Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: AZgal1973 ()
Date: August 21, 2020 09:50PM

Good Morning All,

I'm new here and am hoping perhaps someone has information on a cult I grew up on in the mid to late 70's and early 80's. It was called the Real Life Ranch...sometimes spelled Realife Ranch, and was in operation from 1973 (ish) to 1986 (ish). The owners were Dean and Nelda Long. I recently tracked them down and even though they are in their 80's, they are still doing the same crap. They currently are owners of a maternity home for unwed mothers in Cleveland, TN. Yes, they had a thing for babies...super gross people.

Also, I am looking for advice, thoughts, etc on how and if I can bring these people to justice, or best case scenario - get them to sit down and listen/have a conversation with the adult survivors of their abuse. I am in the process of seeking legal counsel but it is so specific a need I don't know what kind of attorney to look for.

Thanks so much!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2020 10:04PM by AZgal1973.

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: JJ451 ()
Date: February 08, 2021 11:33PM

Have you had any luck? I was there late 70’s for a little over a year.

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: Halltulsa ()
Date: June 05, 2023 04:30AM

Real Life Rance needs to be brought to justice. My parents send me there to live in 1976 and I remained there until 1797, my senior year in high school. It was the most horrible experience of my life. Deal and Nelda Long are not of God, in fact....what was it Nelda used to say while our confined group was praying..."I am going to use my Christian Witchcraft now and put a spiritual curse on them." After being a victim their for almost 3 years, I contacted Gail, who was a counselor and a school teacher at the ranch....asking her about what happened to the ranch. She informed me they were being investigated for child abuse and every scattered throughout the United States to avoid being arrested. I do believe that, but I still don't trust Gail because everyone in a position of leadership there was evil. My name is Jerry Hall, by the way, and I can help you with any information that I know of while I was living there.

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: kelly dawson ()
Date: June 08, 2023 01:37AM

I was also here in late 70's early 80's would love nothing more to get to these people and their daughter Deanna as well as other people that lived there as "house parents" LOL
My name is Kelly Dawson Im sure they remember me

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: kelly dawson ()
Date: June 08, 2023 01:39AM

Would love to talk with you I was also there in the late 70"s early 80's they need to be brought to justice It has effected me my entire life

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: kelly dawson ()
Date: June 08, 2023 01:41AM

Please lets talk I was also there and would love to hear from you. These people need to be found out it has effected me my entire life

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: kelly dawson ()
Date: June 08, 2023 02:42AM

Do you know Gails last name I am sure they scattered

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: kelly dawson ()
Date: June 08, 2023 02:45AM

As well as Teresa and especially Pam that is who I would love to find

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: Survivor1970 ()
Date: June 13, 2023 03:42AM

I would also like to bring these people to justice. My mom was a young mom that was convinced to help at a “summer camp”
We were stuck there a year. They took everything from her. She almost died because they wouldn’t let her get medical care. They didn’t believe in doctors. My sister was seriously injured there too. They made my mom work not stop, not paying her and taking her checks, car etc. In the meantime, they abused me horribly, specifically Nelda. She beat me constantly. She would set me up for reasons to beat me. I believe it was two sisters that would pull pants down to beat kids. I was three years old. I remember it like yesterday. They would lock me outside all day with no water. Nelda and these sickos deliberately separated me from my mom so she couldn’t protect me from the abuse.
I could go on. I have suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder my whole life from this hell hole. It makes me sick to think that they have been able to keep going and doing this to more defenseless children. It was definitely a cult! I tell people, I was in an actual cult as a child. They were very good scammers. They gained trust through a church, Tulsa Christian Fellowship. I’m sorry for all the other victims of their crimes. I’m glad you made this discussion. They need to be found. The Kids that lived here went to public schools. I blame the school system too and the city for allowing it. The Waco documentary triggered me after watching it. These places can mentally damage children for life. Laws need to be changed. I recall at the end of the Waco movie horrified at the fate for the children but knowing they were better off than living in a place of hell like this. So sad! No child should ever be in a place like this.
They have a lot to answer to God for.
Maybe someone should reach out to Dr. Phil to find them.

Re: Trying to find info on the Real Life Ranch
Posted by: Lovebombed ()
Date: October 18, 2024 11:16PM

Hey all. I just found out (at 50yo) that both my parents were part of this cult for at least a brief time. They aren’t talking (and I barely speak to them), but I would be happy to connect. I remember a little but I was about 4 years old when we were there in the late 1970s (‘75-‘77), so not much. I’m writing a memoir about another cult I ended up in and escaped and I want to learn more about this one than what little I have found on the internet.

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