Re: Spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, life coach
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Great evidence
Date: February 09, 2023 03:55PM
Hopefully you got rid of him. Blessings to you.
I’m reporting guru Derek O’Neill. After slandering he uses neuro strokes. That’s a trendy technique now. Send EMF and radio frequency waves RF over 50 times more than normal. With 24/7 surveillance. Incredible torture, attacks every day, experiments on people. He is like an alien who wants to make people robotic under him. For torture he uses neuro weapons and destructs them brain and other organs with RF. Psychopath. I had a meter, it was silent in the morning for a few hours and then was off scale for the whole day. It’s vibration to the extent of loosing consciousness. Everything is don’t from there distance, so it’s like targeting individuals. (TI). He might use DEWs, a neuro strike machine with remote viewing, some mechanisms reside possibly in his crazy mind. A scourge making nefarious criminal attacks.