Direct centering
Posted by: sweenz ()
Date: December 09, 2003 05:06AM

To all who may be interested,
Here is a link to the new "Activity" Bayard Hora is involved in. Some kind of health immunity ministry. And as is usual with his games, it costs money. You will see him listed as Bayard Barnes. Gavin Barnes is his given name...he changed it to Bayard Hora to sound more "powerful".He now uses a combination of the two. [] If you were ever involved with Direct Centering or Naexus, you may see some familiar faces on the website.


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Re: Direct centering
Posted by: laarree ()
Date: April 25, 2008 04:22AM

Yep. Some of those faces are very familiar to me from c. 25 years ago. Actually his birth name is Bayard Henry Barnes -- Gavin is an old nickname he called himself by for many years.

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Re: Direct centering
Posted by: EXFULLTIMER ()
Date: May 14, 2008 06:44PM

WHUM, Immunics, Direct Centering, Nexus, The Course

All the above are brainwashing groups lead by "founder" Bayard Hora.
He changes the name to avoid paying taxes and to keep moving in for a fresh batch of suckers.
Looking at their most recent website which can easily be Googled, WHUM, they have taken to the streets.
They have no shame as they stand in the street and ask for money, pretending to be a cause for "curing the flu".
It's the simplest of ploys, hooking people though their basic fears of getting sick and then starting the brainwashing techniques soon thereafter. Then they just exploit the innocent and get whatever money and free service and donations they can; all for their own enjoyment. A car, a boat, a house, new clothes, a meal for 10 at a sushi restaurant, it's all paid for by people thinking they are donating t a cause. That's a con. But they are much more than this; they steal YEARS of peoples lives. They break apart marriages. They abuse physically, mentally, spiritually. They break a person down and make them in to servants.
It's a CULT.

Bayard Hora, Fran Hora, Greg Morkovin, Keely Stahl, Barb Retson are each trained, devoted, dedicated, driven to make YOU or your loved one their next victim.

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Re: Direct centering
Posted by: laarree ()
Date: May 15, 2008 01:52AM

Nice to see a response on this thread.

Bayard apparently is back to calling himself by his birth name, Bayard Barnes, on the immunics/whum website, FWIW.

I'm very curious about what similarities there are between how the group operates these days and how it did in the old days, i.e. late 1970s thru the 1980s. Similar recruitment tactics? Similar obsession with documenting Bayard's every word and scripting every meeting and presentation? etc.

I'm also curious about the philosophical mutations the group and Bayard have gone thru, leading away from the original "having things go your way", unlimitedness, letting go of attachments, etc. all the way to talk of God, higher bodies (old-school occultism?), harmonic accessing, etc. Clearly its current status as a "church" with "ministers" has well-known tax advantages over its original status as a single-proprietorship business.

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