Research Resources--Name What You Have Found Useful!
Date: January 14, 2012 05:57AM
Some local libraries and seminary libraries have back issues of items such as Gnosis magazine and other such.
Medical libaries, especially their history collections
Back Issues of Yoga Journal and Rolling Stone
Garage Sales
Jumble and Tag and 'garage' sales by groups and churches with diverse, well read congregations
Thrift markets and stores, especially the ones that collect old magazines.
Books stores lost in a time warp where owners dont dust and forget what they have on the shelves. Great good fun if you aint allergic to dust.
Advertising strategies and revisions of history can be tracked if one studies the marginal ad space purchased in Tricycle magazine and other things like it.
Now..tell us your fave research resources and items.
But dont give too much away--we dont want our best fishing ponds taken away.
PS If you want to give someone a gift that is calorie free and sure to elicit interest, a few back issues of Life or Rolling Stone can really hit the sweet spot.