In 2014 Black Feminists ID'd 4CHAN Hate Industry
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 05, 2020 12:13AM

The Black Feminists Who Saw the Alt-Right Threat Coming

Before Gamergate, before the 2016 election, they launched a campaign against Twitter trolls masquerading as women of color. If only more people had paid attention. Rachelle Hampton Slat


Corboy comment:

Hate is not the difficult relative ranting at the holiday table. Hate is not the un-medicated lunatic on the bus.

Readers, what we have is an entire Hate Industry

Hate is not stupid.
Hate has always been media-savvy -- ever since the printing press was invented.
Hate is organized.
Hate is intelligent.
Hate has long term business plans.
Hate knows how to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

A small quotation from the article. Asterisks by Corboy for emphasis

"What Crockett found on 4chan showed how coordinated and deliberate “trolling” could be—and how dangerous.

In the recesses of 4chan message boards, she saw users discussing #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, the hashtag started by Mikki Kendall, the black feminist writer, in early 2014 to pinpoint how whiteness was centered in many conversations about feminism—specifically, she found 4chan users noting how that hashtag had exposed deep fissures among online feminists along racial lines. **Users on 4chan had seemingly been observing the tensions among black and white feminists online and decided that creating fake accounts for black feminists was one way to further stoke those tensions** "

Hate is not stupid Hate has superb analytic and strategic skills.

There exists a Hate Industry and this article describes how to identify it and fight it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2020 12:19AM by corboy.

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