Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 11, 2007 06:50PM

I would like to try to answer to all that, although there is a lot there good to see that people are still interested.

Firstly of all the above posts from Dassi all seem to expect/demand explanations from someone who at the same time is being told not to judge or question others at the same time as seeming to be upset by the loss of a site that Dassi denounced and joined in vilifying the creator of. Perhaps if the efforts had been this well supported the outcome might have been different?

I looked at Zeligs posts because he launched an attack against cultreporter at a very opportune time for anyone who knows what is going on the other side of it, the reality of creating that site and having the guts to speak out against Science of Identity. What I saw coupled with his timing and the sensless nature of his post which sought to completely undermine the site and its creator made me suspicious about what his motives were and someone has no business calling for enforcement of rules that he personally cannot abide by. Clearly there is a little network of friends and good for you but this sudden interest should really be seen for what it is a constructed effort to get back what your shitting on contributed to ruining in the first instance.

Cultreporter is my friend and she has been a friend to a lot of other people who have approached her and done the best that she can by them, she is a kind and idealistic person that had sincere beliefs that were torn apart with the rest of her life and it was only a year ago about now that she got out. She does not have the life experience that all of you have being 27 or the distance between the cult that you have built up. This is not to mention that disassociative disorder which is what she got out of SoI and depression as a result of being harrassed, emotionally abused and attacked by SoI for what SHE was trying to create is very challenging to live with.

Her only interest was in doing what she believed was the right thing to do and sure the site was not perfect, it was not fully completed but it was honest and trying to provide an informative resource and a warning to others as well as a place for ex-members to vent and laugh if they wanted. Noone had to like it or accept it, noone knew what the reaction or result would be, it was all new. Any of those posting now could have chosen or could still choose to be supportive and contructive or to simply enjoy the site. Even if you disagreed it was a hell of a lot more than what was being done before cultreporter showed up.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:07PM

In mid August “cultreporter” posted a flurry of articles on the “chriskcon” website she has taken down. She was about to launch a fundraising campaign with flyers and pamphlets warning about the dangers of certain types of meditations and how cults lure people in through these centers.

One minor error here - there was no fundraising campaign Chriskcon was not asking for any money. There was a note saying that if people had money they wanted to spend that they may like to buy and share certain files. The flyers and pamphlets have been out in Australia and the idea was it might be a help to others who wanted to hand them out but were not sure what to write themselves. I am sure that Cara will be happy that you thought that the article was well written.


She stated that she wanted to start an organization that monitors and regulates yoga and meditation centers. There was a nicely drafted article critical of how women are treated in the cult. Why the sudden about-face?

MAYA - Meditation and Yoga Awareness is most likely to go ahead. Because it is a lobbying organisation it will have an Australian focus since it is not possible to lobby from here for change elsewhere although the information collected for it will likely have a wide interest through the internet.


Cultreporter, you never even met the man! Many of us (whom you has so vociferously flamed),

I think that you really need to have a look at what you have posted yopurself Dassi and who started what. ZELIG LAUNCHED THE CAMPAIGN TO DISCREDIT CULTREPORTER and posted a whole lot of shit and ended up making an arse of himself for breaking the rules. You go on and on on his behalf ignoring this simple fact.

Basically if you dont like cultreporter or what she does what right do you assume you have to seek reasons for what she does or get upset that the site is gone now?????????


Another total reversal! I didn’t like everything on your website, but there was a lot of valuable and funny info. Much of it given to you by people you later vilified (but kept their material uploaded!) Now you are all gooey and repentant!? What’s up with that!?

How do you know who gave what info and what cult erm sorry organisation are you representing here? What is actually going on which has been presented in a very questionable fashion - do you all gather together to discuss what should be posted and when and to do so in blocks so as to have the most impact? You did not work on the site Dassi and have no idea where the information there came from. If information was given it was done voluntarily for the purpose of being posted and if someone wanted something removed they need only have asked - noone did. Most of it was given in scraps further researched and put together by cultreporter who in mine and others opinions is a very talented writer so is implying it was not her work intended to be insulting after you yourself claim to appreciate it so much?

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:20PM

I would like to hear Zeligs take on all this! He was very insightful and I believe had many good comments to say.

Dont worry jules just-googling will make sure that his opinion (if he indeed exists in his own right) will be posted.

Maybe cultreporter was offered that illusive book deal and there was a clause prohibiting her from further exposure. She certainly has enough
material kindly provided by ex disciples and students.

Right you have all been so helpful :roll: And you are? Thats right just another person that wants someone else to do the work and cop the shit as long as they dont take any credit right? Had ex disciples and students actually been wanting to speak out there has already been at least two opportunities to do television on current affairs programs that wanted to use Cara because she would show her face and at least two other persons to talk about their experiences to make a story - of all the people she asked did they want to do this guess how many replied?

The ELUSIVE book deal?

A book would definitely reach a wider audience than one website. She was going to self publish the book and sell it to raise enough money to expand the site including to buy tax documents and freedom of information requests - what a conniving individual indeed.


I am very skeptical as to the authenticity of the letter and it's author.
When reading it I find it feels like one of those Chris Butler orchestrated pieces of correspondence that painstakingly covers every little bit of detail making SIF and the ASM organisations look like the perfect cult to join and Cultreporter as an unfortunate girl with challenging health issues.

You certainly dont know what is going on but there is no reason that you should either - much as I would like to say if you want to do something talk to cultreporter, grab a copy of the site or whatever instead keeping all the feudal bullshit going then there is no reason you couldnt choose to do that same time it makes me sick the sense of entitlement that Dassi, Googling and jules all have off someone elses pain and effort that they have only contributed to undermining.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:32PM

Just a few facts for those who are still wondering if it may help :

1. Cultreporter was kicked out of ASM for her relationship with Brendon Rice. ASM has admitted as much through their actions of offering to amend the relationship when they could not get the site taken down. Radha Krishna das has shown his true colours in this whole affair.

2. Cultreporter has been harrassed and assaulted by ASM because of what she has done.

3. Cultreporter does have Disassociative Disorder which is not Multiple Personality as Zelig opined with absolutely no evidence. Basically she does not connect well with the world around her and suffers from blackouts and minor seizures which she started having up to four times a day in the cult but have diminished now. This does not affect her intelligence or credibility but her personal coping skills which are pretty neccessary to take responsibility for efforts that have demonstrated serious ramifications.

4. When (not IF) the site comes back up and various projects get underway it will not be without the involvement of individuals which proved to be counter productive and will be able to learn from the experience of the first effort which as I said was not perfect but can certainly be built on IMHO.

5. If you did not save a copy of the site you can get one by simply asking cultreporterto email one to you in html which you can edit to your own liking, take out the bits that you dont like, use your own words and pictures, basically modify as you like. There are hosting plans available for very little money and tech support can be given to you totally free and easy if you need it. You can own a website and be anonymous as well so if you want a site the option is there.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 11, 2007 08:52PM


You and cultreporter at times have posted from the same IP address.

Please explain that.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 12, 2007 06:49PM

Have explained this to you before Rick if you want to ban people because they are not following the script in your show go ahead. It is a Global Gossip with 45 pcs. Two people and neither of them give a shit anymore.

Check all the posters above while you are at it.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: MeanReds ()
Date: September 12, 2007 06:51PM

What goes on here re above and has been for months is why anti cult efforts lack credibility - maybe there is some reason why irreverent discussion is allowed to go on while we are at making up conspiricies. Noone here is anti SIF or genuinely trying to do anything about it and real people only get sucked in here by mistake.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 12, 2007 08:46PM


No need to become so defensive.

No one has cited any "conspiricies." And there is no "script" for anyone's "show" here.

But part of getting along on any message board is not to constantly "flame" others and instead try to appreciate the fact that they also have the right to express their opinions.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is either a "cult apologist" or an "Internet troll," though this thread has had its share of both.

I noticed that you and cultreporter have posted from the same IP address, that's all, no conspiracy suspected.

Apparently, you are well-acquainted with cultreporter, I don't recall the specifics, this is a big board with almost 40,000 posts.

At times it seems like some former cult members become prehaps a bit too focused on their past cult and personal situation. And subsequently they may appear to forget that there are others affected by cults.

Please consider this.

Your concerns and personal situation are not the only topic on this board.

And attacking others so frequently only diminishes your own credibility.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: September 13, 2007 12:07AM


I campaigned door to door for the Independents for Godly Government, Sid’s first attempts to overturn the government. I was one of the unpaid lower life forms in the group. No doubt considered retarded.

During this first campaign in the 1970’s, men and women were housed in separate apartments. Usually we slept in sleeping bags on the floor. Living with a bunch of hormonal chicks was no pic-nic. But we thought we were doing the right thing. We’d wake up and chant our rounds as we loaded up in trucks and vans to have an early morning kirtans in a public park. Sid of course was never there and we were forbidden to reveal he was involved or even if we were Hari Bol peeps. The cook would lay out all the food for the day on blankets on the grass. We had yogurt and fruit in the morning and some piss poor lunch of some tofu burger thing. We would work morning till night. We ate a non-descript dinner and passed out till morning. I missed dinner one time because my ride forgot to pick me up. When I finally found my way home by bus, the guys in charge gave me sh*t.

Sid told us a bunch of lies about Cec Heftel (I think Hoshijo or Moore was running against him) at the time. I ended up being invited in to the home of a man who played for the Honolulu symphony. I spewed the party line. He noticed how hot and tired I was and fed me lunch. He was really cool and happened to know Mr. Heftel very well. He proved to me that what we were being told was a lie. I was embarrassed. It was just “another brick in the wall” for me.

Thanks, Dassi, for sharing your experiences of the "[b:2ae5ff4f81]door-da-door[/b:2ae5ff4f81]" campaign.

Yes, hunger.

Being on one's feet all day and tramping from door to door does burn up a lot of calories and hence can make one very hungry. Also, the hot Hawaiian sunshine can cause dehydration. (don't forget to say the magic wordage: "Sri Vishnu, sri Vishnu, sri vishnu" before drinking water???!)

Yes, we all went hungry.
For the cause.

One devotee confided in me that he had been marching door to door all day long, and at the end of the day he was offered one frozen banana.

One frozen banana!

Meanwhile Katyayani's fridge was chokablock full of food!
for herself and her children.
This devotee was wise enough to think "To hell with that"
and he promptly helped himself to some food from Katyayani's fridge!
Good for him.

Some of us were so brainwashed, we would have been so guilt-ridden for "stealing" food from the pure devotee's fridge!
(Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa???)

You were wise, Dassi, to accept sustenance from the "demonic" Cec Heftel supporter!!!...
some of us were so brainwashed we would not have accepted food from the kitchen of a "demon" and politely refused...

I remember the yogurt made from powdered milk (yuck!)...
the meager servings...

Certainly, exploitation.

Sid also wanted us to go door to door not only for his political campaigning, but also to sell the Reincarnation Explained book and to promote his religious agenda...

I remember knocking on people's doors to tell them that they were "not the material body" ...
They thought I was crazy!
Crazy indeed.
Fanatical? Yes.
Brainwashed? I believe, yes.

Sid said we needed to approach people at the grass roots level and mentioned that the Jehovah's Witnesses were very successful with their door to door canvassing.

I wonder if any of the Haribolers still do it?
Probably not...
It was a waste of time and energy.


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: September 13, 2007 04:43AM

I looked at Zeligs posts because he launched an attack against cultreporter ...

Whoooaaa, now hold on there, partner...

Launched an attack against cultreporter???????

Crikey! Zelig was sincerely concerned as to cultreporter's welfare, as she had mentioned that she had been attacked and threatened by some cult members... He was warning her to tread carefully, and I personally did not perceive his posts as an "attack" against cultreporter... not at all. Never.

My interpretation of Zelig's posts was that he was simply inquiring as to the meaning of cultreporter's posts, which at times seemed to be quite confusing, and at other times contradictory.

Remember, Mean Red, that the written word sometimes fails to convey the real feelings of the one who is doing the writing/typing ... Sarcasm and humor can sometimes come across as hostility ... A joke when spoken face to face with someone may come across as some lighthearted merriment ... when written, as in this internet forum, it may be construed by some as something more sinister....

Anyhow, even though you may have perceived Mr. Zelig's postings as an "attack" -- your counterattack was definitely not playing by the rules... What I mean here is that trying to reveal Mr. Z's identity on this public forum (and other people's ID), is surely against the rules of the forum and against any decency.

One wonders if the cultreporter is also feeding information about people on this forum to cult members, as cultreporter recently reported that he/she was in contact with cult members and that things were becoming "resolved." ????

As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, some members would prefer to remain anonymous as there is the possibility of some fanatical crazed cult member trying to "cut out the tongue" of the so-called blasphemer, and it is well known that some cult members are into guns, and snipers, etc... Cultreporter at one point even tried to name [b:9431df990f]the location[/b:9431df990f] of people who were posting on this forum!!!! Fortunately, our moderator was thankfully able to erase that post before it was seen by too many people....

Think before you type!


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