Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: SoI Kills ()
Date: November 16, 2007 01:37PM

Religion compared to a virus

There are similarities between religion and a contagious disease such as a virus.

A virus is forced by its genes to reproduce. If a religion is to be successful it too must reproduce (spread).

People can 'catch' a religion from those around them and then pass it on to others; the similarity to a virus here is obvious. A successful religion is highly contagious. Its adherents actively try to convert others. It has a message that is appealing and often gives hope for a better life (quite probably after death). The adherents of several religions have actively forced people to convert a number of times in history.

The most successful religions get a strong grip on their adherents from several angles: fear of punishment, hope for reward, and the provision of a father figure. Those who have long belonged to a religion are terrified when they begin to doubt because they are threatened with damnation (or other punishment in the afterlife or later incarnations). The most successful viruses use various means to avoid being overrun by the body's defences, they might periodically change features of their outer coating so that they are difficult to recognize, they might mutate frequently (the common cold, for example), so that immunity to one cold doesn't stop you catching the next version. Both viruses and religions have developed ways to stop people from defending themselves against infection.

The most successful religions, like the most successful diseases, don't do their hosts a lot of harm. A disease that quickly kills its victims is not likely to be passed on. Similarly, a religion that required all children to be sacrificed, or universal celibacy, could not last. The most successful religions allow most of their adherents to live a pretty 'normal' life. Again, the common cold is a good example, it thrives in its numerous hosts, but kills very few.

Computer viruses are not so clever as religions. There is obviously no advantage in having a virus in your computer. If someone created a virus that did come with advantages, then it would be much more likely to spread. (In fact people have done this, these are called software rather than viruses, and some of them spread very successfully, with our help.) If a virus has only disadvantages and can be recognised then we can crush it. If a religion had only disadvantages we would not adopt it.

Viruses must breed to be successful. Religions often encourage their adhearents to have many children and discourage abortion and family planning.
Memes are ideas, methods, or skills that we learn from each other; most of them are useful, even valuable. In a sense they are heritable, like genes, we discover them and pass them on to later generations. Religion is a parasitic meme.


Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: SoI Kills ()
Date: November 16, 2007 01:53PM

Just Googling
One can only wonder what other global "terrorist attacks" were perpetrated by the CIA and not "Al Queda"... The large explosion in Bali, for one, comes to mind. (Didn't that one serve the purpose to bring the Australians on board?)

More or less - Australia was on-board from the start but the war was not popular, much the same as America tried to bolster support by connecting Bin Laden to Saddam.


I wonder if Fearless Leader is still spouting "Vote for Bush" ???

Your post made me think isn't it expected that the government will change at the next election which is not too far away? It would fit nicely with Chris Butler's delusions about one day having a devotee president to start his manovering now.

I wonder if you might have any information/insight about back in the day regarding the CIA that you could be willing to share?

We know that Chris was a tripper, there was at least one member of KYC who was very well known/connected to CIA figures in the MK-Ultra project (mind control) - would it be wrong to assume that LSD use was common among his followers then? Might that be a reason why KC was more readily accepted and been in decline ever since?

According to Sai psychic sleep was a big deal and even had a 2 record set - but there is no precedent for it in KC - it is not even similar to Sivananda and then we have one of the guys with KYC and Sai coming out to Australia to be involved with a mind control cult. What psychic sleep does bear a marked resemblance to is CIA experiments aimed at programming individuals.

There are a few stories about how Chris came to spiritual life. I have heard the one about breaking up with his girlfriend personally. I wonder what he told people back in the day?

Is it really that likely that some unremarkable surfer dude accidentally stumbled into running a cult which incorporates the all basic mechanics of thought reform? I'm just not buying it.

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: November 17, 2007 11:18PM

Yeh, we may be getting off-topic a little here, but then again, mind control is one of the subjects discussed on this forum ....

The detrimental effects of this cult's mind control techniques have been documented on this thread, but these could be extremely miniscule as compared to the mind control techniques being practised by the "Government" (read: MILITARY)

Number one on their list is of course - television - which is a form of hypnosis and which is extremely successful in getting people to believe news which may not be true., or at least to keep the truth away from the public.

For instance, a woman recently accused George W. Bush of raping her and she was going to take the matter to court. She was found shot in the head. Apparently there are many cases of assassinations taking place of people who "know too much" and who threaten to spill the beans. BUT NONE OF THIS EVER MAKES IT ONTO THE TELEVISION NEWS PROGRAMS!

But there's more... information is leaking out about the MK-Ultra mind control experiments and about advanced electronic-type technology that is the stuff of science fiction novels, and about which the man in the street may have little or no knowledge... (Based on the premise that brain waves are just radio waves - and that the pineal gland within the brain can act as a receiver for these waves ... and it may be just a case of finding the right frequency.)

There are now suggestions being made that the new cell-phone towers are being used as "experiments" in this kind of mind control technique, or even more sinister than that...

There are even suggestions being made that some serial killers were victims of these kinds of "experiments" -- e.g. the shooters at the Columbine school, etc. and that these secret experiments might be more widespread than the man in the street can imagine...

As for the Fearless Leader trying to get one of his men into the President's position, I personally do not think this will be possible, as the whole thing is RIGGED! Remember the 2004 elections in USA, and the new "electronic voting machines" which coincidentally "malfunctioned" on the day of the elections??? USA is now no longer a democracy. We used to get told that there was no freedom in Russia, and the communist system, etc... however the same thing is happening under our own noses!!!

CIA?? - As for the CIA, I have no knowledge of anyone within Sid's little cult who was connected with that organization, but then again, I was only a minion within the group and many things were kept secret from the likes of me.

LSD - When I joined the cult in the early 1970's the use of LSD was not condoned as it was against the "regulative principles" ... and most of the followers had maybe experimented with the drug in the past but had given it up after joining the group. From what I remember, though, there might have been a couple of people that I knew about who were still attracted to this drug.

they say that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

My personal conclusion: Sid may be a small-time control freak and a big narcissist, but the real control freaks may be hidden from our sight, and may have more control over us than we imagine...

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 18, 2007 12:10AM

Yes this thread is getting off topic.

If you wish to discuss something other than "Krishna group in Hawaii" please start another thread and discuss that topic there.

It's quite easy to start a new thread.

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Date: November 18, 2007 06:19PM

I for one dig the direction this topic has swung off to, I would offer this free movie for what I consider to be a very accurate portrayal of these shadowy forces at work in our world.

either search for these exact keywords on Google video:

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

or follow this link...


Now, that said, back to these boring brainwashed bramachari's.

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: terrenaut ()
Date: November 18, 2007 10:36PM

I was thinking about the kids of SoI and then Rama das (slave name) posted, so I thought I should put my thoughts in writing. Regarding the kids, they really have been deprived of the means to take care of themselves in the world. They are stopped from attending higher education, their home-schooling is pretty inadequate from what I see, and they end up with a limited skills-set, suitable really only for menial labour, certainly no accepted qualifications for careers.

I'm afraid the coming generation of SoI's are pretty dumbed down, which is not to say they are stupid because they are not. The kids I know are pretty sharp and engaging, and definitely deserve to have an education. I have known kids to leave, just so they could go to school.

the hypocrisy of this is evident. At chants and gatherings, it is always the the more educated 'upper class', that is trotted out to talk to the 'new people'. It is like "oh look, we have doctors and lawyers and analysts who chant", and yet their own kids will never be one of those.

Where I am going with this is that maybe the kids of SoI should be suing the organisation for depriving them of the means to make a living. No one should be prevented from seeking higher education. A class-action suit? Rama? you were there, any thoughts?

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 18, 2007 11:21PM

To whom it may concern:

Always keep in mind that if another topic is of interest to anyone here you can either find where that is being discussed elsewhere on the message board or start a new thread.

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: November 19, 2007 12:46AM

To whom it may concern:

Always keep in mind that if another topic is of interest to anyone here you can either find where that is being discussed elsewhere on the message board or start a new thread.

Yo, Rama!

Try this thread to discuss topics like this:


It's under the "Terrorists & Extremist Groups" on the main forum page...
and then the thread entitled "Why the Attacks"

A chap called mjr40 and myself are trying to make people aware of the biggest cult of them all...!

thanks for the Alex Jones link ~ heavy shit, man!

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: SoI Kills ()
Date: November 19, 2007 04:59PM

I heard about a lawsuit going to happen here in Oz by a kid that was raised in SoI and got the hell out. The situation was that he would have to sue his parents for the way that they raised him, and I think that you would find that is how it goes. The parents made the choice to deprive their kids based on their beliefs. The law says that the parents have a right to their beliefs and they have a right to raise their kids according to their beliefs. There is no protection for the kids. Pretty much as far as the law is concerned they are property of their parents.

Not that I would not like to see such a lawsuit happen, but I can imagine SoI bringing out the same old crap - well we are Hindus, it is an ancient belief, oldest religion in the world (they are always Hindus when the nature of their beliefs comes into question) we didn't know that so and so was depriving their child. They would parade all the good little children and say well I got a job managing a health food store, I got a job web-developing a flash cartoon about a little Ninja, I got a job marketing Noni juice. The big man never gets his hands dirty.

The kids here have plenty of choice - they could be a chip maker, or a massage table maker, or a baby maker - it's wide open!

It is not to mention the lack of social skills that they are imparting on their kids. It must be a hell of a challenge trying to venture out into the world that Chris Butler has indoctrinated them with since birth is full of evil homosexuals, pedophiles, people that have sex with animals and general demons and try to relate to people.

I think that you would find that most of the kids that were taken out of SoI that are around their twenties now were taken straight into another guru's camp and ended up with pretty much the same situation, maybe a little better, some for example do actually send their children to school.

ASM took issue with it being said that they do not educate their kids, yet they declined to provide any proof that just one kid there is being legally schooled. The issue was brought to the attention of police, but as soon as the holy cow of religion comes into it no-one wants to get involved. The law is well aware of the fact that cults exist and that children are being abused and deprived. The prime minister of Australia took substantial donations from a cult that is quite similar to SoI.

The only time that anything is going to change is when Chris Butler takes an interest in the welfare of the children. Numerous abuses and immoral behaviour by his own standards have already been brought to his attention and he has shown no interest. What does SoI do when they are publically accused of being fanatics that follow without question? They threaten and attack the accuser, they spam the internet and they put up websites making more preposterous claims such as there are people living without brains rather than answer any simple questions.

It is about time that it was acknowledged that nothing that happens in SoI has anything to do with Krishna or Vedic religion or even meditation. None of the people there live their lives according to these ideals. I would be suprised if they even believe in Krishna. It is all about being in a lifestyle that suits them, that lets them feel special and better than anyone else while being damn lazy and contributing absolutely nothing to society.

Some people like Ghandi sincerely believe in karma and use this belief to do good with their lives. They believe in a loving God that they can be pleasing to by doing kind and merciful things. Chris Butler's followers believe that karma absolves them of any responsibility, something bad happens to their kids they don't think that it was their fault. How could it be their fault if their kid wanders outside and gets run over by a truck - they were inside chanting at the time, it must have been Krishna's will.

How come it is never Krishna's will when something happens to them that they can't simply shrug their shoulders at?

Re: Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: SoI Kills ()
Date: November 21, 2007 05:34AM

They disguise it in various ways like self-improvement, success-oriented seminars, "Christianity" and movements that aim to cultivate the "hidden powers of man." Yet, people succumb to the foolishness of this idea.

From Chris Butler's booklet Dear Friend You Are Not God - seeing other people's faults has obviously never been his problem.

Thanks googling and rama btw for interesting conversation.

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