Re: Topic for discussion: a hypothesis of mine
Date: April 19, 2024 03:14AM
No, I do not respect professional victims and people who I perceive to be professional victims. If I come across somebody who is promoting himself or herself on the basis of everything they say they are a "survivor" of, then most of the time this is a big turnoff to me. An exception to this, for me, is in the case of somebody who makes a bad decision as a youth, then expresses regret as an more mature adult. "When I was a kid I made some bad decisions and that is why I am here today." OK. This I respect. Some person who was born and raised in a group, that's different. They did not choose to be born into that crap, whatever it is. But "When I was forty I made some bad decisions and that is why I am here today." No. Not as much. I've been through some hellish stuff too, and I had a very unhappy childhood myself. I've been hospitalized for being suicidal more than once, but never involuntarily. But I don't lead with that, so to speak. "My name is XKRISHNA, and I'd like to tell you about all the hardship I've had to overcome." That's not me. I don't respect people who want you to know what a big victim they are, right from the start. And I see that ALL THE TIME, in certain circles I follow and run in. It's very frustrating.
When was a kid, my parents put me into a "troubled teen" program called DAYTOP. I am a DAYTOP graduate. The DAYTOP ethos was predicated on the principle of "total personal responsibility." Nobody is accountable for your bullshit, except YOU. Yes, this is a bullshit philosophy which blames victims and absolves perpetrators. It took me a long time to recognize and deal with it.
But that "no excuses" mentality is still very much a part of my psychological makeup that I don't know that I will ever truly be rid of. It's ingrained in me, embedded in my soul. It's part of my psychological DNA now.
Also, I see A guy like Dave McKay, and a guy like Ted Bundy, as not really being all that different. Same basic pathology, but different modus operandi and end goals.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2024 03:23AM by XKRISHNA.