www.trancenet.org] and especially read about the routine they use for the puja ritual.
I think trancenet.org lists some websites that give info on hypnotic induction.
Recruiting can happen quite rapidly, but it is just one step in the process. Its one thing to recruit people. The key thing is, 1) once you've recruited people, finding a way to 2) indoctrinate them and then 3) retain them (keep the indoctrination process going.
First recruit, then retain. You need one kind of structure to recruit people and then another structure to indoctrinate, then another to retain.
Often some form of flattery and affection or bliss is used to pull people in.
But after they've been pulled into the operation, gradually, the good times fade away and are replaced by fear, shaming, and exploitation.
Rick Ross uses the term bait and switch. Bait (recruitment) is usually pleasant. Then, during the 'switch' process (during indoctrinatin) indoctrination is used to mess up critical thinking, and gradually ill treatment replaces the initial bliss. But because critical thinking is interfered with, the person concentrates on the past experience of bliss and ignores that the present is becoming worse and worse.
Occasionally some gurus are nasty right from the start--but often a recruiter has worked on you and convinced you that that the person is enlightened, his or her bullying is reframed as 'crazy wisdom' and that before you meet him in person. (recruitment).
Once you meet the bully, you're already blinded by the myth, you may already be persuaded to believe that he is actually entitled to behave like an asshole and treat you like shit.
It can sometimes be a bit difficult to disentangle 'recruitment' from 'indoctrination' but we usually try to see it as a two step process for the sake of analysis.
Good luck with your paper.