Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: stefa ()
Date: June 23, 2020 01:25PM

Sahara71 Wrote:
> I found his interesting comment under one of
> Rob Juliano's Youtube videos about Moo:
> []
> Well, it's a very interesting way of looking at
> things, isn't it?

Yes it is, possibly coming as a joke from the Absolute to keep us entertained, so that we can all stop stressing about the cow and laughed it out instead.

Rob Juliano has been active in social media, particularly in forums where his sweetheart cow is criticised. He has always sung the song that the cow is capable of jumping over the moon, and it is the devotees who are at fault for over worshiping an idol. He would make a good candidate in the defence team representing the cow when the sweet green grass on sahaja field turns black, sour and bitter, after swarms of locusts come to invade.

> Or perhaps Moo's official website needs to share
> his version own of 'Bhakti' with everyone, just so
> there is no confusion! What a farce.

Then the theme would not be "instant enlightenment", it may have to be changed to something like "Life is short, drop everything and find eternal happiness in the union with the absolute"

Namaste, I just came across another writing from RAMANA PERIYA PURANAM (Inner Journey of 75 Old Devotees) Niranjanananda Swami (Chinna Swami), compiled by Sri V. Ganesan, where it is documented that Sri Ramana said this:

“The greatest form of ego for an individual is to present himself as a teacher and become a guru.”

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2020 01:30PM by stefa.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Gaja ()
Date: June 25, 2020 12:30AM

Nowadays, spirituality represents only old playboys and businessmen who play strange games with people.

I'm greatly missing Ramana Maharishi. He was so pure, when I think about Ramana, I think of the purest nature. Whenever I'm alone in the nature and I feel true happiness, the kind of happiness of belonging, and I feel love, I know this is the same what is Maharishi.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Date: July 01, 2020 04:52AM

New from Amma Tanya White June 28 2020 link

"I'm finally able to talk about you from a more expansive, openhearted place.

It's been two years since I discovered that you are not the enlightened Master, I TRULY believed you were; the one whom I thought could guide me to realizing my true nature.

My world was shattered into a million, tiny pieces when the rose colored glasses through which I viewed you and the spiritual community of which I was a part were removed.

I was not at all prepared for the truths that were revealed to me that day and in the weeks and months afterwards.

My heart ached in a way that words fail to fully capture. I felt as though I were plunged into a hollow pit of darkness, from which, quite honestly I wasn't sure I would ever emerge.

My heart was completely broken.

The depth of betrayal I felt for having put all of my faith in you as my Guru was so all consuming, it left me bereft of the trust I had in humanity which I'd worked so hard to gain through the years.

For months I couldn't see a picture of you or hear your voice. So, I stopped watching satsang videos, something which had been a continuous part of my spiritual practice and spiritual nourishment for EIGHT years.

I experienced the full spectrum of human emotions from rage to sadness, hopelessness, despair, anxiety, name it...I experienced it, as I simultaneously grieved both the loss of my spiritual teacher and spiritual community.

As one wave of emotions would subside, I would be rocked and devoured by yet another one!

Taking deep breaths I began to inquire within into the deeper lesson this experience was here to teach me.

At first, I couldn't see through the fog of my grief and pain. But then gradually, as the fog started to lift, and the weight and heaviness of the grief that burdened my heart and soul became lighter, small insights began to arise.

With each passing day, week and month I was more grounded in myself and less triggered and angered by the mere mention of your name.

What I discovered in the moments that I came up for air from the bottomless pit of sadness that swallowed me whole, was that I had been using my spiritual path as a way to avoid life and the messiness of this earthly journey.

As an adult survivor of childhood trauma, life was not something that had always been a bed of roses or something which I had previously (I do now thank Goddess) thoroughly enjoyed.

The spiritual path of Advaita/non-dualism which espouses that we are not this personal identity, or our personal history and story, but that we are really pure consciousness playing the role of this 'person', was the perfect path into which to escape and to anesthetize myself from the roller coaster, up and down ride, of my humanity.

After-all, if I could transcend my personal identity of 'Tanya', I would no longer have to feel the pain of my child-hood history or be impacted by life's experiences right?


You see, self-medicating myself and essentially numbing myself to the full experience of my humanity, by spiritually bypassing it, turned out to be disastrous for me.

All of the emotions I had been avoiding, suppressing, denying in my quest for liberation came roaring to the surface, when I discovered that you were abusing your position of power by having sexually inappropriate relations with your female devotees, engaging in illegal activities at Sahaja, your ashram in the south of Portugal, as well as using subtle mind control techniques and intimidation tactics on devotees within the spiritual community at Sahajha to ensure they remained, obedient, docile devotees lapping up and dependent upon your every utterance. All of which is cultist behavior BTW.

I found myself standing face to face with my own Self and had to grapple with the question of where I belonged, one which has haunted me most of my life and one which I'd sought to answer by being a part of a spiritual community.

I felt as if I had found my family and a purpose by being a part of the sangha (spiritual community).

Serving as the nurse on the medical team for the yearly satsangs we held in Rishikesh, India made me feel as if I were a part of something larger than myself. I was in my mind, helping to support the spread of truth, light and love.

I now know, that while the truth of what I am does not belong to you Mooji, nor does the ancient, spiritual path of Advaita, I no longer feel the compulsion to seek truth in another person or anything outside of myself for that matter.

Everything has led me directly back to my own Being, to seeking truth from within, where all the answers we seek ultimately reside.

I would have much rather preferred to avoid the painful, around the Mulberry bush route of coming to that conclusion. In fact, I wish that none of what I've discovered about you were true and that I really had FINALLY found my Master, the one who could have supported and guided me in my journey towards spiritual liberation.

But I can't un-know what I know now. There is no going back for me, EVER!

However, I am grateful for the journey none-the-less.

Had it not been for this experience, I would still be blindly following another person, and missing the depth, beauty and FULL experience of both my humanity and my innate Divinity.

So, thank you Mooji.

And last but certainly not least, for the record, I do believe you had an experience of awakening to your true nature as that of pure consciousness when you were younger Mooji.

However, I do NOT believe you were fully cooked and established in that truth before people started flocking around you and subsequently following you.

And unfortunately, with the remnant of your Ego still being present, it took on a life of its' own, causing you to abuse your position of power and mislead thousands of people from all around the world, because they truly believe you are an awakened Master.

It would take an act of insurmountable Grace for you to admit the wrongs you have done.

Sadly, I don't see that ever happening because of the countless people who now depend upon you and believe in you. It's too late for you to turn back now.

Which is why I actually feel sorry for you. My heart breaks for the prison within which you must live, because you know full well who you are and what you've done.

But as for me, I am moving forward and taking my 8 year journey with you and using it as grist for the mill of my soul's continued evolution.

Today, I am at peace and can look at these pics of you and I and truly feel gratitude and not rage.

For although you are not truly enlightened, I did learn some things from you that continue to be of service and of value to me today.
And it is to those pearls of wisdom that I will continue to cling.

The rest, I leave in the lap of God.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti."

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: July 01, 2020 05:50AM

Thank you Too Many Suicides,

Amma Tanya White is an exceptional woman. Though all the distress and confusion she has endured over the past two years, she has never once changed her account of what happened with Mooji at Monte Sahaja.

For those who don't feel like reading her whole message, this part is the most telling-

"...when I discovered that you were abusing your position of power by having sexually inappropriate relations with your female devotees, engaging in illegal activities at Sahaja, your ashram in the south of Portugal, as well as using subtle mind control techniques and intimidation tactics on devotees within the spiritual community at Sahajha to ensure they remained, obedient, docile devotees lapping up and dependent upon your every utterance. All of which is cultist behavior BTW."

The Mooji Organisation silenced others, like Henri Jolicoeur, for saying the exact same thing. []
But they will not silence Tanya White, because she knows what happened - she was there for eight years.

Any attempt to harass or silence Ms. White will result in the downfall of this fraudulent organisation.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: July 01, 2020 08:41PM

I was at sahaja when Tanya was there, she always looked completely miserable & confused. During satsang she would ramble confusedly with mooji, looking so depressed.
This is how they gaslight you, when you are at your lowest moment, in sahaja that means its right before an 'awakening'. Usually people become miserable & confused there and they are told they are about to awaken through their darkest moment, however this is a ploy to further confuse the devotee and keep them in their place as a 'devotee'

I saw people there who probably should've left a long time ago, and were just wandering around in confusion, brainwashed, thinking at that point they were indebted to mooji or sahaja in some way.

I can tell from her videos and just that excerpt of writing she has stepped into such an amazing clarity in herself, I'm so happy for her!
As she says, thank Goddess. She's a fearless Queen. GOOD FOR YOU Tanya, I'm smiling for you & everyone whos realized to get their head out of the fog.

I wonder if Tanya's seen this forum

I forgot to mention something very strange and cult-y, in the evenings in sahaja, they play satsangs of mooji over loud speakers which are planted all over the land.
You don't know where the speakers are planted, so at night there's just this voice of moojis satsangs kind of drifting around the whole place (which is huge!). They do this purposely to let the message 'sink in'

What they're actually doing is brainwashing people.

I would love to go to sahaja undercover now haha

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: July 01, 2020 09:39PM

Quoted from Tanya White (above)


The spiritual path of Advaita/non-dualism which espouses that we are not this personal identity, or our personal history and story, but that we are really pure consciousness playing the role of this 'person', was the perfect path into which to escape and to anesthetize myself from the roller coaster, up and down ride, of my humanity.

This echos something written by Jeffrey Masson, in his memoir, My Father's Guru.

Young Jeffrey visited India in the 1950s.

Masson wrote about his reactions as an 18 year old to India. For it seems to illustrate 'spiritual bypass'. Masson's parents were practicing Theosophists and taught that suffering was illusion.


'This was my first trip outside of Europe and the United States' Jeffrey Masson writes. '..and my first visit to a Third World country. I was not prepared in any way for the reality of India, for the poverty and human suffering that I glimpsed for the first time in my life from the window of the taxicab driving past some of the world's biggest and poorest slums.

'The only way I knew to deal with this sudden descent into the real world was to immerse myself even more in the shadow world of spirituality. The appalling poverty and disease I saw when I arrived in Bombay did not really exist: it was Maya, an illusion.

What you see is not what you get. What you see, the suffering you perceive around you, is unreal, a philosophic illusion ("the external world is a joke and a very poor joke at that"), and therefore not be attended to.

India was particularly well suited to the spiritual insularity I had developed. It too suffered from some of the same debility, so we were well matched. Indian philosophy long ago solved the puzzle of human suffering by depriving it of reality. The philosophers were constantly discoursing on a cosmic double standard.

Suffering, misery and unhappiness were defined as such only form the lower(Masson's italics) point of view. From the higher point of view, there was no difference between the wealthy man and the beggar. It was, needless to say, extremely convenient as a balm for any conscience that threatened to erupt when faced with the suffering all around. This powerful rationalizing phrase---which parallels many other spiritual traditions---was invented by a privileged Brahmin class to distract (dissociate? C) from the poverty and misery created by this same class.'

page 112

My Father's Guru:A Journey Through Spirituality and Disillusion by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: July 02, 2020 07:49AM

A few of the regulars chime in on Amma Tanya White's latest statement, which is being shared widely on social media:

There's this today from Rick Archer of The Association of Woo-Woo Integrity: []

"Yes, I interviewed him twice but took down the interviews because of a number of reports, including Amma Tanya White's. I have a more charitable opinion of Mooji than my friend Conny or Tanya. He inspires a lot of people. But like all of us, he's a work in progress. Due to the allegations, I just didn't feel comfortable referring people to him any longer. Not that my referrals amounted to much compared with his general popularity."

Rick is both humble and equivocal. He obviously doesn't want to rock the boat!

And this today from our favorite flake, Rob Juliano, who previously called Mooji's sham organisation a cult, then proceeded to blame the cult-ness on Moo's followers: []

"Yes...perfect. As Mooji did with his teacher. He left mad, found his I AM. Was on point for a few years. But he allowed fame and fortune to test yet another level of ego. And the trickiest mind screw of all.
A Public Guru - versus a private, hard to even get to, Guru. One that doesn't even know they are. There is no reason to even teach others, but only by actions."

In fact, I have no idea what the above statement even means. Other than people who delve into pseudo-spirituality end up becoming rather muddled. They are the word salad aficionados of our times.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: July 03, 2020 12:18AM

Not sure either what Rob means but his words make me think that (and perhaps that's what he means) a person that truly isn't under the spell of ego anymore can't hold any beliefs about themselves (their identities) being enlightened or not. That notion would seem as ridiculous as the notion of a clown mask being happy or unhappy. The mask doesn't have a state, it's just a mask. So someone who has actually realized what Mooji has semi/pretend-realized wouldn't think of themselves as enlightened or guru and thus wouldn't present themselves as such.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: July 05, 2020 08:12AM

"Get the Getter and then Get Out of the Ghetto"
A trance sequence by the Moo

The Scene: Moo is cornered by a devotee - he's backed against the wall and has to give a spontaneous indoctrination satsung - then as if by a miracle, a camera operator appears.

At 2:39 Moo says "A thought without belief has no power at all. But a thought with belief can start a war. So who is the believer in it? And the believer is the believer."

- well, I'm gad we've cleared up that one - the believer is the believer. That doesn't tell us much, does it?

At 2.51 Moo says "You even come to see that the believer is a thought, but it is a thought with an identity in it - like, there is an 'I' behind this 'I believe.' This 'I believe' is also observable."

Right. What has Moo actually said here? There is a believer, a thought and an identity, but these are all the same thing? Is that it? Why not just say that then? Why not say "we tend to identify with the thoughts we have"? Why attempt to make it so confusing?

At 3.07 Moo says "This 'I believe' is taken to be an entity - (The devotee here agrees with Moo - she is buying it!)
Moo: "yeah, you know, yeah, but from 'my experience' ... from the past this happened to me as a child and so I decided there and then that I'm never going to let this happen again - you know? This is where the 'I' lives - in the memory and ummmmm, you have to stay with it, stay with it."

Okay, Moo is telling us to stay with our idea of who the 'I' is for us? Well, isn't that what we do all day, anyway? But we have to examine it closely, I guess?

At 4.08 Moo says: "If it can be seen, its passing like a cloud... some pass quick and some pass slow... but all are passing. What knows that? What witnesses that?... It's just automatically seen, automatically known here. This sense of 'I' feels right now. It's not personal. It's like an intelligent ability, perceiving. You see?"

So, I take this to mean, that on closer examination, the sense we have of our own identity is not personal. That's quite a big shift. But Moo manages to slip this one in rather surreptitiously! He's already confused the devotee, and now while she is muddled, he leads her into the ultimate delusion.
We are no longer a person. But how can we really believe that? How can we possibly not identify with our own thoughts?

Surely this new thought that we are 'not a person' is also a thought that needs to be discarded? If we were to follow this weird logic of Moo's?

At 7.15 the devotee reveals Lakshmi the long-time Moo disciple also gets in on the brain-washing caper, when she can. Maybe she will make her own break-away cult?

At 9.17 Moo is getting bored, and he looks at the camera to check if he is still being filmed. Drats! That freaking camera is still running and he has to invent some more bullsh*t.

At 10.03 Moo utters the most profound thought he's ever had "Get the getter and get out of the ghetto." He laughs at his own joke and surprising has a new surge of energy! Then he subjects us to a further nine minutes of complete drivel.

Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Gaja ()
Date: July 05, 2020 05:21PM

Lately spiritual people show much of compassion to black people, and stand against racism. Moo use to say, we should live life as we didn't have any rights. I suppose the same rule is about black people. ?
Because I do not want situation, where white people has no right for respect, fairness, and dignity, but the whole world will fight for black people rights. If we are the same, and we are, then there is the same treatment for black and white people. That's why white devotees, cannot be servants of black Moo anymore, and they can run from his ghetto.

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