Just to make sure we remain focused on the Mooji situation, here is a summary of
xivoparig's material.
xivoparig posted the report on August 10, 2018 02:26AM
Then, shortly following xivoparig's post, a member named NSH999
wrote, describing changes he or she had observed in Moo's lecture style.
This is remarkable in that the author respects advaita teachings, has
observed a number of teachers and had a basis of comparison by which to
assess Moo and changes in Moo's material-and changes in moo's devotee group behaviors
(brief quote)
His new messages started to say very different things from his original pre-2010 sayings. He developed spiritual materialism as some have pointed out. Specifically he says that 'people should feel something special from you, when you enter the room'
I believe he started saying this as a manipulative tactic to create a confirmation bias in weak minds. When they interact with people and they feel that 'regular people' can 'feel something special from them' it means they have met the abstract goal and are on the right path. But this 'feeling' can come and go at the drop of a hat, change of weather etc.
This brings me to my main thesis:
Mooji Sanga is Moojis personal cult and retirement plan. He created it from scratch as a means of securing a comfortable life for himself. It seems to have taken a turn for the worse, as some of his videos started to remind me of the film Fight Club when the original gang started recruiting more followers until everyone is blindly following an authority system they do not understand or take accountability for.
Finally, in 2016 I stopped watching Mooji after seeing him allowing people to worship him. after seeing a crowd of people reaching out to touch is garments, people falling at his feet and carrying on, I knew things were really done. This was not freedom but a cultural movement, a cult of sorts.
Most informal videos from 2016 and beyond show Mooji surrounded by mostly attractive looking European females who all look like they wash with the same soap and use the same hair products. When a whole group of different people look like they smell the same, you know something is up.
It was when I started noticing this female thing and that his messages were becoming increasingly distorted and changed from freedom to actually entrapping. He used to say "you don't need to know anything" and now he was saying that "you must know that it is true" and "you don't want it enough yet" and a whole mixed bag of negative affirmations. I could see in his videos that he was saying things to program specific females and to get them to think in certain ways.
I feel a little sorry for him, and that I don't think this is what he wanted. But I also hold him accountable, because this is not the truth he originally spoke of nor the freedom, nor the peace, nor the authenticity that he once had.
Instead of preaching the good news, he preaches an entrapping method of becoming confused with ones identity. He tells people they are something that they are not, and then asks them to demonstrate to him that they are what they are not. Nothingness and Consciousness and The Way may be real experiences, but they are not required by any means to live a happy life in harmony with ones surroundings. Instead of just pointing to basic fundamentals, he now leads people on a goose chase that only ends when they choose to give it up.
In summation, I am very sorry to be writing this, as I once admired the man. But now I feel it is time to discuss why so many people are seeing that Mooji has lost his touch and is probably doing more harm than good.
Corboy suggests that xivoparig's post on August 10 and NSH999 on August 11 post together formed a powerful
challenge, a one two punch.
A little later on August 11, this arrives:
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Mara Fiota
Date: August 11, 2018 12:49PM
What matters in my life:
Am I being truthful?
Am I being sincere?
Am I living from fearless love or fear-based ideas?
And that's all, folks! Really, there is no "we" or groups whatsoever when it comes to truth.
Everyone will end up finding that one out sooner or later, and they might still be in a group(apparently), but they'll know WHAT is running the show.they will know their aloneness.
NSH999 replied (abbreviated by Corboy for brevity
Sorry if my ideas appear confrontational, as I am surprised by the number of generalized beliefs in this above statement being proposed as real wisdom. It almost reads as a defense of Mooji by dismissal of the issues in this thread and should probably be removed. Again, sorry if I am not interpreting correctly, but there are striking issues in those statement being made.
The correct question is not "what matters in my life"
but "how do my choices I make impact the lives of others"
one is looking selfishly inward to the ego itself, while the other uses the last remnants of any ego to serve other people in kindness.
To NSH999 civil comment, Mara Fiota replies
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Mara Fiota
Date: August 11, 2018 01:52PM
i forgot why i stopped posting stuff on spiritual forums and facebook and shit
dude okayokeh
wisdom i don't know her, and i look forward to become dumber
i guess i sorta wanted to remind folks not to waste their energy on blame so much,and on the outside
'cause in the end it doesn't really matter. AND. it doesn't transform stuff
but that's just me. and boy if anyone says that personality doesn't have relative existence they can cash me outside
all that you've written i can see how it can be true, and not.same with what i've written
i've always respected people who do their own research, as you seem to have been doing
best of luck
When Corboy suggested this was a distraction, Mara Fiota replied
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Mara Fiota
Date: August 12, 2018 06:33AM
corboy Wrote:
> Mara Fiota wrote "What matters is my life".
I wrote:what matters IN my life,so take a chill pill first of all
was it a distraction, what I said, really? or is what you're doing (which for all intents and purposes is gossiping) distraction?
meaning, distraction from real happiness and freedom which lies in OURSELF, ALREADY?
when we stop waiting for anybody's(whoever they might be) validation.
we don't have to check in with anybody - no gods or gurus or avatars or saints
but nobody wants to do that, 'cause nobody wants to grow the fuck up
god forbid we stop exposing and set the world on "the right course"
godamnit nobody minds their own business and i'm still not used to it FUCK
Moderator intervention
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: rrmoderator
Date: August 13, 2018 08:44AM
Mara Fiota:
Please take a "chill pill" and stop judging people.
This thread is not about victim bashing and insulting people.
This thread is about asking the question is "Mooji a cult?"
Please don't distract from the subject of this thread and review the rules. Personal attacks are not allowed according to the rules that you agreed to before posting here.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2018 09:56PM by corboy.