Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jeff bowe ()
Date: May 20, 2007 09:58PM

'James' I notice Hansard's cynical mispresentation and exploitation of Tibet's authentic Bon tradition is absent from your list of issues

You also choose not to include the fact that he used his 'Dur Con' invention to deceive and manipulate his clients.

Absent too is any reference to Hansard claim (fraudulent of course) that HH the Dala Lama recognized Hansard's 'system' and 'work'.

Does your silence on the subject reflect an indifference to distorting and plagiarizing other religious cultures for profit and self-promotion?

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Real-name-gone ()
Date: May 21, 2007 12:09AM

I notice in your last post no compassion for those who have been hurt, wounded and deceived by Hansard.

I notice no acknowledgement of my previous statement that I believe your entire postings are solely around your self appointed expertise on all things Tibetan and a desire to deconstruct Hansards past.

I notice in your last posting no acknowledgement of my comment that you were attempting to blacken the names of all of those who have worked alongside Hansard or studied in good faith.

I have made no observations comments about the claim that Hansard had been recognized by his Holiness the Dalai Lama.

I take it by your silence that my observations are correct and true and your sole intent on this noticeboard is to further your own particular cause. I take it from your silence on the subject that this reflects an indifference to the pain and suffering of others.

I absolutely agree with pema. There is a shared common objective here to see truth justice and healing. Personal attacks of any nature are counter-productive and go against the ethos of many of the people who are contributing to this site. Does it occur to you that the manner of your posting reflects and mirrors exactly the manner in which Hansard has treated many of his victims on this site?

I strongly suspect that you have more in common with Mr Hansard than most of the people represented here who are trying to obtain some form of peace and the closure.


Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jeff bowe ()
Date: May 21, 2007 01:49AM

I marvel at the, Rasuptin-like, degree of totalitarian control Hansard seems to have exercised, and the ease with which others' critical and intelligent faculties were abandoned, or left slumbering, presumably as the abuses went on uchallenged and unreported? For how many years 'realnamegone/chris' were clients exposed to abuse and exploitation? What effective actions did you, or others associated with Hansard's activities, take to end the trauma?

Whilst you contemplate upon those questions permit me to introduce you to a painful and uncomfortable phrase-[b:8d1780e5df]complcity.[/b:8d1780e5df] in maintaining a silence, and not disclosing such reported abuse to the police, or other relevant authorities, one imagines you must look into the mirror and reflect upon some probing questions. Unless of course you have shunted your in-action into some dark and remote siding, far away from the irksome gaze of conscience? The human capacity to rationalize the most odious and regrettable of actions never fails to surprise!

It's fine contributing to this forum with warm, retrospective words of sympathy, for those who may have suffered, but why did you (and others involved with Hansard) not, at the time, extend an actively compassionate hand, by exposing to public attention, the odious activities which seemed to have taken place?

It would appear, in the absence of action to stop the reported abuse, you exhibited the same, sloth-like interest towards the plight of clients, as you do regarding Mr. Hansard's parasitic exploitation of Tibetan Bon culture. This is reflected in your evasive posting which reveals a distinct lack of interest, sympathy or concern about genuine cultural traditions being abused and distorted for the purposes of profit or self-aggrandisement.

As the saying goes 'actions speak louder than words!'.

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dorje ()
Date: May 21, 2007 01:58AM

James, like so many of Hansard’s disillusioned patients and acolytes you demonstrate confusion. Do you really now think that Jeffrey Bowe is the problem? Perhaps if you had as much experience as Jeffrey Bowe has of the persecution and exploitation of the Tibetan community and its traditions you would understand him better. I understand Jeffrey Bowe’s anger. I am sure it is shared by many who like him have dedicated their lives to the preservation of the traditions of Tibet.

Christopher Hansard undoubtedly plundered a tradition for his own personal gain. Through his actions he may well have sullied that tradition in the eyes of many. He has certainly done much to bring into disrepute the practice of alternative and complementary approaches to health. All efforts to disentangle Christopher Hansard from that tradition should be welcomed.

To a large extent Hansard was able to exert his influence through his manipulation of a tradition – especially as he elevated himself to master of it. In my experience the people who recover best from his abuse are those who see through the fraud and see him for what he is – a sick and manipulative individual who respects nothing but his own vanity.

Jeffrey’s work may be on behalf of the Bon community but anything that takes Hansard down is of value. The scope of the damage done by Hansard really warrants little compassion.

We may rest assured that Jeffrey and the community he respects so much will not stop. Let us face the fact that Hansard is a sick and poisonous individual and concentrate our efforts on stopping him. Will you contribute to that process or get lost along the way?

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: wisedup ()
Date: May 21, 2007 02:12AM

PEEEEEEEPLE!!!Chris would love it so much that we are not pulling together, there is room for everyone's position if we just give time and space for everyone's viewpoint.We need to cool off on the fighting within and at least put forward a few ideas of the way to proceed.
I think we all agree something has to be done.
Constructive ideas?
We can still maintain our different perspectives if our desired outcome is going to amount to more or less the same thing.
Geeze, some opinions I just keep to myself, its a passionate subject, we are not all going to agree. Can we just accept that and move forward?

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Real-name-gone ()
Date: May 21, 2007 04:14AM

Actions speak louder than words.


I am informed that one of Christopher Hansards main actions towards those who disagreed with him and he wished to intimidate was aggression. Should I therefore adopt the principle of 'might is right' when confronted with aggression rather than being true to my heart and conscience? Should I bow down in front of aggression and accept the aggressor's word as the ultimate truth? If it were the case as you have stated 'like so many of Hansard’s disillusioned patients and acolytes you demonstrate confusion'. if I bowed down to perceived aggression would I not just be continuing the process started by Christopher Hansard?

The issues as I perceive them still are

Hansards abuse of others.
Stoping Hansards abuse of others
Healing those who have been abused.
Those who have been abused gaining redress.

Stop Hansard from practising and treating others.

Mr Bow,
have I not continually stated that I believe Christopher Hansard to be mentally ill, and that he has performed unconscionable acts with both clients, colleagues and his apprentices. I have also continually stated he should cease practice.

I do not believe that we will ever meet that we will operate from the same perspective. But I do sincerely believe that at this point in this forum we should agree to disagree and as you once so well put it ' return to the subject in hand'.

My concept of the question in hand has already and very clearly been stated giving support and succour to those who have been harmed by Hansard.

Actions speak louder than words, these are my actions and these are my words.


Christopher Hansard
Posted by: kurukulla ()
Date: May 21, 2007 05:09AM

Jeff Bowes, I understand why, having found gaping holes in Christopher’s story, you believe it to be entirely false. I understand how this appears to people with no direct involvement in the situation. As a person of historical /anthropological bent these are the facts that you look for. However, I do not believe that any person with no direct experience of the situation can say categorically that the teachings he expounded were pure invention. I genuinely understand why you say this. And I doubt you will change your point of view. I understand why you feel that Tibetan culture has been exploited, and to a certain extent it probably has. I agree with you that this ancient culture should be supported, protected, respected and treasured. And I realise that when a culture is as beleaguered as Tibetan culture, people become very fierce in their protectiveness and loyalty. I believe all this is understood by most people reading this forum, and we support you in this. I also believe it can only be beneficial to raise the profile of Tibet to the world.

That said, permit me to express my point of view, which is also shared by others. From my direct experience of being involved with Hansard over many years, the single reason why so many people chose to work and study with him, and be treated by him, was that there clearly was something very real going on. I know this is going to be almost impossible to believe in amongst all the psychological illness and abuse, which was certainly kept well hidden. The teachings and practices in themselves, as separate from Hansard, were powerful and authentic. I do not know how exactly he came to be in their possession. But I can only state that in spite of all the darkness, the teachings themselves are the real thing. Some things can only be know by those who acknowledge that there is something else, and those who can detect energetic phenomena. However, these were not just mere siddhis, purely for the sake of a magical show. The teachings themselves lead to profound states of wisdom and knowledge, however although he could teach them, he certainly was not living them. This is the paradox that so many of us have had such a hard time with. It is an almost schizophrenic situation. I do not know how it is possible. But I feel deeply sad the teachings themselves have now come into disrepute.

I myself have had past life memories of working with these particular teachings in Tibet – so although you do not have to believe this, you cannot discount my experience because it is mine, and I want to present it to the people reading this in the name of balance. I believe the teachings were for a time existing in Tibet, and although I now think that the lineage story presented is not entirely accurate, that does not mean the teachings are not Tibetan in some way. There is real wisdom in them, and I do not expect people who were not directly involved to understand this. It’s a schizophrenic situation. Real teachings. Deeply ill and abusive man. Perhaps his shaman nature sent him crazy, as has been previously speculated on this site.

So Jeff, I understand what you are trying to do, but from my point of view of direct experience, the teachings are not fake. I expect you will try to say that I have been deceived, but I actually see things very clearly now on many levels. I am no longer under illusions. I respect your point of view, and I ask that you respect mine, and others like me, and we can all acknowledge and share our differing view points without trying to force the others down.

Thank you.


Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jeff bowe ()
Date: May 21, 2007 07:23AM

[i:397915ef20]Dorje [/i:397915ef20]I appreciate your comments, may I kindly request that you do not mistake 'anger' with determination, efficiency, persistency and singularity of purpose, all of which I possess
with respect to efforts to expose Mr.Hanard's claims and activities.
Kurukulla[/i:397915ef20], Thank you for your remarks, however I am not discussing 'points of view', rather the plain fact that Christopher Hansard invented a bogus system of 'teachings', which were a cynical distortion of Tibet's native religion Bon. In doing so he deceived a number of rational and intelligent people, some of whom, in their shameful silence, can be considered complict in ignoring and tolerating reported abuse of clients. I would ask you to visit the blog and read carefully, with detachment, the critique I have detailed. Meanwhile, please be assured damning new material exposing the fraudulent nature of Mr Hansard's claims are currently being researched and will be published in the near future.

It seems a few of those indivduals contribute to this forum. [i:397915ef20]'realnamegone'[/i:397915ef20] we still await your answer as to [i:397915ef20]why [/i:397915ef20]you, and others involved with Hansard, maintained a deafening silence, whilst around you people were, seemingly, being traumatised and manipulated by Hansard. Clearly you were well placed, and presumably informed enough to take decisive and effective action, the fact you, and others, chose not to adds a very hollow sound to your 'compassionate' hand-wringing.

As I mentioned to one contributor of this forum, last year I was privileged and humbled to be interviewing Tibetan women in Western Tibet, who were detailing to me the trauma and suffering of forced sterilizations inflicted by the Communist Chinese. That required genuine courage and strength to speak out, no nebulous theat of 'dark forces' or 'psychic attack', but the very real probability of arbitrary arrest, systematic beatings and other harrowing forms of torture. Such is the reality of life inside Tibet, the culture Mr.Hansard was happy to exploit!
Jim Morrison's Ghost[/i:397915ef20] did raise one interesting question, why isn't Hansard in jail, if he had committed such abuses? A good question, I am not able to answer that in detail, only offer an informed speculation. Perhaps those who have direct experience of the charmingly mis-named Eden Medical (sic) Centre would care to address that?

[b:397915ef20][Moderator note: "Jim Morrison's Ghost" was banned from this board for "flaming," which is a violation of the rules agreed upon before posting here][/b:397915ef20]

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: gondolf ()
Date: May 21, 2007 09:12AM

It is highly probable that the now banned Jim Morrison's Ghost was Hansard. His comment, "I'm going to kill you," kind of gave it away. Interesting that he chose Jim Morrison as his handle. Morrison dabbled in shamanism a lot. But then Hansard also claimed to hate hippies, because his teacher did, so go figure, as they say across the water. Maybe Hansard is living in Paris now or planning to o.d. Unfortunately each time he does something like this it confirms his critics' suspicion that he is both mentally unstable and very meanspirited.

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: pema ()
Date: May 21, 2007 05:44PM

Somebody help me please -- I missed Jim Morrison's Ghost completely. Was it in this thread? probably deleted while I was unable to access the site. Can someone paraphrase for me please (expletives deleted)?

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