Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: December 27, 2006 09:40PM

Can anyone translate Rasha Kisha das’s post for me?

Does it mean the kids can get back together and everyone apologizes to Cara? [so she’ll shut the fuck up]

Does it mean that CB got really pissed off at RKd and threatened to cut him off if he didn’t “take care of the situation”? [so she’ll shut the fuck up because they are losing a lot of money, slave labor, and their reputation]

Is all this back-peddaling just a ploy? [so she’ll shut the fuck up]

And why would anyone want to go back to a man who hides behind the apron strings of RKd? [Do you really imagine there will be a ‘happy ever after’ in this group?]

And why is there such an abnormal intolerance for criticism of this group, its leader, and the theology? [a number one characteristic of a dangerous cult]

I recognize the pale, blood-leaves-your-body fear of spiritual damnation that RKd has expressed. No doubt CB has had a few words with him. “Yes, Srila Prabhupad. I’ll take care of it….I’m sorry, Sheila Prabhoofraud….I’ll do any humiliating thing you ask….(praying…”Please forgive me… don’t cut me off!...etc…”) Having been in this painful situation before, I actually feel sorry for RKd.

No, it’s not a few rascals in SIF that give the group a bad reputation. It’s the 35 year old track record. It’s the whole rotten system led by a false messiah. It’s the reason this thread even exists, which has been around several years before Cara showed up to reveal the same patterns of manipulation and mind control in Australia.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: privateye ()
Date: December 28, 2006 09:04AM

My sources tell me that the campaign manager of Mike Gabbard is also a long time follower of Chris Butler. His name is Devin Bull, his wife's name is Kunti ( a Hare Krishna name).

Anyone like to share information on this.

Where is Devin Bull from? How long has he been in the cult? Does he have an indoctrinated hare krishna name?

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: December 28, 2006 09:48AM

Can anyone translate Rasha Kisha das’s post for me?

Well I ran it through my bullshit detector and got a transcript :

Is that bitch still here...
Damn it and people are website, shit!
If people that are ex members actually start communicating with each other and sharing information :shock:
Well it's been six months now. Threatening her didn't work. Making up lies about her didn't help, although I did manage to orchestrate enough shit to ensure that the relationship even as friends is thoroughly irredeemable. He won't even talk to her now, makes it a hell of a lot easier to convince someone of what the truth is when you cut off any avenue of contradiction. Can't challenge the facts that SOI is a cult and it's not eactly enlightenment that our guru is full of.. :!: I know :!: I'll pass the buck onto other devotees and hope that it makes her appear like a loudmouthed malcontent who can't accept an apology and an atheist who can't accept the hand of devotion when it is offerred to her. I said I'm not perfect dammit can't you see how humble I am? It's hardy [i:cb3922ff95]my[/i:cb3922ff95] fault that no one in this material world is perfect, I'm doing the best that I can. Too little too late looks slightly better than nothing right, gee I hope they fall for it...

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: December 28, 2006 10:12AM

Private Eye : I really admire your spirit. I wish I had some political ino to offer you but as I am sure you can guess American politics has a pretty low profile here and the necessary sources are a lot harder to access. I agree it is important to expose this though.

Have you seached Carol Gabbard who was involved with the Board of Education (eventhough her children were home schooled?? if that is not a sign of trying to exert cult influence I don't know what is).

I heard that she had to resign from the Board for failure to disclose her links to SOI. I think that gay and lesbian activists in Hawaii would have a lot of info if you haven't made contact with them yet.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: December 28, 2006 10:35AM

My sources tell me that the campaign manager of Mike Gabbard is also a long time follower of Chris Butler. His name is Devin Bull, his wife's name is Kunti ( a Hare Krishna name).

Anyone like to share information on this.

Where is Devin Bull from? How long has he been in the cult? Does he have an indoctrinated hare krishna name?

More like "DIVINE BULL" :!: :!: :lol: or "DIVINE BULLSHIT"??? :?:

Actually, No - I have never heard of him.


Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: DharamRakshak ()
Date: December 28, 2006 08:44PM

Radha Krishna das has passed through the seven stages of grief right before our eyes!!


[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Shock or Disbelief[/b:aa6fb4ca0b]


I am sincerely disappointed that now I need to spend my time attempting to set right the wrong doing here.



The idea of brainwashing is just another one that is made up by those determined to be offensive and who do not understand the Absolute Truth.


A pure devotee would never say such a thing.


Trying to get who he acknowledges as being two people who he personally knows kicked off for sharing a computer (at the same time as faking a message from a child himself - what a disgrace) Then asking them to resign from the forum. Then asking that cultreporter be prayed against - and then prayed for. Let's make a deal already!



I have lost much sleep and meditation over the situation


I cannot bring myself to publically recount the actions that I am directly and indirectly responsible for.


What rrmoderator rightfully referred to as flaming which I would rather not repeat



I fear I have committed karmic suicide

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Acceptance and Hope[/b:aa6fb4ca0b]


It has been extremely difficult to realise that there is someone who not that long ago was a sincere and very serious devotee who wants to put so much time and effort into continuing such an effort


She has no apparent desire for anything but Krishna and her beloved. I certainly pray that she will receive both and the obvious torment will be ended.

So what is it that he has to grieve about - is it his own actions or the death of secrecy? Anyone who has studied Krishna Consciousness I am sure has heard many times over that duality is the [u:aa6fb4ca0b][b:aa6fb4ca0b]WORST[/b:aa6fb4ca0b][/u:aa6fb4ca0b] quality a devotee can have. RKd has absolutely no intention of being honest with anyone. He denies to most devotees that he has any knowledge of the forum or that he has posted here. It is his idea that he can discredit any critics by making it seem as if they are responsible for his actions. At the same time he wants to buy credibility with the opposition - have his toenails and eat them too.

I cannot confirm or deny whether Siddhaswarupananda has had any input into the situation, although I agree that it is most likely that he has and kept it on a need to know basis. It is like the fable of the blind men and the elephant around here, where each one touches a different part and they are all certain exactly how an elephant is based on their own limited perception.


Thinking about that reminds me of the devotee saying about an elephant getting into your spiritual garden and wrecking it. Unbeknown to all blind followers he has been at it for years!

I would like to offer my own knowledge of the following questions put to Siddhaswarupananda along with the obsevation that spying is not likely to work very well when it is one's most trusted that are responsible for the most wrong doing.

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Do you know that your two closest disciples in Queensland have students bowing and paying obeisances to them? [/b:aa6fb4ca0b]

Yes I have seen this with Radha Krishna das and Gayatri dasi. If they were not feeling deserving of being worshipped themselves then they would put a stop to this.

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Do you know that there is not a picture of you to be seen at the Gold Coast Centre and that kirtans are held in RKd's private home where he sits on a vayassan and the names Rhada Krishna are chanted more there than Siddhaswarupananda?[/b:aa6fb4ca0b]

There is a picture of Siddhaswarupananda there, but as with at the Brisbane centre it is neither prominently displayed or treated with any reverence. Outside of Appearance Days I cannot recall the last time I have seen so much as a leaf offered to Siddhaswarupananda by His devotees at a centre.

It is not actually a vayassan that RKd sits on, but the way that he conducts himself that is an honest mistake, it is certainly a reasonable facsimile of one.

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Do you know that some of your most senior disciples on the Gold Coast deny that you are their spiritual master and claim instead to be disciples of ACB? [/b:aa6fb4ca0b]

It is true that Vrindarvan dasi for one is a disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami. Others deny disciplic status on others behalf also to make excuses : well they are not actualy Srila Prabhupad's disciples. This is nonsense of course, but convenient nonsense. I am sure that Siddhaswarupananda would be most offended to be denied by those who claim that He is their Spiritual Master.

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Do you know that you are losing willing servants because to have a letter written to you about them costs more than those living as humble and serious devotees can afford? [/b:aa6fb4ca0b]

With Siddhaswarupananda being so distant it is a shameful truth that He is not made aware of students that have the genuine quaities of disciples and desires to serve Him. Nepotism is the order of the day, unless it would appear that someone has a particularly useful skill or material wealth.

[b:aa6fb4ca0b]Do you know that so many of your young and serious students end up at ISKCON that they actually have a designated contact person to liaise with ex-SOI devotees?[/b:aa6fb4ca0b]

I know of a few that went to ISKCON because it was a lot easier for them to engage in chanting, altar worship and devotional service activities there.

Cara if I may ask is there any truth to the rumor that you have taken Siksa initiation from an ISKCON guru - this is being used as grounds to discredit you as I am sure you can imagine.

Has any devotee tried to make personal contact with you as RKd sugguested?

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: December 29, 2006 02:37AM


Radha Krishna das has passed through the seven stages of grief right before our eyes!!


Interesting theory, but Rasha Kishka das has neither grief nor guilt. The operant behavior has more to do with fear and maintaining his status. CB hates this kind of exposure and RKd is now playing out the role of the convenient scapegoat perfectly. The “true believers” are always so quick to blame the followers and exonerate the ultimate perpetrator; the guru.

RKd is just following things to the logical conclusion. He is the perfect disciple to CB, doing exactly what CB has done. While their guru is alive, they started centers, accepted obeisance’s, had an exclusive, secretive fellowship outside of the mainstream, and set themselves up as an authority teaching the same teachings. How can one really fault RKd for doing as his master has? Katyayani dasi did the very same thing, as is Gayatri dasi. And why not?

Everyone is looking at the ‘red herrings’ and not the core issue. The difficulty lies in how these gurus and groups exploit other people with untruths. The main argument that I have against CB and most gurus and is how they clip the wings of the followers and suck the air out of their lives. They have to create a fake mask to keep followers. We want so much to believe that we are in touch with a person of divinity that gives us all of the answers and in whom we can be certain that we are truly serving God. We project the mask onto the one who has the boldness to pose as enlightened.

But when you follow a man who directly says that he is God or indirectly implies that he is the will of God, by virtue of a disciplic succession, you have a major difficulty. There is no way to know for sure except by blind faith. And at this point of acceptance, you have cut off every avenue for your own enlightenment and surety. When a flaw or contradiction appears in your supposedly infallible guru, you “white wash” it away because you have disconnected all your bullshit detectors and critical thinking skills, as well as what you know in your heart of hearts. You got lazy with your own journey and inner development. That’s the real problem. For me, that kind of thievery is a greater crime than the theft of time, energy, talents and money.

If CB was a real teacher of spirituality, his followers would grow and become teachers in their own right and inspire others in positive ways. And as every good teacher knows, you have to let your students surpass you and let them go. Guru's can not do this. Independence of their followers is poison to them. Holding on is poison to both the guru and the disciple.

Followers who have genuine teachers will become authentic teachers. If RKd is a bad teacher, one only needs to point the finger at whom he has modeled so well.

It is fine to love and respect a great teacher or guru from whom you have learned; even honoring them is appropriate. But to elevate a man to the level of worship has always led to corruption. Just look at the history of Rome and the Caesars. (Great video - "I Claudius" or Gibbon's classic work, "Reflections on the Fall of Rome")

The main crime perpetuated by cult leaders is how they promote self doubt, how they undermine your own sense of self efficacy, your own inner authority and worth. The concept that you can not know God or advance spiritually except through someone else is a core belief that ensnares every cult follower. It's fine to seek out teachers and authorities and learn from them, but it is a pathetic relationship that is fostered by cult leaders with their followers. It undermines all innovation, growth, creativity, freedom, and life.

In the end, we are all just ordinary men and women. And we are all equally capable of extraordinary things if only we had the courage and self confidence. It is this very courage and self confidence that is targeted by every cult and cult leader. The only difference between them is how the mask is painted (one’s looks like a Christian, another a Rebbe, a Vaishnava, a yogi, or a Mullah). Underneath each mask lies the same creature.

Test it out. There are many ways to do this. Most can’t because of fear of damnation (of being “offensive”) or loss of status (position, power, property). How can the Supreme Being, the Universe or you be so unmerciful as to not allow an examination, an investigation!? Unmask the creature. We lived simply while the guru lied about his reluctance to accept our offerings. Just see what happens when those gifts go away. Wrath hath no fury like a guru scorned! CB is a jealous god who will have no other gods before him!

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: zelig ()
Date: December 29, 2006 03:06AM

Can anyone translate Rasha Kisha das’s post for me?

Well I ran it through my bullshit detector and got a transcript :

Is that bitch still here...
Damn it and people are website, shit!
If people that are ex members actually start communicating with each other and sharing information :shock:
Well it's been six months now. Threatening her didn't work. Making up lies about her didn't help, although I did manage to orchestrate enough shit to ensure that the relationship even as friends is thoroughly irredeemable. He won't even talk to her now, makes it a hell of a lot easier to convince someone of what the truth is when you cut off any avenue of contradiction. Can't challenge the facts that SOI is a cult and it's not eactly enlightenment that our guru is full of.. :!: I know :!: I'll pass the buck onto other devotees and hope that it makes her appear like a loudmouthed malcontent who can't accept an apology and an atheist who can't accept the hand of devotion when it is offerred to her. I said I'm not perfect dammit can't you see how humble I am? It's hardy [i:98cd46f295]my[/i:98cd46f295] fault that no one in this material world is perfect, I'm doing the best that I can. Too little too late looks slightly better than nothing right, gee I hope they fall for it...

[b:98cd46f295]Thanks for the translation Cara! What's happening now? Any new emails?[/b:98cd46f295]

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: December 29, 2006 06:09AM

[b:c1220892fd]Dharam asked :[/b:c1220892fd]

[b:c1220892fd][i:c1220892fd]Is there any truth to the rumors that you have taken siksa initiation from an ISKCON guru?[/i:c1220892fd][/b:c1220892fd]

I think that this is a fair question but it is complete fabrication. I will talk to anyone who is a devotee, regardless of what sect they belong to, because I respect their devotion to Krishna and interest in spiritual life. I don't even ask unless it comes up. My opinion of ISKCON is that many of their gurus are corrupt bastards and I do not respect any of them to even consider accepting them as a guru. I have never taken classes with ISKCON, I only read pre-1978 translations and I have no intention to ever go there.

Before I went to the Gold Coast I had considered going to ISKCON at the same time I was praying day and night for a Spiritual Master and I had a dream where I saw Narasingha and He told me not to go there and [i:c1220892fd]exactly[/i:c1220892fd] who would help me in my spiritual life. All of my faith is in Narasingha, whether anyone believes I saw Him or not (only Krishna and I know or sure). Stranger things have certainly happened and the Vedas tell the tales.

All about my spiritual life will soon be published (and illustrated :) ) I will put the link here for anyone who would like to have a look.

I have not had any e-mails from anyone in response to RKds urgings. Of course anyone would have to be signed up and have ten approved posts before they could use the option of contacting me through here. I will put my e-mail on the new link and see.

I get lots of nice supportive and informative pms and e-mails and I really appreciate and answer all of them, none from disciples or devotees though. Everyone on the Gold Coast has had my e-mail and phone number for ages, so it really looks like RKd just making noise to me.

Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: maui ()
Date: December 29, 2006 06:33AM

Radha Krishna das has passed through the seven stages of grief right before our eyes!!


[b:85f5edea44]Shock or Disbelief[/b:85f5edea44]


I am sincerely disappointed that now I need to spend my time attempting to set right the wrong doing here.

RKd needs to read through this topic to see the many disturbing personal qualities Siddha has displayed. While he (RKd) tries to present himself as being an authentic representative of the gaudiya vaisnava tradition who is simply seeking to point out the true spiritual path he is following by accepting Siddha as a prema bhakta (highest level guru), and telling us that he is on the right path of respect and worship of such an elevated soul, in fact what he is doing is neglecting the actual traditional path by ignoring the true level of spiritual attainment of Siddha as shown by his personal behavior. He is advocating blind allegiance to a person who has shown repeatedly by his own behavior that he is not what he claims to be. The hallmark of the mahajana (spiritually elevated soul) is humility and respect of others. Siddha has shown himself to be a petty tyrant who uses his power over others abusively and with disrespect and without a trace of humility. He would appear to be the exact opposite of a prema bhakta.

So the question to RKd is why do you accept Siddha as a true guru? It's not supposed to be about the ability to repeat philosophy which defines a guru's level of attainment. There are countless philosophy majors in colleges throughout the world who can memorize some philosophy and then teach it to others, that ability to learn a philosophy and then teach it to others is not a sign of spiritual attainment. There have been countless teachers of religious philosophy from every religious tradition who have garned a following because they were able to teach the philosophy and theology of their religion and who later were exposed a people who were not what they appeared to be. The latest big scandal in the evangelical christian movement with the disgrace of Ted Haggard is a case in point. His ability to present the teachings of his religion gained him a big following yet was he himself the ideal person he preached others to be?

Siddha is no different then Ted Haggard, actually much worse. Even though he may not be into the same things as Ted Haggard the reality is that Siddha has gained a following from deceiving people and even worse he then uses them and abuses them all for his own selfish purposes. He presents himself as the ideal man teaching the ideal path. Yet as shown by innumerable ex-disiciples his personal dealings with others shows a profound disrespect he has for them. He is like an abusive husband who has intimidated his wife into accepting abuse as what she deserves and that it is his place to cleanse her of her bad qualities in order to make her the perfect submissive doormat wife.

So RKd and others of his ilk should ask themselves: Why do I believe that Siddha is a true guru worthy of being treated the way he claimes he should be treated? Is is because he can repeat some theology or philosophy he has learned? So what? A tape recorder can do the same.




The idea of brainwashing is just another one that is made up by those determined to be offensive and who do not understand the Absolute Truth.

Whether one accepts brainwashing or not is besides the point. The point is the reluctance to accept the truth of situation i.e Siddha is a fraud, always has been. Even his own guru has said as much.



Trying to get who he acknowledges as being two people who he personally knows kicked off for sharing a computer (at the same time as faking a message from a child himself - what a disgrace) Then asking them to resign from the forum. Then asking that cultreporter be prayed against - and then prayed for. Let's make a deal already!

If RKd is trying to use Bhakti Yoga in order to make money and gain a following then he will say anything and do anything. Siddha is the founding guru of the organization. If RKd is trying to use Siddha's organization as a way to exploit others for his own benefit, then what he has done makes sense. Even if he doesn't accept Siddha to be the bona fide guru, still in order to make money RKd and others like him will need to protect the franchise. Therefore they will use any rhetorical device they can think up in order to discredit what has been said about the founder of their organization. If that is not the motive of RKd and he actually believes Siddha to be a maha bhagavata vaisnava, then he would do well to learn the tradition better, from the source. Specifically the qualities of the highest level soul is what he should learn about e.g. humility, magnanimity, seeing onself as the servant of everyone, etc. If he does so then he will see that Siddha is the exact opposite of what he claims to be.




I have lost much sleep and meditation over the situation


I cannot bring myself to publically recount the actions that I am directly and indirectly responsible for.


What rrmoderator rightfully referred to as flaming which I would rather not repeat



I fear I have committed karmic suicide

[b:85f5edea44]Acceptance and Hope[/b:85f5edea44]


It has been extremely difficult to realise that there is someone who not that long ago was a sincere and very serious devotee who wants to put so much time and effort into continuing such an effort

All of that was an attempt to appear that RKd made a mistake in allowing himself to misrepresent the tradition and guru he is trying to support. He is not apologizing for what he said, he is trying to convince others that his mistake was in not being a good example. He called what Siddha said on a tape a lie, oops, and he also presented himself in a vengeful and spiteful manner. He isn't apologizing, he is trying to correct a bad impression others may have gained towards him because of what he said.


So what is it that he has to grieve about - is it his own actions or the death of secrecy? Anyone who has studied Krishna Consciousness I am sure has heard many times over that duality is the [u:85f5edea44][b:85f5edea44]WORST[/b:85f5edea44][/u:85f5edea44] quality a devotee can have.

Sorry, I've never heard that phrase before and I have studied the tradition for a long time. Maybe you meant to say something else other then "duality is the worst quality a devotee can have", because it makes no sense and it is in fact mentioned nowhere in the tradition.


RKd has absolutely no intention of being honest with anyone. He denies to most devotees that he has any knowledge of the forum or that he has posted here. It is his idea that he can discredit any critics by making it seem as if they are responsible for his actions. At the same time he wants to buy credibility with the opposition - have his toenails and eat them too.

Ahh, the toenail thing. In the Vaishnava and in any hindu tradition nails and hair after they have left the body are considered to be muci (moochee) i.e. dirty and impure. The idea that something like nails is prasadam which should be eaten would be considered very non-traditional and gross and disgusting by the traditionalists. Nail clippings are considered to be on the level of stool (poop). So thinking that you will be "purified" by eating nails is ridiculous.


Cara if I may ask is there any truth to the rumor that you have taken Siksa initiation from an ISKCON guru - this is being used as grounds to discredit you as I am sure you can imagine.

Has any devotee tried to make personal contact with you as RKd sugguested?

There is no such thing as "siksa initiation" in the Gaudiya tradition or ISKCON. Maybe you meant "diksa initiation"? A siksa (shiksha) guru is anyone who gives you relevant spiritual teaching at any time. It is said anyone can be a siksa guru to anyone. If you give advice to someone and they take it to heart then you have acted as a siksa guru. Diksa (diksha) guru is a person who properly initiates someone into a tradition through the giving of a mantra and a name, and in some traditions also japa beads and other items depending on the specific type of initiation. It is usually done in a ritual diksa ceremony, like confirmation for catholics.


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