In a vain attempt to artificially distance the "Hugging Saint" Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi from an awful sex scandal, the Amma organization has tried to erase all references to Amma authorized IAM meditation teacher and official PR contact, Rishi Taavi Kassila from their Finnish website:
Google's cache still archives 34 pages of original information which has been suddenly deleted from The International Amma Amritanandamayi organization issued a spin statement which sought to absolve Amma from any responsibility for Taavi Kassila. Hypocritically, the statement did not mention or criticize Taavi Kassila's shocking sexual behavior which includes a concerted attempt to pressure a 17 year old girl to sex with him, buying prostitutes, secretly cheating on multiple sexual partners whilst publicly promoting celibacy and irresponsibly spreading genital herpes.
The deleted content as found on Google proves that:
*Taavi Kassila is the Honary Chairman of Suomen Amma-Keskus R.Y. (Ammacenter Finland)
*Taavi Kassila is the official PR and media contact for Suomen Amma-Keskus R.Y. (Ammacenter Finland)
*Taavi Kassila's email address is owned by*Taavi Kassila is an expert instructor of Amma meditation: IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique
* Taavi Kassila teaches Amma's IAM meditation with Ammacenter Finland Chairman Antti-Juhani "Daya" Wihuri
*Taavi Kassila has moved to the Amma's HQ ashram (which is debatable since Kassila is frequently not in India)
*Taavi Kassila arranges the IAM meditation courses at Amma's HQ ashram
The Amma's organization's hasty "paper shredding operation" is suspicious. Why would the Amma group delete all references about Taavi Kassila from if their official statement was accurate? The conclusion is that the Amma's group are covering up the truth.
The unsigned International Amma Amritanandamayi organization statement was published in Finnish only which is peculiar for an organization which normally uses the international language, English.
Amma, if you are a true humanitarian then explain your views about your meditation teacher and organizer, Taavi Kassila, and his chronic sexual abuse of young women. Please use English this time and sign your statement.
If you want to see the information about Taavi Kassila which was destroyed by order of the Amma hierarchy then quickly visit the Google cache using the search term: before the archived content expires
or use this link: Amma Amritanandamayi organization statement on thread about Taavi Kassila's sex addictions
"Is Taavi Kassila and ethical yoga teacher?(Onko Taavi Kassila eettinen joogaopettaja?)"