Guess who has set up in business again!
Posted by: Tweeledee ()
Date: March 07, 2011 05:47AM

I see our friend has set up in business again!

He is 'operating' from 22 Grafton Street, Mayfair, London.

He also seems to have set up a new Company - Christopher Hansard Limited.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dorje ()
Date: March 08, 2011 06:27AM

Hansard is an associate member (‘quick to apply for and low cost’) of the UK Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners (UKAHPP). As such he agrees to subscribe to their codes of ethics and practice. Here is an extract from the UKAHPP code of practice:

4.4 UKAHPP Members avoid exploiting the trust and dependency of clients, students, supervisees, research participants and subordinates. In particular:
4.4.1 Every effort is made to avoid dual relationships that could impair professional judgment, increase the risk of exploitation or otherwise confuse the existing relationship.
4.4.2 Sexual intimacies with clients or past clients are unethical.
4.4.3 Non-professional relationships with former clients are avoided whenever possible.
4.4.4 Potential conflicts of interest that might arise are made clear to all parties concerned.
4.4.5 Where there is any risk of exploitation or other harmful dual relationship either during or after a working relationship, UKAHPP Members demonstrate their professional commitment to the welfare of their clients by invoking the UKAHPP Ethical Review Procedure before taking any possibly unethical action.

Further information can be found on the UKAHPP website at: []

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Tweeledee ()
Date: March 09, 2011 04:30AM

CH has been busy....

He has set up in business and established a new 'shell' Company'...

He is also claiming to have done some more study....

He claims to have the following 'qualifications'...

Certificate - Introduction To Aceptance And Commitment Therapy(act)training, Mindfulness Training Limited, London: 2009-2009
Advanced Certificate - Acceptance And Commitment Therapy Intermediate Skills Training, Mindfulness Training Limited, London: 2009-2009
Certificate - Metapsychology Schema Coaching Workshop, Mindfulness Training Limited, London: 2008-2008
Certificate - Traumatic Incident Reduction-expanded Applications, Mindfulness Training Limited, London:2008-2008
Certificate - Introduction To Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness Training Limited, London:2008-2008
Certificate - Introduction To Traumatic Incident Reduction Training, Mindfulness Training Limited, London:2008-2008

Mindfulness Training's website says it's courses "are aimed at mental health professionals." I wonder how CH managed to enrol and I wonder if Mindfulness Training know of CH's claims to be a "Master Physician of Tibetan Dür Bön medicine". It would be interesting to know if CH used the title 'Dr' when enrolling!

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Tweeledee ()
Date: March 12, 2011 02:04AM

By the way...

Has anybody mentioned CH's 'illustrious' career as a playwright in NZ yet?

He was a member of 'The Violent Theatre Company' - it says it all really doesn't it!

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: March 14, 2011 03:19AM

I would like to confirm that Mr. Hansard really does work at this address and really has set up a new company. How do I do that, since googling the name or address hasn't produced much.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Tweeledee ()
Date: March 14, 2011 02:56PM

Details of CH's new business can be found at:




Both show Mr Slimy's address as 4th Floor, 22 Grafton Street, Mayfair, London, W1S 4EX

His new Company is called 'Christoper Hansard Ltd'. The Companies House company number is 07047172. He originally set the business up as 'CHT London Ltd'.

You can check Mr Slimy's Company details out at [].

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: June 11, 2011 12:31AM

In case anyone is interested, Hansard is on the move again. He is planning two workshops on Vancouver Island Canada in September.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: July 03, 2011 09:50AM


I see that the re-invention is continuing. No mention of him being a lhakhu or some kind of Tibetan master since he was four years old. Perhaps he thinks Englanders are less gullible now but Islanders not so much.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: July 03, 2011 09:58AM

Sorry if I offended anyone....I meant to say that Hansard must think Englanders are less gullible and Islanders more gullible.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dorje ()
Date: July 13, 2011 05:10AM

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