FAIR USE DOCUMENTS for critical review 1
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: August 15, 2015 04:42PM

SOI has acknowledged authenticity by claiming copyright for the many documents that have been removed on this forum, thus proving the assertions made here.

I got flak on and off the forum for posting these documents many years ago and many people tried to take them down.

Until recently, they could deny that the documents were authentic. They remained on this forum for over 6 years. The cult not only shut down the account of the photo sharing site, they also claimed copyright on several photos that did not belong to them. So they are also thieves.

Because of alleged death threats and other repercussions, many people are afraid to identify themselves by challenging copyright ownership of certain photos. This is very serious. It appears to me that Butler followers will do anything to protect their guru, believing him to be as good as G0d, including possible hacking computers and websites.


Under fair use laws I will be reposting parts of these documents for critical review. These documents prove many of the assertions made on this forum, particularly by flash and the blog flashlightonroaches Exposing the Cult Leader Chris Butler aka Jagad Guru. It is not a matter of rumor or speculation.
You will find the same names, the usual suspects all throughout these documents as has been uncovered in flash's research.

These documents were procured many years ago from an initiated devotee who had access to the inner memos of the cult around 1986-1990. Followers were told to burn these documents, but this particular follower was awake enough to realize their value in exposing Butler one day. That day came when someone started this thread on the Cult Education Institute forum.

By claiming copyright and threatening lawsuits, the cult does not want the public to see their guru for what he is; a petulant, materialistic, egotistical little dictator.


The following document is one page of a 55 page memo from 1987. It starts off as a crybaby letter to his disciples all around the world complaining about how poorly his Honolulu devotees were treating him.

Butler's M.O. was to fire and rehire people on a constant basis for even the slightest infractions. He would terrify people with the threat that their very spiritual lives were in danger. He would preach to them that when he was displeased, G0d is displeased. The greatest threat to a follower was to be fired and told that he would not be able to see or serve Butler any more. As an outsider, you may think that this is no big deal or liken it to being fired from a regular job, but it is not. Followers feel as if they are dead and doomed to hell. They have to humiliate themselves by pleading, crying, wearing paper bags on their heads, fasting, bearing psychological abuse, publicly apologizeing, and/or titheing their way back to Butler.

This document mentions Mike Gabbard (Krishna Katha das) who was being fired. It proves how deep into the cult he has been as far back as 1987. Mike Gabbard was in charge of Butler's Personal Affairs at the time.

The writer goes on for 55 pages about all of the terrible ways Butler was being mistreated during his move from Hawaii to the Sedona, Arizona area. It includes blaming disciples for items stolen and not replaced, for not plugging in his lamps or setting up his television, etc. As you read the documents, you will see a man posing as a guru who takes no responsibility for his own life and miseries. Remember, Butler is using unpaid and unskilled devotee labor.

The following documents will give you a glimse into what it is like to be in this cult and proves that it is a harmful cult. It is also what the Gabbard's are forced to hide on Butler's orders. Which again and again begs the questions, "With whom and to what degree does Tulsi Gabbard owe allegiance?" "Why do you hide your deep connection to Butler?"

Fair Use Docs for critical review of Butler Cult - 1

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2015 04:58PM by Vera City.

No Such Thing as Free Lunch - not even Krishna
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 15, 2015 08:37PM

As one of us put it, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

The ISKON tree is very much alive.

They still recruit, and show up on or near college campuses.

FYI: The Hare Krishnas are still active as a sect. And they still recruit.

"Krishna House" "Krishna Lunch"

One avenue of recruitment are "Krishna Lunches."


What's not to love about veg food, esp if made with non gluten ingredients, eh?


Their annual 'Festival of the Chariots" will take place soon.


Non devotees usually treat it as a colorful event to mark on their calendars.

Smiling, sweet Hare Krishna recruiters are on the street. Especially in areas frequented by tourists and young people -- handsome, trustful young people.

Saw an ISKON devotee, pamplets in hand talking to a trustful young lady.

He probably did not tell her that in ISKON theology women are considered inferior beings.

Why should he have told her? She'd have turned her back and walked away.

Lesson here is to fact check anything having to do with 'meditation' 'kirtan' 'bhakti' and 'yoga'.

You don't let just anyone into your computer or smart phone; don't let just
anyone into your soul and heart.

Now, back to Butler's derivative Krishna sect.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2015 08:52PM by corboy.

Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: August 16, 2015 12:29AM

Re: Fair Use Documents

Great find, Vera! Documents like this were ongoing through the 1980's decade.

Chris Butler is unable to plug in his own lamp? Is he retarded or does he just want to find the smallest matter to lambaste his sheepish followers, which seems to be his favorite pastime?

LAMBASTE: to criticize (someone or something) very harshly (Webster's Dictionary)

Very harshly ... for not plugging in HIS lamp? And his followers are still falling for this crap???

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: privateye ()
Date: August 16, 2015 01:20AM

Interesting. Full disclosure concerning her guru and connection to Iskon.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: privateye ()
Date: August 16, 2015 01:54AM

Tulsi Gabbard an American politician Message for Srila Prabhupada's Journey to USA

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: August 16, 2015 02:55AM

privateye Wrote:
> Tulsi Gabbard an American politician Message for
> Srila Prabhupada's Journey to USA
> [www.youtube.com]

Good find, privateye!


Published on Aug 13, 2015

Tulsi Gabbard an American politician Message for Srila Prabhupada's 50th Jaldutta Anniversary Journey to USA


By Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has been the United States Representative for Hawaii’s second congressional district since 2013. She is also a Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Elected in 2012, she is the first American Samoan and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress, and, along with Tammy Duckworth, one of its first female combat veterans.


I had alluded to new evidence against Tulsi a day or two prior to this video being published and Rama had also alterted people who posted to Facebook. This might have been the catalyst for full disclosure. The real credit goes to Eigener Herr for her courageous personal testimony against Tulsi.

This could be huge and could go against Tulsi very easily since both ACB and Chris Butler have a lot of baggage. Hare Krishnas are considered weird and not Hindu. Butler hates ISKCON and they hate him. Interesting.


Ha! We flushed her out!
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: August 16, 2015 03:34AM

Tulsi finally acknowledges Chris Butler as her guru and AC Bhaktivedanta as her "spiritual grandfather"!

Does this also mean that Tulsi acknowledges that she only has a 34 oz brain?

Srila Prabhupada: Expert Historian and Big, Big Feminist

Why Hare Krishna Women Will Always Encounter Misogyny (By Radhika Bianchi Diaz)

The Consequences of Growing up in a Misogynistic Cult

More on Mysogyny in Vaishnava Philosophy
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: August 16, 2015 03:44AM

Re: Ha! We flushed her out!
Date: August 16, 2015 05:09AM

Vera City Wrote:
> Tulsi finally acknowledges Chris Butler as her
> guru and AC Bhaktivedanta as her "spiritual
> grandfather"!

Tulsi's ignorance of the actual history will trip her up. Doesn't she know that her spiritual grandfather accused Chris Butler (Siddha) of being a "criminal"? And, he (ACB) went on to say that "...Anyone who follows them will also fall down without a doubt..."

Was ACB predicting that Tulsi Gabbard will fall down aithout a doubt?

Chris Butler accused by his own guru.

About this guru business.

Pirating a Streaming Video
Date: August 16, 2015 09:31AM

Something bothered me about the recent video of Tulsi Gabbard acknowledging her master, Chris Butler, and praising her “spiritual Grandfather” Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. And, then it hit me; someone with a shaky video camera had made a pirated copy of Tulsi “streaming” a video message. This message was never intended to be seen by anyone other than those in the audience at Netaji Stadium, in Kolkata India, at the grand celebration of the 50th Anniversary of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s journey to America. It is quite common in India for new film releases to be ripped off by some guy in the audience making a video copy. You can then purchase the pirated DVD the next day at a street market.

Ever the detective, I discovered a video of the actual event and you can observe the point where Tulsi Gabbard’s video message is pirated. Another clue was that there is no mention of this video message by any of her minions on the social media circuit.

My guess is that the opportunity to headline an event featuring a message from India’s Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi was too hard to resist. Her political ambition and the political ambition of Chris Butler know no bounds. Now, they can deal with damage control. To paraphrase Rama Das Ranson, these people are idiots.

More notes at my blog:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2015 09:34AM by flashlight_on_roaches.

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