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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 13, 2003 02:48AM

I check out this web site every once in a while for current info on what is happening with various cults, particularly JWs and Mormons. I think RR does a pretty good job of pointing out the lies (with rare exceptions), however, I notice he doesn't point his readers to the truth. What is the truth? Despite the current ecumenical movement that seems to be gaining speed, the fact is, most of these various 'religions' do not agree on the fundamentals of what it takes for man to be reconciled to God. So, as Pilate said, "What is truth?" (John 18)

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What is the truth?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 13, 2003 03:08AM

The Ross Institute is a nonprofit tax-exempt educational effort. It is not a religious nonprofit.

There is no effort to promote a specific religious belief system or theology, but rather to report breaking news with factual information about cults, cotroversial groups and movements.

See []

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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 13, 2003 06:03AM

Hmmm- well, I appreciate that you are trying to keep this site academic, and so therefore your personal opinion doesn't really count or matter. However, obviously you have a personal opinion which can't help but color your research. For example, your recent material concerning the Jews for Jesus organization seems to be rather truculent, and more so than the facts you present would support. For Christians, Jesus was THE Jew who fulfilled all of OT prophesy. It was called 'good news', because blood sacrifice through the temple was ultimately done away with; animal sacrifice only covered the sin, the blood sacrifice of the Son of God allowed for the remission of sins. It's seems obvious that the observation of the Passover seder has a special meaning for Jews who believe that Jesus was the Christ, why is it so remarkable that there are protestant evangelical Christians who observe it?

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What is the truth?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 13, 2003 08:49PM

The organization "Jews for Jesus" (JFJ) was founded by an ordained Baptist minister and essentially subscribes to that denominational basic theology.

See []

JFJ is an evangelical Christian missionary organization, which targets Jews for conversion and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

To better understand Jewish objections regarding "Passover" programs staged by JFJ see the following:



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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 14, 2003 01:10AM

Thank you for your reply to my post. I checked out your links, however, I'm not able to better understand what their objections are, since the links only say, for example, the passover celebrations were "based upon rather questionable and self-serving interpretations", and that "these presentations actually distort and/or negate the meaning and real significance of "ancient and modern Jewish customs." " They don't actually say what the distortions are.

Since the apostles themselves went to the Jews with the gospel, why is it so shocking that Christians today will try to share the gospel with Jews? Jesus said that His disciples would go preaching into all of the nations, beginning at Jerusalem. (Luke 24:46 - 47) If that is offensive to some people, Jesus and the apostles said it would be. (Matt 5:11, Luke 21:12, John 15:20, Galatians 5:11, and so on)


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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 14, 2003 01:11AM

Again, I realize that you want to keep this site academic and scholarly, and that is enhanced by you not sharing your personal opinion. But I think you can't help but color your commentary on some of these topics. I don't mean it as criticism, and I really appreciate your efforts to expose the lies of so many of these religious organizations.

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What is the truth?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 14, 2003 02:31AM

The so-called "Passover" presentation done by JFJ places Jesus within an established ritual observance that predates Christianity by centuries.

The claims made that there are hidden meanings behind traditional understandings of the Passover is without precedent.

JFJ also does this regarding the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah.

Again, these holidays and their ritual significance, preceed the advent of Chritianity.

JFJ has the right to believe as they wish, but Jews and most Christians recognize the right of each faith to establish the meaning of its own holidays and how they are correctly observed.

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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 14, 2003 03:11AM

First of all, consider that from a conservative evangelical Christian point of view, Christianity does not come after the OT. The establishment of the church does, which is the body of Christ and occurred at pentecost, but not Christ. The OT saints looked forward to a messiah and and salvation just as believers today look back to the cross for salvation. (Matt 25:34, John 17:24, Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:20, etc) Jesus had the cross before Him since the foundation of the world.

I realize that the Passover celebration was originally instituted after the Jews were delivered by God (YAHWEH) from Egypt. Have you ever heard though exactly what the JFJ are teaching about the Passover, and how Jesus is the fulfillment of what the seder was celebrating?

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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 14, 2003 03:17AM

Consider that in the first passover, the Angel of death passed over the house that had killed a lamb, and dabbed the blood on the doorposts and lintel. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Took at least a small measure of faith to do that, especially since lambs were like household pets. But Jews believe the account and that it happened just like that. Christ was the Lamb of God, whose shed blood saves those who have a small measure of faith to believe in the blood He shed. The passover celebration was rather intricate with a lot of rituals, and why? Because God was giving an example of what was to come. The passover, as well as all other celebrations or feasts of the OT have a special meaning related to the (then) coming messiah. I think even conservative Jews will agree with that, they just don't recognize Jesus as that messiah. The Bible foretold that too.

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What is the truth?
Posted by: letGodbetrue ()
Date: May 14, 2003 03:18AM

I agree that Jesus allowed people to believe whatever they wanted to, each faith, but He always challenged what people believed, and what their beliefs were based on.

I also think you will agree that most faiths do feel like they need to share what they believe, and they want all other people to believe like they do, cults or otherwise. Thanks again

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