Re: Srila = Skrilla
Date: August 01, 2015 05:34AM

Srila Prabhupada Butler version
Date: August 01, 2015 06:11AM


"...the word prabhu literally means, master or, lord, God, saint, person with high spiritual esteem, leader and the word pada literally means, feet or, leg, root."

I had said I thought "Srila Prabhupada" was Bhaktivedanta's name, not a title.
BUT you cannot find a single "Srila Prabhupada" besides A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

No other gurus have given themselves that particular title even to this day, out of respect for A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

Chris Butler instantly sought to take Bhaktiveanta's place. He was very very quick to do his best to assume the EXACT role and significance of his guru.
Taking that title was both an insult to his own guru and all of his other followers, and also quite telling when you break down the definitions of "Srila Prabhupada"
This particular title gave him the MOST power and "God on earth" type status.

It basically means SRILA PRABHUPADA, you are extremely RICH and WEALTHY, you LITERALLY possess GOD within you and you are so wonderful with your beautiful music. Not only that, the second part of your name is GOD(prabhu) FOOT(pada).


I understand the "Prabhupada" could and should mean he has "taken shelter" at God's feet, but it literally means GOD and FOOT. Chris Butler accepts worship as God and loves to let you benefit from his GOD FOOT and it's by products.

Re: Strong Evidence of Tulsi Gabbard's Chris Butler Allegiance
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: August 01, 2015 11:30AM

What is so insidious about the speech is how it tries to appeal to the naive and unsuspecting masses, ignoring political analysts, pundits and media heavyweights, thus shows how really vulnerable our political system is to idealogues and to subversive agenda -- through popular voting, anyone, including the naive and useful idiots can enter our political institutions and even the presidency of the United States, cheapening our long held constitutions that uphold our freedom to equal and unalienable rights. It is the duty of the political vanguards of society to weed out subversives who may cause irresponsible policies, or worse, unimaginable damage to the best functioning democracy and unwittingly to the world, of course through the same democratic process. Hawaii, please pay attention.

The International Yoga Day through The United Nations was spearheaded by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, himself is not without controversy, and who Tulsi Gabbard has started palling with to bolster her misleading "I am a Hindu" brand politics.

Back to the speech. Yoga seemed encompassing, embracing all faiths and non-political. That is why yoga is a very effective political tool because it is supposedly a non-threat. Whether Tulsi is naive or a proactive conspirator, it's obvious she is trying to mislead. The aspect of yoga she embraced and espousing is the religious aspect of yoga, wherein you have to surrender unquestionably to a crazy guru; not the yoga the elite westerners practice as sort of a beauty secret.

Here's what Bart Dame, a regular pundit for Hawaii's Civil Beat, had to say: []

Tulsi's continued ties with the cult--and, yes, that term is definitely applicable to the sociology and psychology of the group and its internal dynamics. Tulsi's continued ties should make ANYONE curious, whether we are sympathetic to Hinduism or not. She was raised in a very tight, secretive subculture, alienated from and suspicious of the larger culture. That suspicion continues to express itself in her decisions, for example in her choice of both her husband and her chief of staff. Naturally, she wants to be surrounded by people who already know her secrets. When she had professionals near her, their was always the risk they would pick up on her secret. And she HAS been treating her religion as a secret, as if it is shameful. Even the discussion now, as it is being forced into the open, her identification of it as "Hindu" or as "Vaishnava." Can someone on this thread, and several of the people her also belong to the same group, can someone here point to where she has publicly acknowledged her relationship with Siddha as her spiritual master? 

When you hear her say "we are not the body", "wisdom and spiritual love", and "deeper aspect of yoga", stay away. These are the very words of her crazy guru, Jagad Guru Chris Butler, who would not dare speak publicly, instead, use the naive and well-intentioned disciples to do the heavy lifting of recruiting new members into a belief system that is opposite of all of the above. I cringe when I hear her speak of "ignorance and hate", or condemning bigotry. It's nice of her to be mingling with Hindus that in private, they (Science of Identity) condemn as "impersonalists" (people they should stay away from or risk become spirituality soiled) for worshipping other gods and believing in formless metaphysics as blasphemous concepts according to their theology that teaches that the god Krishna and his world mirror ours; or hobnob with "speculators" or "karmis", derogatory terms they use to mean "us", "you and I", or anybody outside their world, they and their children are taught to be suspicious of, as they, the "demoniacs" or "us" are always engaged in sexual gratification and meat-eating, to them are cardinal sins; I have yet to see Tulsi really surrounds herself with the LGBT communities, which she claimed she had a complete turnabout as opposed to what her belief system sees as the lowest form of life. To the Science of Identity cult, if you are a non-believer, you are either a sex maniac or a demon, whichever is worse. Bigotry and hypocrisy to the max.

So brava, Tulsi, nice speech. Next time, complete it -- tell the world in order to achieve the "deeper aspect" of yoga that we have to surrender our will, unquestionably to a crazy guru.

I've been to India, and was overwhelmed not by the spiritual uplift you and Narendra Modi are talking about, but by the squalor and filth that will zap the humanity out of anyone who could stand up to such condition. I asked why such thing could happen on Earth? The spiritual dogma you and your guru are peddling about, sustains it. No thanks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2015 11:42AM by dharmabum.

Religious Spectrum Identity Disorders
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: August 01, 2015 03:58PM

Hi SeePony~

Hinduism is a spectrum religion, as is Christianity. Tulsi is considered one of their own as Vaishnavism is under the Hindu umbrella. People like it when one of their own makes it big. So both Hindu's and local Hawaiians want to bask in the light of Tulsi's star. Unfortunately,the star struck are blinded.

The problem is that everyone is focusing on Tulsi's religion. Butler and his cadre want you to focus on religion. Anyone can believe what they want and change their religion or name like changing clothes. Religion is not the point. Deception is the point.

The hilarious link you posted really demonstrates how far disingenuous politicians will go to get elected. It is very similar to both of the Gabbard's changing politics. But, there are serious differences. Changing your name to "Cesar Chavez" is taking advantage of Arizona's demographics and not being unduly influenced by a known cult leader.

In my opinion, it has been proved that both Mike and Tulsi Gabbard are deeply entrenched with Chris Butler, even if the media out of laziness or fear of litigation ignores the proof.

It appears to me that Mr Butler grooms followers according to their natural talents for his own self agrandizement and profit. Because of his own paranoia, he has ordered all of his followers to disavow his existence, to lie and to decieve. (One might say the cult prepared the Gabbard's to be perfect politicians.)

It is utterly ridiculous that they are forced to hide their affiliation to Butler. All they need to do is say, "Yes, we have a guru named Chris Butler who has been a great influence." Even Obama acknowledged that he was a member of Jeremiah Wright's church for decades at the same time he distanced himself for political purposes. How hard can that be to do?

But the real questions are, "Why do they continue with the charade? What are they hiding? From whom or what do you really give alleigance and take orders?"

We know the answers . . .

The bottom line is that no thinking voter wants a politician who is beholden to someone else's interests. At least they ought to know who and what is behind a politician for good or for bad. If Butler can so easily make the Gabbard's lie and deceive about their own biographies, what else can he make them do? But then, they are perfectly cast to be in the Political Ruling Class as opposed to being genuine "leader/servants". . .

SeePony Wrote:
> "Hindu" is not a "thing".
> It is a very vague term, describing "stuff" which
> comes from the general indian geographical area.
> Hinduism isn't a monolithic religion. Some hindus
> are atheist, others venerate a deity or another,
> and I think some may be monotheist.
> A website (don't have the link) suggested that the
> first version of the Gita wasn't, but it became
> monotheistic, under arab influence. The suggestion
> was that this change was a way for the hindu
> religious leaders to make peace with the invading
> muslims.
> So it's difficult to disprove that somebody might
> be a hindu or not.
> However, this story does remind me of something
> very funny I saw on the news a while ago:
> []
> 03/az-candidate-legally-changes-name-to-cesar-chav
> ez-to-run-for-us-congr

Hindu/Yogi candidates -- tell us about yourselves
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 01, 2015 10:17PM

Hindu/Yogi candidates -- tell us about yourselves.

And, tell us about your guru.

In 1960, concern was expressed publicly when a Roman Catholic, John F. Kennedy,
was a candidate in the Presidential election. That meant John F. Kennedy had to talk about someone whom many worried might be his guru -- the Pope.

In 2008 and 2011, there was public discussion about Matt Romney's membership
in the Church of Latter Day Saints when he was a candidate in those
Presidential elections.

It is now time for this conversation to extend to and include candidates
who identify as yogis, and especially those candidates who have
joined or been born into sects centered upon gurus.

John F Kennedy and Matt Romney stepped up to the plate.

So can yogis.

More and more yogis are going to come forward as candidates for political office.

Are they freelance yogis who merely do the poses and breathing exercises?

Or are they secretly beholden to a controlling guru?

Yoga was not part of the context when the Founders drafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The religions the Founders had in mind were those sects to which one gave public allegiance.

The spiritual terrain has changed. We now take care to research the religious
commitments of yogi candidates, just as concerns were raised in 1960 about John F Kennedy's Roman Catholicism and Matt Romney's membership in the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Gurus and yoga must now be added to this conversation if yogi candidates run for office.

Dharmabum wrote this on another thread.

(Small excerpt)



Yoga seemed encompassing, embracing all faiths and non-political. That is why yoga is a very effective political tool because it is supposedly a non-threat. Whether Tulsi is naive or a proactive conspirator, it's obvious she is trying to mislead. The aspect of yoga she embraced and espousing is the religious aspect of yoga, wherein you have to surrender unquestionably to a crazy guru; not the yoga the elite westerners practice as sort of a beauty secret.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: August 02, 2015 01:33AM

Great poetry, Rama ... You guys got me on a roll now! This little limerick going thru my head:

There was an Oriental woman named Wai
Who encountered a fellow named Sai
They engaged in matrimony
Yet Wai was way way phoney
A fact that no-one could deny

She appeared on TV to the nation
With an extremely phoney vibration
Teaching yoga postures, you see
Camera crew worked for free
Wai and Sai into mass exploitation?

* Phoney: 1. not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit

2. false or deceiving; not truthful; concocted

3. insincere or deceitful; affected or pretentious

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: krishnacaitanya ()
Date: August 02, 2015 03:44AM

Does anybody see siddha Surfing any longer? What does he do now travel around or just a hole up in his mansion watching TV and eating potato chips?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: August 02, 2015 11:11AM

Great limerick, "Just G”

I completely forgot about that; what Butler’s pastimes were/are.
Yup- probably just holed up in his beach-side mansion watching TV and eating
potato Chips!
You mean THOSE chip,the Wai Lana Chips? with HIS OWN toenails in it?

What do you call a person like that?

Re: Hindu/Yogi candidates -- tell us about yourselves
Posted by: Satyagraha das ()
Date: August 02, 2015 11:33AM

I agree politicians who wrap themselves in religious language should be asked to explain their religious beliefs. But I am not sure where you are going with your invocation of the "Founding Fathers." Different FFs had different views on religion and on religious freedom. The position advocated by Madison and Jefferson won out: the separation of Church and State, with no religious tests for running for office and no favoritism to any religion.

Yes, people who are curious about Tusli's religion have a right to ask her about it. Should she CHOOSE to answer, then people can evaluate that answer. Or her lack of an answer.

But the FFs did not require that people publicly identify their religious beliefs.

The Gabbards go too far when they say it is bigoted to raise questions about their religion. Let's not go too far in the other direction by demanding all politicians identify their religious beliefs publicly. As a buddhist atheist, I assume I would be disqualified for ever seeking office.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: August 02, 2015 02:59PM

Glad to see former posters coming back. Thank you very much. I know it’s difficult to relive the old days; it’s embarrassing sometimes. Decades-old wounds can remain fresh especially when abuses persist, and it doesn’t help when they double dip — bringing it to the congressional level. But we are not doing this for ourselves, but for all the innocent souls and loved ones that are still in there, especially those born into it — getting mind-fucked. The world has got to change — on how we view psychological harm. No matter how long it takes for payback time, no one should get away with any crime. Just ask the once lovable old Bill Cosby, at his late years, it’s a huge, huge karma to bear; but karma is a bitch — it’s got a mind of its own and chooses its own time, somebody tells Chris Butler that — using religion as a tool to subjugate hundreds, perhaps thousands of souls are way up there on the crime chart. In the end, there really is nowhere to hide. Pick your poison.

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