. She's entertaining and echoes Bill Maher's position on radical Islam. Read my most recent post. Maher has been desperately trying to maintain his liberal label while going against the prevailing attitude regarding Islam. After Ben Afleck called Maher out on the topic a year ago, he's been harping on the issue. Tulsi is a prominent democrat who is in agreement with Maher. That's all.


...when Tulsi's politics echo the commentator's politics like Bill Maher, Wolf Blitzer, and Greta Van Susteren they only see an ally and not what (or who) is really behind her...

Bill Maher has been out on a limb with his peers due to his "not so politically correct" observations about radical Islam. The conversation Maher had with Tulsi illustrated the idea of having to pick the lesser evil over a greater evil. Certainly Maher is picking the lesser evil of Tulsi's Hinduism over what is going on over in the middle east in the name of Islam. Perhaps Maher's producers missed Tulsi's cult affiliation, but if they didn't, it could easily be ignored given her status in the Democratic Party and her opinions on Islam.

No doubt Maher should be made aware of this forum and perhaps in the future he will address her connection to Butler. Vox posted contact info. But seriously, Tulsi would not appear on his show to be grilled about her crazy guru Chris Butler Jagad Guru Siddhawarupananda!

It's just an opinion show. Maher's essentially a comedian. You really think it is about real journalism and truth?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: November 04, 2015 01:21AM

sad to say, you're probably right...

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 04, 2015 03:22AM

Elites –Brahmins--take care of each other.
Whether they're Brahmins via the Hindu caste system, Harvard "Masters of the Universe" Brahmins, entertainment industry "Brahmins", Silicon Valley "Brahmins" or media "Brahmins."

Thing is - are these elites using their good luck and power to exploit and lie to the rest of us?

Get by with paying no tax or less tax in proportion to total income than those of us have modest income and file our 1040s without advantage of sophisticated tax shelters or offshore banking?

Now, folks such as Ayn Rand (much beloved by current and aspiring Masters of the Universe) .have contended that it is immoral for talented powerful individuals to feel accountable to any sort of communal good. Winner takes all.

Well, here’s something for the Brahmins to consider.
Being a Brahmin is not a free standing, essential state. One cannot be elite or perceive oneself as being on top of the heap, unless the heap exists in the first place.

Brahmin hood is possible only in relation to those who are non-Brahmins.

In India, the Brahmins need the outcastes to take care of the sewers.

-.Brahmin hood is meaningless unless there's a huge group of non-Brahmins kept outside by the security detail and bouncers.
Listen up, Brahmins. You need us. Without us non-Brahmins, your world would cease to exist.

Without non Brahmins, you’d have only your fellow Brahmins. You’d have no one to serve as your gardeners, maids, plumbers. No one to gas up your limo. No one to fly your private jet.

No non-Brahmins to take care of the Brahmin children.

You’d have no one to serve as your entourage or open your limo doors.

No non-Brahmin lawyer or PR representative to say "No comment".

You’d have no non-Brahmin to unroll the red carpet or keep the windows sparkling clean.

In your old age, who would take care of your pee bag and change your Depends?

Eliminate the non-Brahmins, and the Brahmins would have to create a whole new hierarchy of high prestige Brahmins and outcaste Brahmins to scrub the toilet and skim the swimming pool.

Without us, you'd have fun for awhile, freedom from obligation. But, gradually boredom and discontent would set in.

How do I know this with such certainty?

By watching the news.

By reading stuff written by people in the music and entertainment industries.

Former drug dealers and former sex workers who have survived and gotten out of the business with sanity and health intact can tell no shortage of stories of the number of Brahmins who beg for their services. Go look for some rock star biographies. For the drug scene, get and read Jerry Stahl's memoir, Permanent Midnight.

Time and again, "Brahmins" land in the news doing high risk, criminal activities, in non-Brahmin company. This guy has unassailable social status and no shortage of money. in his Brahmin world turned boring for him.

Lebanon charges Saudi prince over record drug haul


The late King of Saudi Arabia secretly married a Christian Palestinian woman
--forbidden by the prejudices of the king's Wahahabi sect.


In a comment following this story, one man wrote:


CHRISTOPHER 15 hours ago

More covert stuff from the Saudis...a drug smuggling prince, the King marrying a Christian, and from a friend in L.A., who works as a bouncer at a very trendy nightclub, they pay extra for time in the backrooms to smoke and snort cocaine.

Double standards from those peaceful folks who practice Sharia law and treat women like dirt.

Corboy: These "Brahmins" could toot cocaine in a palace in Saudi. But...not fun enough. They have to go to sin-pit EL LAY and play snow man in the back room of a trendy nightclub. Take out all the furnishings and that club space becomes smelly concrete commercial space. Its all in the mind, folks.

Look at the number of "Brahmins" who have been landed on the front page because they sought to increase their feeling of specialness via abuse
of sexuality.

*(Hanging head in shame and anger)

A former US President. Yeah. Clinton. Brilliant man. A Brahmin. Lost it all because he just had to take risks with non Brahmin women. Brahminhood was boooring.

* Brahmin Harry "Wide-Stance" Craig.


Italy and Burluscioni

* [] all the Masters of the Universe, the Brahmins, the wannabe John Galts out there:

You need the rest of us.

And, you need us, the little people, more than we need you.

We, the citizens, want to get a fair days wage for a fair days work --adjusted for inflation. Clean water, air and food, medical care for ourselves and our children, and we want to be told the truth by those Brahmins who persuade us to vote them into office and urge us to go to war.*

You Brahmins need us for our votes.

Two, you need our company when you are bored, miserable and tired of Brahmin life.

We, the non Brahmins - most of us don't want to be Brahmins. We enjoy each other's company too much. A few of us want to be Brahmins, they are welcome to it.

All we citizens ask of Brahmins is this: tell us the truth, don't impose your sexual impulses on us without asking our permission and consent.

If you want to go to war, go yourselves. Brahmins Cheney and Rove and Rummy could've done the right thing by donning jockstraps, climbing into a cage and duking it out with Osama bin Ladin, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Mullah Omar.

The rest of us would've been glad to watch, with no need for our kids to serve multiple tours of duty in an unwinnable war. (Meanwhile, send in the special forces to find and blow up the terrorist training camps.)

And do not play games with money that fuck up our jobs, incomes, bank accounts, pensions and don't let your investment games screw with our property or price us out of our own neighborhoods.

Tell us the truth and leave us out of your realpolitik gaming. And when you Brahmins come visiting - mind your manners.

You need us to assuage your boredom.

We non Brahmins do not need you.

We don't need John Galt.

And we don't need Chris Butler, either.

We dispose of our own toenails in hygienic fashion.

However, we citizens would like to thank that Chris Butler is just
a character in the funny papers.

Unfortunately, Jagadguru Chris Butler is all too real.

And that is why we are here at Cult Education Institute's message board.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2015 07:46AM by corboy.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 04, 2015 12:20PM

I have said many times- until Tulsi Gabbard stands up and denounces her “guru” in public, she cannot be trusted and she merely facilitates her guru’s long standing greed for power and control.

She is, in effect, another rotten apple in the rotten Butler Barrel.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 04, 2015 04:16PM

Vox Veritas
I have said many times- until Tulsi Gabbard stands up and denounces her “guru” in public, she cannot be trusted and she merely facilitates her guru’s long standing greed for power and control.

That's not likely to happen any time soon. Especially after her "Eat, Pray, Love" blissful smiley video Message for Srila Prabhupada's Journey to USA - which has conveniently cut out the praises to her guru Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda. So the original recording is good evidence of her connection to Chris Butler. The recent edits are evidence of an attempted cover up (IMO).

It seems to me that Tulsi's star was built on the backs of those people that Chris Butler Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda used and abused. He's the guru of the Science of Identity that does not want to be identified. (Hat tip to Henry for that hilarious line). He is the man behind everything Tulsi Gabbard does. Bill Maher should interview him!

All her talk of compassion and helping the world spiritually and materially is just not true. Tulsi's cult network uses the masses at the bottom of the pyramid to support the Pharoah Butler at the top - next to his elite Brahmins. It is antithetical to democracy. But then, we no longer live in a democracy. But never mind that.

What the public urgently needs to know is that a great number of people who supported the Gabbards to the top were all under direct orders from Butler and members of his cult. It was the slave laborers at the bottom of Butler's cult who financed their initial political rise. Just like in ancient times, servants were told that their service would earn them an eternal and blissful afterlife. They were driven by fear of displeasing the gods and convinced that this world is a miserable place. The only way out is to serve Pharaoh Chris.

Lalita says she wants her money back. Exers (and current followers), ask yourself how much was your time and labor worth in the cult? How much did you give away believing in the lies? How many of you dropped out of college or a good career to surrender to Butler? Count the time lost where you could have built a good career but are now left piss poor. And then look at all the psychological damages the cult has done to you and your to families. Then look at compromises you have made to this man. Did you find yourself doing things that you would not have before you joined the cult? Perhaps you engaged in illegal activities or lied to others on behalf of your guru? How much value were the real goods and services you donated to Butler worth? Did you donate land, houses, cars, food, air filtration systems? Add the time you wasted in his service as an hourly wage. Add the mental and physical health services you needed as a result. Did you neglect dental care in his service and how much does that cost to fix? Make an honest accounting. Adding that up should piss the hell out of you!

I'd like to see Tulsi have the humility to admit that her rise to success came at great cost from a lot of good people who were used, abused, and lied to by her guru.

[This post is my unsolicited opinion protected, at least for now, under the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution]

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 04, 2015 04:18PM

To the Bhakti Yoga Shack people: There is no end of the rainbow. Dancing at Tulsi's wedding is as good as it gets. The reality is that you are being used too. You are laying the colorful trap to get people to empty their pockets and ruin their lives in the service of a greedy, narcissistic fraud who is afraid of his own aging face in the mirror. He lives vicariously through Tulsi and spends hours watching politics and movies on television while claiming to be immersed in Krishna consciousness. He is a liar.

Maybe you believe in the "eat, pray, love" shit, but Acharya das and Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda have other plans for you. What you don't know is that behind your back you are mocked and criticized for your weight or any other undesirable quality in his mind.

Just so you know, the people who have left the cult are not "demons" or crazed sensual extremists. They did not fall down a pit in hell or get captured by "Maya" or the "Yama Dutas". They are actually really fine people who are better off for leaving the cult. Their kids fared a lot better too. No one has to live in the secrecy or fear bubble any more.

[This post is my unsolicited opinion protected, at least for now, under the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution]

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: November 05, 2015 08:11PM

Welcome back, Vera.

There’s not much we on this forum could do about political machination and media biases other than bringing out our best arguments about the dangers of religious cults and manipulative gurus, like Chris Butler, to serve as a warning to families, and provide info and support to those that are having doubts and those that had left.

As for Tulsi, she is a product of a long and well-funded plan, way before she was born. It could have been one of the Gabbard boys or Vrindaban, why her? She’s pretty, well-spoken and from web sources seems sincere in serving Chris Butler. She’s a well-packaged media darling and her politics appeal to the masses. We all know that most people vote with their emotion or sentiment rather than logic. Her chances in politics are good and she seems to be following to the tee the political strategy of the puppet master.

That said, I could care less, even if is she becomes POTUS or VP.

Tulsi Gabbard, she obviously lied or intended to mislead when she said she has embraced the gays as just another group of human beings, with the same rights, aspirations and needs; when she said she is for freedom of speech; and when she proclaimed that she’s a Hindu.

Tulsi can pretend and deny for as long as all she wants, but the facts about her, her evil cult and her evil guru posted on this board remain irrefutable. For the record, not one stood up against the arguments in the 13 long years history of this forum.

True, she has a disarming charm, enough to win a majority in Hawaii and may do it again federally. Compared to Chris Butler, the Hare Krishnas, with their horrendous history – raping children, murdering people, dealing with drugs and destroying many, many lives, they are still with us, and are becoming mainstream. The Guyana tragedy, the 9-11 and the rise of ISIL, at the end of the day the majority will not give a hoot what your belief is, it has a short memory span. The majority is not always right and easily manipulated. I strongly argue sometimes that cults and gurus are not really the problem. There will be no tyrants if there are no slaves.

Bill Maher, Wolf Blitzer, Greta Van Susteren and the likes are media celebrities beholden to their base and stockholders. They will fawn to Tulsi, just like what Vera said if she echoes their politics. That’s the nature of the beast, that’s how show business works. What is popular, is what ultimately sells and eventually dictates the realities of life.

I post overlooking all these – things I have no control of in the first place.

That’s the thing with lies – they appeal, but the truth resonates deep inside. It works unforgivingly slow, but it is what brings real change – to the individual first, then to society.

There are still journalists out there who are seekers of truth first, who will ask tough questions, write tough subjects and take bitter pills. Just as what true journalism is all about. They will not fawn.

Lemmings go over the cliff in great number. If they could not see what's coming, i.e., the threat of mind-control and the manipulative nature of gurus, what else could you do other than what we do now.

To Rama, to Lalita, to Carl, and to all silent voices out there who are seekers of truth first. Those who dare and stand up to help fix things right. It is they who I post for. We will never become the majority but in our own little ways we could change things, even lives.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: November 13, 2015 01:21AM

Another story worth repeating is this: a lecture given by Chris Butler at the infamous warehouse back in the mid 1980's. At this particular lecture Chris decided to read a letter he had just received from one of the pupils at the newly-formed gurukula school on the island of Oahu. (I'm not 100 percent sure if this letter was from the oldest son of Tapasananda and Rasa.) In this letter the young boy rambled on about how he well he was doing at school and he happened to mention that he would like to get a skateboard (as if it was a letter to Santa Claus or Santa Butler?) ... CRASH! Chris came down on him like a ton of bricks! Mr. Butler more or less said that the children at the gurukula were not allowed to have anything like this and that all monies should be sent to the guru. At this time Chris Butler had two expensive surf boards on his expensive lanai overlooking Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head!

So here we have a 35-year-old childless man with two surf boards, telling a 10-year-old boy that he cannot own a skateboard! Yep this is a true story.

Chris was expert at causing guilt in people usually around money matters or sexual desires. The followers at the lectures seem to go into a hypnotic trance-like state of mind, mesmerized.

Anyhoo, as the nights grow longer in the northern hemisphere, I am waxing poetic again ... but remember - NO LAUGHING! Krishna is not pleased when people laugh at his one and only representative on planet Earth.

So here is the latest intel from the mouth of God's very best friend from our local quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy ... (drum roll and all heads hit the ground) ... His Holiness His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad Siddhaswarupadingdongananda Paramahamsa:

No don't waste your vote
Don't be so silly
Don't vote for Ron Paul
For he's just a tilly

He talks about world peace and prosperity
He even wants to befriend - God forbid - the enemy
But we need the defense contracts - for our economy

He'll give rights to the gays
He'll smash the world banks
He'll stop the manufacturing
of deadly missiles and tanks

So to the polling station
Please rush
Let's keep America a great nation
Vote for Bush Bush Bush

Keep America great
The land of the free
Where the absolute truth
is broadcast on TV

Forget about Orwell and his 1984
America needs more prisons
And of course - more war

So load up your guns
And practise yer shootin'
Maybe Tulsi will go
and assassinate Putin

Is Tulsi for real
Or is she really a mole?
Just another puppet
For Mr. Butler to control?

~ Just Giggling November 2015

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