Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: December 30, 2006 05:36AM


Dr Thomas Butler - specialist in infectious diseases

Good sleuthing, Reporter!... But I doubt if this Dr. Thomas Butler is the father of Chris - because Chris is almost 60 years old - that would put his father at around at least 80 years old - quite possibly not even living any more.

:D That would have been a good one, though - infectious bacteria :!:


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: December 30, 2006 05:46AM

I do have a few potential (some quite promising) skeletons I am hoping to bring out of Siddha's closet.

[b:8f06b87d3b]The million dollar question is[/b:8f06b87d3b][/color:8f06b87d3b] - quite literally - where did all the money come from? There is no way that a stoned out surfer had the finances to back this guru business. SOI is a minor cult but the $$ are major.

My impression is that all the money originally came from donations from wealthy followers. There was a very rich disciple from New Zealand (from the richest family in New Zealand, I heard) and his parents got killed in an air crash over the Antarctic. He must have inherited millions in 1980 while still quite young. There was another wealthy disciple from the Philippines (his biggest problem in life while in Honolulu was whether to buy a Rolls Royce or a Mercedes!).

I suppose that Wai Lana's yoga television series has raked in a lot of money, also.

There was a drive to give donations in the 1990s and the disciples were asked to donate 25 percent of their income to Guru's cause. There was a bit of concern from the disciples that all the money donated was going on Guru's expensive lifestyle... Eventually on the form there were three boxes - tick one for money to go to Guru's preaching projects - tick the other box for his living expenses - the third box was "whatever."

I really do NOT think that drug dealing was ever part of the equation, though!


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: jograves ()
Date: December 30, 2006 06:23AM

I have been wondering about a possible connection to "the other" Aryans, considering the same last names and all. That and the my understanding that the Vedas were the religious tomes of the Aryan culture in India.
Butler is a very common name; there are diplomats and doctors, gurus and racists with the surname. Some of the SOI philosophy seems similar, though, to that of "the brotherhood".
Anybody else curious about this?

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: emntk ()
Date: December 30, 2006 02:28PM

Was Chris's father named Willis? And did he have a disctinct herbal aroma about him? :P


RE: Dedicated or addicted

On the subject of drug abuse by police, you may be interested to know of a conversation I had with Dr Willis Butler, a well-known physician, and cannabis legalization advocate in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Dr Butler's father was also a physician, who in fact, founded Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Honolulu. (Ed. Note: Kaiser Permanente is one of America's largest health care insurance, HMO, and hospital companies, mainly in the western states.) The elder Dr Butler's specialty was treatment of addiction, mostly alcoholism.

According to his son, many of his father's patients were law enforcement professionals with alcohol and drug abuse problems. This took place in the 1920s, before cannabis prohibition.

Cannabis was prescribed by Dr Butler to successfully treat alcoholism and drug addiction. In as few as twelve applications of cannabis, an alcoholic could be cured.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: December 30, 2006 06:43PM

RR if I may ask, as I think this may be of interest to others who follow this thread..

With the viewing count does it go up if the same person changes pages within the thread (like if they click through 20 pages it counts 20 views) or only on entry to the thread?

What is the potential for anybody on this forum to access anyone else's information or ip address from posts? I was asked this, but as I am sure you can appreciate I am not qualified to answer how the forum operates. It is only my opinion that this is a safe place for open discussion. Maybe there would be more posters if people knew these details.

BTW If this number shows up - I promise that it is a troll from the cult and would add another twist of intrigue.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: December 30, 2006 08:20PM

You will notice the matching details below - Dr Willis Butler was born in Lousiana, moved to Hawaii and had a son named Bruce. Ash scored a goal!

I think that I have fairly well exhausted on-line resources for tracing and will have to take it off-line now. First stop will be getting hold of the book he wrote.

Dr Butler was an advocate for the legalisation of heroin and pot. He had a lot of professional and political connections, running for election as parish physician, responsible for the public health and member of the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Coroners, the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, the College of American Pathologists, and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.


Dr. Butler had been the coroner of Caddo Parish from 1916 through the 1970s. Dr. Butler had been called in to investigate every suspicious murder in Caddo Parish for over 50 years, and he was one of the first forensic pathologists to use photographs of crime scenes in forensic investigations. His papers included not only pathology reports, but also his notes and photographs relating to the cases. He was involved in so many interesting cases that before he retired he wrote a book based on his experiences called Will Somebody Call the Coroner. The collection was fascinating and I was hooked!


This is quite a detailed professional bio. He would definitely have passed away by now unless he is over 100 years old.


Dr. Willis Butler was a product of Northern Louisiana and Shreveport. Born in Gibsland, Louisiana, in 1888, he moved to Shreveport when he was 11 years old.



Arma Hut. Surf site, Sunset Beach, Oahu. During the early 1960s, Dr. Willis Butler bought a beachfront home at Rocky Point. His son Bruce was an avid surfer and began riding the waves in front of their home, a large green quonset hut. As a joke, one of Bruce's friends said that Bruce resembled an Armadoon, a cross between an armadillo and a baboon, so the quonset hut was soon known as Arma Hut. Arma Hut was home to many transient surfers and by the mid-1960s was also the name of the surf site off the house on the north side of Rocky Point. During the 1970s, Rocky Point replaced Arma Hut as the name of the surf site. Some surfers still use the name Arma Hut for a secondary surf site between Rocky Point and Monster Mush. This site is also known as Stone Zone.



Until the American prohibitionists closed him down in the 20s, Dr Willis Butler ran a famous clinic in Shreveport, Louisiana, for old soldiers and others who had become addicted to morphine after operations. Among his patients, he included four doctors, two church ministers, two retired judges, an attorney, an architect, a newspaper editor, a musician from the symphony orchestra, a printer, two glass blowers and the mother of the commissioner of police. None of them showed any ill effect from the years which they spent on Dr Butler's morphine. None of them died as a result of his prescriptions. And, as Dr Butler later recalled: "I never found one we could give an overdose to, even if we had wanted to. I saw one man take 12 grains intravenously at one time. He stood up and said: 'There, that's just fine,' and went on about his business."

Like father like son he also had an interest in ramifications of nuclear warfare

Below this sentence is just speculation at the moment[/color:c5d2cebcf4]

It was customary around the 1800s to give names based on genealogy and pass names on to sons. There is a genealogical link with a Willis and Butler family, which links to a Walker family, which is the W of Bush jnr.


^^For Rama with love.

There is another Willis Butler showing up St Landry Parish Louisiana who maybe his father (boring I know, but useful for researching)


There is a tentative family link to Texas, and sugguestion that doctors run in the family (grandfather of CB was a dr also, confirmed) so it is possible that the picture that I posted may still be related. I still really notice a strong physical resemblance there.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: jules ()
Date: December 30, 2006 09:41PM


Arma Hut. Surf site, Sunset Beach, Oahu. During the early 1960s, Dr. Willis Butler bought a beachfront home at Rocky Point. His son Bruce was an avid surfer and began riding the waves in front of their home, a large green quonset hut. As a joke, one of Bruce's friends said that Bruce resembled an Armadoon, a cross between an armadillo and a baboon, so the quonset hut was soon known as Arma Hut. Arma Hut was home to many transient surfers and by the mid-1960s was also the name of the surf site off the house on the north side of Rocky Point. During the 1970s, Rocky Point replaced Arma Hut as the name of the surf site. Some surfers still use the name Arma Hut for a secondary surf site between Rocky Point and Monster Mush. This site is also known as Stone Zone.

I think Bruce was the older brother, and yes he did look like a armidillo crossed with a baboon! Both he and CB had those piercing blue eyes! And I do remember hearing of the very early days when CB then called Sai, lived at Sunset beach, the Quonset hut was often mentioned. So you are probably right on the mark here!
The photo of Doctor Willis Butler looks like he could easily be related- he also has the same piercing blue eyes.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 30, 2006 09:41PM


I don't know how the view count feature works on this software.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: December 30, 2006 11:38PM

You will notice the matching details below - Dr Willis Butler was born in Lousiana, moved to Hawaii and had a son named Bruce. Ash scored a goal!

Amazing bit of research, there, Ash! Would match with what Zelig said about being in the left wing and a connection to Allan Ginsberg(?)....

However, there is still the possibility that all this could be coincidental though, as Butler is a very common name... and there was mention of the son Bruce (a common name in those days!), but no mention of the other son, Chris. Also: no mention of Molokai???

But would match with the kind, loving father and hence the spoilt child syndrome for Chris!!


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: December 30, 2006 11:48PM

RR if I may ask, as I think this may be of interest to others who follow this thread..

With the viewing count does it go up if the same person changes pages within the thread (like if they click through 20 pages it counts 20 views) or only on entry to the thread?

No matter which, it looks like there are a [b:50af716b25]lot[/b:50af716b25] of people following this thread. I wonder who all these people are?

:? :? :?:

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