For some very deep reading, I recommend Len Oakes' book Prophetic Charisma.
Oakes and his wife benefitted from living in a community led by a charismatic leader. However, they were troubled by inconsistencies and decided to leave. Later, that leader and community imploded.
Oakes became a clinical psychologist. He was deeply intrigued by charisma and wanted to learn what creates a charismatic personality - and a charismatic leadership career.
These people create remarkable environments around themselves. But Oakes found that all the charismatic leaders he interviewed had similar traits. Not one could enjoy peer to peer adult relationships. They had to be on top, in control.
All of them had been avid students of social manipulation. All of them struggled with fragile self which they healed with a sense of mission.
THey were deeply perceptive of other people's emotional states,but lacked empathy.
You are not a person to them. You are a situation to be managed.
Here are some selections from Prophetic Charisma
Metanormal Abilities - Speaking in Cliches
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2020 07:49AM by corboy.