Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: February 04, 2007 10:46AM

As Homer said "Dear Lord I give you these cookies - if you want me to eat them for you please give me absolutely no sign. (pauses) Ok done."

:lol: I think we all have a bit of Homer Simpson in us! :lol:

:?: Who, when offering food to Krishna, can honestly say that they were not just faking some piety and really just wanted some food to keep themselves alive??


:lol: All that Scripture I have read and how often do I quote Homer Simpson? :lol:

As I have said I didn't eat much, and Ash told me that she actually passed out once, but I was amazed when I realised how hungry the bramacharis always were. Things haven't changed from what you describe - anything with sugar and the boys are running!

The diet definitely can't be healthy for men that are working hard and it is definitely not healthy for children - but it is another classical brainwashing technique, low protein diet to impair thinking and reasoning abilities.

I suspect now that they feed you up on all that double choc garbage food that is not even suitable for offerring to Krishna after kirtan to give you that euphoric feeling so that you think that it is the chanting. A sort of organic "trip" :wink:

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: February 04, 2007 11:50PM

Concerning SOWI. The Science of Warped Identiy. :lol:

I'd like to draw your attention to an intelligent discusion going on in another section of this forum about what happens to the brain in a cult.

How do LGATs "Blow the Circuits" in the brain??

Thanks, Zelig for the link to the "Large Group Awareness Training" discussion. I found this piece quite interesting as well:


Well, when you are exhausted from 4 hours of sleep, haven't eaten much all day because you aren't given enough time to eat, and are told to eat with your "group", and to get back in time for the next session or else "acknowledge" that you were "out of integrity" and "late", and then the instructor alternates between humiliating you in front of 200 people, and then speaking in a loud booming voice about humanity's foibles - one could begin to see how even a psychologically adept/intelligent individual could begin to be manipulated into volunteering for unpaid labor, recruiting friends and family into coercive organizations, and opening up those checkbooks.........

Humiliating someone in front of 200 people (more like 50-100 people in this case) was definitely one of JG's techniques. And speaking about humanity's "foibles" was definitely the main agenda - JG's whole focus was always based on criticizing just about everyone and everything, and apparently this has remained the focus to the present day. No wonder some of the followers are looking to the Gaudiya Math organization to feel like they are getting some association of real devotees.


:idea: SOI = Suckers or Idiots?

SOI = Seemingly Ordinary Individuals?


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: February 04, 2007 11:59PM

:lol: All that Scripture I have read and how often do I quote Homer Simpson? :lol:

The Simpsons are expert at making fun of religion in general. There was one episode where Homer became a cult leader (because he had some sort of marking on his body?). Of course in true Homer style, he was having fun watching everyone bow down before him... and whenever he left the room and then came back in, everyone had to bow down again.... so of course Homer kept leaving and coming back in for fun... [b:495905be3a]THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PRABOOFRAUD WAS DOING ONE TIME!!!!![/b:495905be3a]

Yes, I saw this with my own eyes, and I remember thinking at that time that this was a bit weird, even though at that time I was a full-fledged serious disciple... I guess the old BS meter was covered with too much crap!


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: February 05, 2007 12:18AM

:lol: All that Scripture I have read and how often do I quote Homer Simpson? :lol:

The Simpsons are expert at making fun of religion in general. There was one episode where Homer became a cult leader (because he had some sort of marking on his body?). Of course in true Homer style, he was having fun watching everyone bow down before him... and whenever he left the room and then came back in, everyone had to bow down again.... so of course Homer kept leaving and coming back in for fun... [b:2ff2f133ad]THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PRABOOFRAUD WAS DOING ONE TIME!!!!![/b:2ff2f133ad]

Yes, I saw this with my own eyes, and I remember thinking at that time that this was a bit weird, even though at that time I was a full-fledged serious disciple... I guess the old BS meter was covered with too much crap!


Yes! And sometimes he would say "At ease!" and laugh at everyone like they were stupid fools when this would happen too. What a freak.

Re: Simpsons- Don't forget the time when Lisa made friends with a girl in a cult and Madge and her got sucked in and then Homer got brainwashed (I don't remember) ..they ended up getting him out with the smell of hamburgers or something ...(anyone remember this episode?)
And then there was Krusty the Clown's religious background..... :wink:

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: February 05, 2007 04:55AM

OMG! I can just picture Siddha doing this in my head! I bet he had a little dance to go with it and everything. I was just thinking last night that this whole cult is like some sort of cartoon and their big scheme is probably to drop an anvil on their critics. It would be so hilariously funny if it was just a show on TV and not real people.

Simpsons- Don't forget the time when Lisa made friends with a girl in a cult and Madge and her got sucked in and then Homer got brainwashed (I don't remember) ..they ended up getting him out with the smell of hamburgers or something ...(anyone remember this episode?)
And then there was Krusty the Clown's religious background..... :wink:

Now you know I do remember :wink: There was a cult offerring a free weekend retreat and Homer decided that it would be a great chance to go fishing. He thought these people were real suckers for offerring him this great weekend vacation. It had all the classic techniques in it, watching videos for hours on end about how they were going to go to "Blisstonia, known for it's high levels of bliss" on a spaceship built by 'the leader' and feeding them low protein gruel which as they found out with Homer doesn't work if you eat a month's supply. They had trouble brainwashing him until they tried chanting nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah leader to the batman tune. Everyone else in town got brainwashed by chanting the leader is good the leader is great, we surrender our will as of this date. Then they had to pick lima beans on the leaders farm and when he passed by in him limo they argued over who was more beloved by the leader by who got the most dirt splashed on them as he just waved benevolently with his white glove.

There is also an episode with a Hare Krishna guy in it and Homer points to him and says "That Bart is a crazy person." Is Homer really smarter than me?? :o

On the brainwashing and the chanting I was just reading an article about someone who was in the Children of God and they had to chant "If you think think think you will sink sink sink cos you stink stink stink." I bet Siddha wishes he thought of that one.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: February 05, 2007 04:58AM

Oh yea, I remember Crusty's background - he was a Jew, wasn't he? That was quite funny!

And of course there's always the neighbor, (forget his name) - he is a good Christian - they get some hilarious cracks at Christianity with him!


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: February 05, 2007 05:12AM

I used to have a Wai Lana Yoga DVD (and the purple lotus mat RRP $49.95 - which is obscene for a yoga mat [b:07d65befd6]and [/b:07d65befd6]watch Little Yogis on the weekends (after which Bren and I would engage in debate over the gender of blue bear without ever reaching agreement) [b:07d65befd6]and[/b:07d65befd6] play Little Yogis cards :roll: See I [b:07d65befd6]was[/b:07d65befd6] a good devotee)

On rest and relax there is this one episode where she is there with her butt in the air and goes "This pose is great for releasing abdominal gas" She's a real classy lassy[/color:07d65befd6] :wink: I could just imagine her letting one rip and blaming it on those damn disciples.

But seriously check this out.. it is hilarious


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: emntk ()
Date: February 05, 2007 07:17AM



You have got to be kidding. :P How blatantly arogant.

I once saw Siddha sing his own name. He obviously hadn't been paying attention and we were singing prayers to the spiritual master and he got almost to the end of his name (you know how long it is) before he realised and asked for the microphone.

Back in 1995/96 at a regular weekly gathering held in Sydney there was a video played after the offering and just prior to the Bhagavad gita class. This was a roughly 5 minute warning to all members of SOI not to talk about the happenings of the organisation. I can't remember the exact story but a lady was making a delivery to Siddha and perhaps she got pulled up by customs officials then freaked. She told them about what she was doing and about Siddha, the religion, Krishna, the whole bit. Some officers (can't remember who I wasn't paying attention sorry Siddha) then went over to Siddha's house and pulled the place apart, mocked the deities, asked questions and generally made a nusiance of themselves. That is the story anyway. The video tape was made and sent out pressumably over the planet as who knows where he was at that stage. I don't think he was in New Zealand. From that point on everyone had to be extremely careful about what they said about the cult and who they spoke to about the cult and particularly not to talk to any authorities about the cult.

This sounds rather paranoid don't you think? Even if their main concern was that legally they were considered wierd people you can't really get arrested in most coutries specifically for being weird. I'm sure having your house raided is not a pleasant experience but if you have nothing to hide sending an international warning to all your followers telling them to shut up is a little over the top.

Just to drive the point home about SOI's continued political motivation in the face of oncoming destruction in early 1999 there was a fax sent out from 'Head Quarters', i.e. wherever Siddha is located, which I had been shown by a disciple, and I had discussed this with various other disciples so it was throughtout ASM, that described preparations that were to be made. The grammar of the letter was much like that of Siddha's. It stated that people should begin making arrangements to live communally and should begin stocking up on food, clothing and face masks and other survivalist gear. He stated people should consider an alternate mode of transport such as solar power or whatever they may think would get people from A to B as being a long way from the next devotee farm, and there no longer being any fuel supply or telephones since all the computers crashed, walking would not be an option. Communication was to be maintained between devotee farms so each can take care of the other. He suggested that people begin growing their own food immediately and should have a stored water supply and solar power as these utilities would no longer be available. He stated that weapons should be amassed and that devotees are going to have to protect themselves from people who may try to come after the farm in desperation as there is no more sources of food and other basics. If this meant shooting people to protect your devotee farm then that is what a person should be prepared to do. I know of at least oe disciple who was self-sufficient and had solar power installed that year (Do you see how Little Ninjai could have been developed straight out of the imagery of this letter? With the demons trying to kill him for food and Ninjai walking along in a barren wilderness minding his own business he is forced to protect himself. Whilst contemplating his true identity of course :P )

The news report on Jan 1st 2000 stated that the landing gear on one plane was the only fault reported and it may have been related to Y2K although it needed further investigation. Noone was hurt though luckily. :oops:

Butler apparently being a big fan of B.F Skinner learnt his lessons well. Skinner was an athiest who believed he could control anyone's mind without their knowing they had been programmed. He did not need a dogmatic faith with an invisible all-seeing and all-knowing God to do so either. Siddha just realised that people's hope of there being a God and more to life was the easiest way to exploit them by making people believe he is a saintly worshipable person.

He paid ISKCON $28 000 and $800 the same day that he sent ACB his letter asking for initiation. ACB immediately sent a letter (in all capital letters) to his disciples requesting that they do not spend the money as he was already in negotiation to buy a $70 000 house in India. This was to be the deposit. Siddha on the other hand had his own plans. You'll notice in Sai speaks published in the same year as he requested initiation stating that he was not a bona-fide guru in the *sense* of disciplic succession which made it harder for people to tell if he is qualified. (As if just saying that makes you qualified :roll: ). So at least he thought he was qualified and a pure devotee. From this you can see his intention was to claim this title prior to even meeting his spiritual master. The money being a sweetener of the deal.

In July of 71 Siddha gets initiated and little over a year later Tusta Krishna prabhu is writing a letter to ACB about Siddha as a pure devotee and asking if the spiritual master (Siddha) is ultimately Krishna and if he will get to be with his spiritual master after leaving this world. (Boy was that relationship a little too how-do-you-do for a Siddha friendship?) ACB explains that he is thinking like an impersonalist and that he shouldn't make a faction by making claims of Siddha being above other disciples and if Siddha goes all the disciples should go to Krishna.

Notice too he addresses Tusta and other disciples by alternate names like prabhu or master as a sign of respect. Siddha svarupa's followers only ever get das or dasi (servant or servantess).

A year later Siddha along with Gaurasudara are selling the Hawaii temple and taking of with the money. ACB just asks for the money back and seems much more concerned about the money than his disciples.

ACB came to Hawaii and questioned Siddha about the behavior of his group being different and withdrawn from ISKCON and why Siddha's followers didn't want to go see ACB. So Siddha returns the next day with $10 000 which pleases his guru and goes about his merry business. ACB wouldn't have accepted Siddha taking disciples but as far as Siddha's group not shaving their heads, not wearing the dress and not selling books it was hardly a expelable offence. ACB didn't say he couldn't write his own books and distribute those instead but ACB asks how he is going to make money if Siddha gives his own books away for free. So Siddha buys outright $5000 worth of books and ACB is happy and Siddha doesn't have to sell his books. ACB didn't say that he couldn't form a non-profit religious organisation while he was still alive nor a political campaign. ACB didn't say that he couldn't cut an album while he was still alive so Siddha does these things instead.

Siddha totally scammed the system from the very beginning

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: February 05, 2007 11:23AM


OMG :!:
What is she, five! Talk about arrested development or some perverse 'Japanese School Girl' thing! excuse me while I throw up from too much :!: cuteness, gakk, ackkk, ackkkk :!:

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: February 05, 2007 11:54AM



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