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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 05:09AM

Another film review …


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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 05:40AM

The Lost Children by Lilly Dunn


The lost children

The adults who joined Bhagwan’s ashram sought freedom, love and light. Many of their children found darkness instead


[At Medina and in general…]

Children were not revered for their untainted ability to be present, to be free – they were trampled on

In My Life in Orange, [the late] Tim [Guest] describes the year Medina closed down, when a lot of the children who’d lived there ended up at Rajneeshpuram. They landed, probably spellbound, stunned and dizzy from its size and extreme climate. The commune was also on the verge of collapse, and the atmosphere would have been paranoid and aggressive:

That year, the summer of 1984 at the Ranch, many of the Medina kids lost their virginity; boys and girls, 10 years old, eight years old, in sweaty tents and A-frames, late at night and mid-afternoon, with adults and other children. I remember some of the kids – eight, nine, 10 years old – arguing about who had fucked whom, who would or wouldn’t fuck them.
What strikes me here is that children were not revered for their purity, their untainted ability to be present, to be free – they were trampled on. Innocence violently lost.



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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 02:48PM

Preview on YouTube -


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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 02:57PM

Preview of the film on YouTube -


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2024 03:01PM by SeekingTruth.

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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 03:11PM

BBC Women’s Hour

BBC Sounds incl Children of the Cult


In 2021, Netflix premiered the documentary Wild Wild Country which drew global attention to the Rajneesh movement, a group of around 30,000 people at the movement’s height, who followed an Indian spiritual guru called Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. But what really drew the attention of many of the people who had grown up as part of this international community was that the experience of children was barely reflected in the six-part series. Maroesja Perizonius and her mother were part of the Rajneesh movement, joining when Maroosha was six. Maroesja has created a new documentary, Children of the Cult. She joins Kylie to talk about this very deeply personal project along with Sargam, another woman whose family became followers when she was a child.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2024 03:13PM by SeekingTruth.

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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 20, 2024 02:40AM

The film is here …


Children of the Cult - Documentary (720p)(1).mp4 (534.686 MB)

The file(s) will be available on the server for the next 21 days.


The file(s) that can be retrieved with the above link.

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Re: Child Abuse At Rajneesh / Osho Schools and Ashrams - New Film (edited with links)
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: November 03, 2024 01:58AM


Thank you for posting this important information on the children in the Osho cult.

It is my understanding that the link to this video will expire in 10 days? Is this correct?

My own former teacher, Nome of SAT in Santa Cruz, was greatly influenced by Osho and while I never heard of the sexual abuse he definiteley adopted the 'wild parties' that ended before I arrived at SAT in 1989. BUT the sanyas encouragement to renounce our families was strong. That part brought tears to my eyes.

About 8 years Sasvati, Nome’s wife, appeared in a Costco line a couple rows down from me with her two daughters.

The message was clear: *IF* I surrendered I’d be reunited with my daughter and son...who I already knew were being manipulated and controlled by siddis (occult controls) in their communication with each other…and with me…to ensure the lies of Nome/Russell Smith/Candace O’Denver/Adyashanti/Gangaji etc. would *never* become public knowledge.

The existential controls over my family have been *on-going*…and long-term.

Surrender is always to Truth, and *never* to lies and occult manipulations….surrender is certainly not strong-armed by having the karma of non-dual teachers deliberately foisted on these shoulders and those of my family.
Adya and Gangaji played key roles as did the many in the non-dual community who were complicit in their knowledge of what occurred.

In their rush to bring people to unity consciousness, these teachers employed much of the same controls we now see in cults.

My grandkids would not recognize me.

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