Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 07, 2010 11:16PM

Vera City
Cater Reed left Rick long before the Inoyue smear campaign. She left when Reed was still working as the cheif aid to the Honlulu Prosecuting Attorney. She got fed up with the cult and busted Reed and Butler publicly.
The incident with the massuese who was a plant (and Butler follower) destroyed Reed's career and reputation. Following Butler's orders wrecked a promising career. Reed had the charisma, commitment, and power to impact public policies that would protect the environment in Hawaii. Was it worth it Rick? He now sells used cars. No shit. []

Sorry, I mis-spoke here. The massuese who made allegations against Inoyue was not the Butler follower. The woman who secretly recorded her allegations which were run on Reed's campaign ad was the Butler follower. This was done on Butler's orders and ruined Reed's reputation and political career. Butler micro-manages all of his top followers lives.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: November 08, 2010 12:53AM

Yes, that's for sure ... Butler did micro-manage his top followers' lives ... especially the politicians. He probably told Tulsi to join the army and go to Iraq to obtain political favors.

Regarding the aforementioned sex scandal ~ that was Siddha's style, though, wasn't it? Trying to destroy someone or bring someone down because of their sexual urges. Making people feel guilty. Of course the public did not fall for this ploy ~ they are in a different reality from Siddha's reality. And even Krishna himself supposedly had sixteen thousand wives and had ten children with every one of them! But if a mere mortal has some uncontrollable sexual urges ... it's hell-fire! Totally blown out of proportion...

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 08, 2010 02:06AM

Yes, that's for sure ... Butler did micro-manage his top followers' lives ... especially the politicians. He probably told Tulsi to join the army and go to Iraq to obtain political favors.
Regarding the aforementioned sex scandal ~ that was Siddha's style, though, wasn't it? Trying to destroy someone or bring someone down because of their sexual urges. Making people feel guilty. Of course the public did not fall for this ploy ~ they are in a different reality from Siddha's reality. And even Krishna himself supposedly had sixteen thousand wives and had ten children with every one of them! But if a mere mortal has some uncontrollable sexual urges ... it's hell-fire! Totally blown out of proportion...

Ya. And people wonder why former followers who know how far Butler has meddled into politics are fearful of coming forward! And the Cec Heftel and Inoyue smear campaigns are the ones that are known! Not only does Butler not care if he destroys the lives and reputations of his so-called enemies --- he also does not care about his followers lives. For someone who is supposedly focused on g0d instead of sex, it seems as if Butler is obsessed with other people's sex lives.

Truly, is the SIF Next Generation buying into all this crap!? Are they really so well educated with the internet and sophisticated to see through the charade?! I don't see it. I see that it would be far more difficult for someone raised in this cult (without proper outside help/support) to break the shackles . They may have access to information, but they are trained from birth to filter out every idea that contradicts the gordian knot logic of the cult. Good luck kiddies!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2010 02:13AM by Vera City.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 08, 2010 02:12AM

Yes, that's for sure ... Butler did micro-manage his top followers' lives ... especially the politicians. He probably told Tulsi to join the army and go to Iraq to obtain political favors.


Don't forget that Tulsi was married to a wealthy Fillipino Military commander's son who was a Butler follower.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 16, 2010 10:10AM



Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: November 16, 2010 04:50PM

Agreed, great vid on critical thinling, one to bookmark for me.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: November 18, 2010 07:00PM

The video about the cupboards cracked me up! It's true though! People within this cult are very indoctrinated to shun or even "hate" other religions, especially some of the so-called new-age beliefs such as "we are all one" or "you are g0d" for example. They seem to have identified more with the right-wing christian type religious thought ~ "g0d hates fags" ~ "holy war" and other such bigotism.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: atheist ()
Date: December 27, 2010 06:01PM

Someone mentioned homosexuality and Hinduism. In the Hare Krishna (ISKCON) religion, homosexuality is considered "illicit sex." The Hare Krishna religion, as well as Chris Butler's Science of Identity Foundation, are based on the ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas and the Upanishads, etc. Hinduism is based on the same scriptures.

I'll bet that homosexuality is also "illicit sex" in Hinduism, as well.

The important principle is that sex is for procreation only. That rules out birth control, abortion, masturbation, divorce and homosexuality. Hare Krishna couples are allowed to have sex only once a month, presumably at the wife's most fertile time. This restriction would also optimize the potency of the husband's sperm.

No premarital or extra-marital sex is allowed.

The Hare Krishnas, and most probably the Jagad Guru Chris Butler devotees, are very strict about what they define as "sex." Their definition includes kissing. Has anyone ever seen Mike Gabbard (Krishna Katha das) kiss Carol (Devahuti dasi) in public? (I don't think anyone has ever seen Tulsi with her ex-husband Eduardo Tamayo, much less seen them kiss in public).

With a principle of sex for procreation only, the Hare Krishna and Science of Identity Cults share something in common with the Catholic Church, which you know, is anti abortion, prohibits abortion, birth control and divorce and frowns on homosexuality.

Krishna himself, as has been noted, had 16,108 gopis or "cowherd maidens." With each gopi, he had exactly 10 children for a total of 161,080 children.

Krishna appeared on earth 5,000 years ago and remained on earth 125 years. If Krishna started having children at the age of 14, he would have had to have sex more than four times a day, 365 days each year for 111 years to have all those children.

Apparently, later in life Krishna renounced all of his sexual athleticism and so you wind up with the puritanical devotees that are considered ideal now.

Many of the conservative Protestant sects also allow sex for procreation only. From the standpoint of religion, you want your devotees to have as many children as they can. Not only can they be indoctrinated into the religion from an early age, but they can be expected to become tithers and recruiters for the religion.

I found articles on the internet that said that before Jagad Guru Butler and his devotees got involved in anti LGBT politics, they were anti abortion activists. This was in the days before "Independents for Godly Government," I believe.

The Gabbards are staunchly anti abortion and regularly participate in the annual Honolulu "March for Life," which is held on or around January 22 each year. January 22, 1973 is the date of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all states. Mike Gabbard (Krishna Katha das) has often been a speaker at the Honolulu "March for Life" event.

chant for global peace my ass
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: December 28, 2010 03:45AM

Krishna himself, as has been noted, had 16,108 gopis or "cowherd maidens." With each gopi, he had exactly 10 children for a total of 161,080 children.

Krishna appeared on earth 5,000 years ago and remained on earth 125 years. If Krishna started having children at the age of 14, he would have had to have sex more than four times a day, 365 days each year for 111 years to have all those children.

Apparently, later in life Krishna renounced all of his sexual athleticism and so you wind up with the puritanical devotees that are considered ideal now.


This is hysterical! Don't forget Superman also got married and had more kids with them. Where are all his descendents now!???

In the Butler cult PDA'a (public displays of affection) were discouraged. But that did not stop anyone from hopping into other's bed chambers. Miraculously children would appear. If you know some of these kids and see their face book accounts they often have two or more siblings from one or more mother or father. So sex both straight and gay goes ever on.....

The Sacramento Butler Cult Branch is having a big event in April called Chant for Global Peace. Peace my ass! Or more peices of ass for Butler's cult. Should be a major recruitment party. What? No word of Jagad Guru or Butler in any of the advertising? What a crock! erm... crook...! []

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: January 05, 2011 07:12PM

Atheist! ... I think the story goes something like this: krishna had 16,000 wives who were queens in the city, plus he was sneaking out at night to the forest to meet the 108 cowherd girls (gopis) for some extramarital fun! ....

Vera: I wonder if Tulsi will be chanting for peace as well ... or does she stick to the orwellian idea that "War IS peace" ?

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