How Stupid does Alexander Fred- Vera –Baxter
Think We All Are?
His/ Their Attacks on Be Scofield
Are So Dim-Witted
That We All Must Be Perceived To Be Idiots.I asked a friend who knew nothing about Be Scofield, had not even known her name, to read two pieces by her. First, her article about
Bentinho Massaro. Second, her piece about a mysterious death which seemed to emanate from a connection with the group of
Aaravindha Himadra.
First I asked my friend about Bentinho Massaro. “Based on this article, would you like Bentinho as your spiritual teacher?”
“Hell, no. He’s a whack job. He believes we have slave colonies mining asteroids on Mars and believes in ‘Pizzagate.’ He confessed to being diagnosed as a Narcissist, and to torturing a kitten as a teen. Who would want this person as a teacher?”
I kept a straight face. “You know, there are those who claim he might be right about his claims regarding space.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No, a person who Be Scofield claims is Alexander Fred writing in a variety of guises, such as Vera or Baxter, tries to prove Bentinho is right.”
“The US government is not capable of keeping a Trump phone call secret for more than a few months. Now, huge space colonization has been kept under wraps for years? Really? That’s as likely as Hillary, while First Lady, then Senator, then Secretary of State, having time and inclination to sneak away from her Secret Service security detail in order to rape babies and infants.”
“Yes. Pizzagate is bull. No doubt. Now, are there UFOs? Absolutely. There have been mysterious unidentified objects in our skies. But does an FBI memo saying this prove that there are Mars Slave Colonies?”
“No way.”
“I agree with you. Alexander Fred professes to think differently.”
“He probably denies that Bentinho is a narcissist, too.”
“He does.”
She gushed, “You’re kidding! He confessed to the diagnosis in a Facebook post in 2012.”
“Fred-Baxter-Vera writes, ‘She goes on to argue that Massaro suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which incidentally, every awakened master has been accused of since the beginning of time.’”
My pretty friend’s rosy complexion turned red. “That’s total crap in two ways. He said he suffered from it. He admitted it. And, this writer is trying to say that ‘every awakened master has been accused of this since the beginning of time'? Really?”
“Let’s take a look at
the list that Be Scofield put in her Bentinho article about Narcissist traits. Any five of these show a Narcissist.
-Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)\
-Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty or ideal love
-Believes he is “special” and can only be understood by similarly special, high status people
-Requires excessive admiration
-Has a sense of entitlement
-Is interpersonally exploitative
-Lacks empathy
-Is envious of others or believes others are envious of him/her
- Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes”
“Bentinho is all of them,” said my pretty friend.
“Exactly. I’ve heard the same thing from everyone I know who ever met him, by the way. But, there’s the other part…’
She said, “Every awakened master...”
“Right. Look at that list, and picture the Buddha. Does anything on that list pertain to him? What about Ramana Maharshi? Nisargadatta Maharaj? Among the living, who is more humble than Adyashanti?”
She summarized, “So, to believe the attacker of Be Scofield, you have to believe in Mars Slave Colonies and that the Buddha and Ramana Maharshi have faced serious accusations of being Narcissists?”
“It seems so, yes." I shook my head. "The thing is, the fact that this person goes this far with obvious horsecrap shows that anything they say is likely to come from the same distorting, twisted perspective. Not everything Bentinho said was crap, and Be might have interpreted some things he said that were actually not wrong in a negative way. However, that does not make Bentinho a good or worthwhile teacher. It just shows how some people were easily fooled, sine he was sometimes correct."
“Still, what he said about "all masters" and slave colonies alone is enough to show that this Fred-Vera-Baxter guy is a fraud.”
I almost chuckled. It’s great to get confirmation. “I really wanted a neutral, new to the topic person to look and see if they saw it as I did. Thank you.”
She said, “But what about the kitten? Did this fraud argue about that, too?”
“I almost forgot. Yes. He did. In doing so, he seemed to prove that he thinks most readers are idiots and lazy.”
"Here is what Fred-Vera-Baxter wrote:‘Scofield then calls Massaro’s mental state into question. Claiming that he went as far as to torture a kitten when he was a child. Kitten torture? Nothing sets people off like kitten abuse. Naturally, Scofield embellishes an experience that Massaro shares from his childhood, of watching a kitten wander into a shrub that caused it mild discomfort as it struggled to walk through its leaves. He then described feeling a strange form of paralysis or “psychic attack” that left him almost unable to do anything about it, as he watched the kitten attempting to exit the offending shrub. Many children engage in behavior that most adults would find questionable. It is part of normal child development. At least Massaro is honest enough to admit to it.’“And here is what Be Scofield wrote:‘In 2012 Bentinho posted on FB that he has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. In one of his talks he describes how he tortured a kitten when younger by repeatedly slamming it into a bush of thorns for twenty minutes. He didn’t know at the time but it was dark “entities” that were making him do it. When I told a cult expert friend who was following my work on this story that Bentinho had openly admitted to torturing a kitten he was not surprised. He said: “Of course he did. He probably bullied and tortured other children as well. Admissions from people like this are never complete.” The torturing of animals when young is a very high predictor of psychopathy later in life.”“Okay, so who is telling the truth?”“That’s what’s amazing. It took me thirty seconds to type in,
“Bentinho Massaro tortures kitten” and this came up: watched the YouTube clip and said,
“Be Scofield described it perfectly. For twenty minutes Benhinho continually pulled the kitten back into the prickly bush.”
“How could this Fred person write what he did when the truth is right there?”
“I can only conclude that he thinks most people who will read his articles are stupid and/ or lazy. He thinks because he says so in what he hopes is an authoritative way, that people will just believe him without checking anything.
“He goes on and on about how Be Scofield lacks professional journalistic ethics, is charged with various crimes, is sexually debauched, and gives no evidence whatsoever. He just makes the statements, and thinks that his assertions are proof. What he does try to prove fails, as shown with his Mars slave colonies, kitten, and narcissist defenses.”
“Is he really so stupid himself?”
“He’s paid to be. Apparently, Bentinho paid him to write the attempted refuations and attack pieces related to him, and then, with these under his belt, Aaravindha hired him to go after Be the same way.”
She said, “Now, that Aaravindha article...”
-----We will save the critique of Fred-Vera-Baxter-et al regarding Be Scofield and their attempted refutation oh her “Aaravindha Himadra and the Mysterious Orcas Island Death of Carla Jean Shaffer” piece for another Post.
NOTE: For a few moments I considered not linking to the intelligence-insulting article by Fred-Vera-Baxter quoted from above, but then I realized that this would be an insult to any reader, too. Above are linked the articles by Be Scofield and the attempted refutation from which was quoted. I trust that the reader who reads all of them will discern the truth.
(And, in a personal note to Fred-Vera-Baxter, "It seems you are not a stupid person. Does it hurt to write such drivel, or does the money you've received from, it seems, Bentinho and then Aaravindha, make it worth it?")
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2019 02:48AM by Traveler99.