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Landmark Forum- documentary in development- call for contrib
Posted by: elena ()
Date: May 22, 2006 02:32AM

Hey Nutrino,

Someone posted a link to this fun site yesterday on afl ( which ought to give you something to chew on for a while.


There's a recent (?) photo of the dude and I think it looks as though he's had some fat injections into his cheeks. He also looks as greasy as ever, though he's getting up there and you'd think some of those glands would have dried out by now. (Or maybe its his 'radiant sexuality' - barf - that is keeping him pumped up.)

We could debate whether they were indeed "neurotic" drives, or rather as I contend, narcissistic.

Ellen ;)

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Landmark Forum- documentary in development- call for contrib
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: May 22, 2006 05:37AM

Hooooo boooyyyyy....

quoth he:

"If you require a way out of that dilemma, the way out is more ironic than the dilemma itself. The way to reinstate authenticity when you discover you're an imposter is to be an imposter. Choosing to be an imposter when you're an imposter creates the possibility of being authentic. It's pretending to be authentic when you're an imposter that's inauthentic.

Since real imposters can't create distinctions, it's also worth noting that creating the distinction inauthentic imposter is authentic. To repeat that rigorously and completely, when you create the distinction imposter, who you are is the distinguisher of imposter. Who you are is the languager of the distinction imposter. As the languager of the distinction imposter you aren't an imposter. The languager of distinctions is authentic. That's who you are."

Whoa..... WTF does this mean.... or, what does it [i:f8611ead64] attempt [/i:f8611ead64] to mean ? :

1. "Since real imposters can't create distinctions" ... can you load up a 6 word sentence with more malarky ambiguity than that ?

2. Sure, no problemo... "Who you are is the languager of the distinction imposter" ... like unto listening to Heidegger while smoking angel dust...

Orrr.... how to be a royal pain in the ass in one simple lesson:

3. "When I took the stand that I would share transformation in order to share transformation, and not in order to get any particular responses or feedback or reciprocal participation, then the power and quality and effectiveness of my sharing increased dramatically."

Let There Be Light... Werner shares his humble opinions:

4. "I take my cue from something Werner Erhard said when he was asked about a guest event he had scheduled on an evening when the experts had said an earthquake would occur. He was asked whether or not it was irresponsible of him to have people come into the city when there was a predicted likelihood that the building they were in may fall down on top of them.

I have adapted his response to suit a nuclear war rather than an earthquake. But essentially it is the same response verbatim:

"There won't be a nuclear war because I say there won't be a nuclear war. And if I change my mind you'll know because you'll see the mushroom cloud."....

I feel better already....

Time for more Heidegger and a double shot of angel dust :

5. "This conversation for transformation uses me. I want to be thoroughly used up by it by the time I die. Over here there's no sense of doing. When I'm in this conversation there's only being and play. I'm used by it. The result of it using me this way is you and I engage in conversations for transformation. It's clear to me I'm used by this conversation to speak transformation. I'm committed to that your listening for transformation picks what I say in this conversation. "...

Clear to you, buddy. Clear as mud to us dumbos... or are we [i:f8611ead64] dumbi [/i:f8611ead64] ? ...

"It's clear to me I'm used by this conversation to speak transformation."

Like, the words are [i:f8611ead64] speaking you ??? [/i:f8611ead64] .... did you ever stop and analyse how patently ridiculous this psychobabble is ?

Check please... we're outa here...

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Landmark Forum- documentary in development- call for contrib
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: May 22, 2006 05:41AM


There's a recent (?) photo of the dude and I think it looks as though he's had some fat injections into his cheeks.

Either he has a lousy dermatologist or he has Cushing's Syndrome.... like he would do OK selling Ginzu Knives and hot dog roasting gadgets...

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Landmark Forum- documentary in development- call for contrib
Posted by: jaynekassim ()
Date: May 27, 2006 03:13AM

Do you know about the Landmark Forum/EST link to Youth at Risk?


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Landmark Forum- documentary in development- call for contrib
Posted by: ezdoesit ()
Date: May 27, 2006 07:47AM

Do you know about the Landmark Forum/EST link to Youth at Risk?


Yes. One reference is in Steven Pressman, "Outrageous Betrayal."


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