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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: scottpaschal ()
Date: March 14, 2006 11:01AM

Greetings, and thank you for reading, and hopefully responding, to this posting.

I would like like your thoughts and input concerning something I haven't seen written on this board, yet would be glad to gain your insight on. The subject at hand is Sport, and the influence and pressure it exerts on society.

My name is scott paschal. i am a small time tennis coach and even smaller time preacher.

Recently, I have began coaching a top pro tennis player. This may sound interesting and exciting to some, but, in this case, it is not. This young lady has had it rough, really rough. Her entire life has revolved around sport, tenni.s specifically.

When she came to train with me she was suicidal and I was extremely worried for her, and felt underequipped to properly care for her. Sport had ruined many aspects of her life.

A question I have for you is, "Is Sport a form of Coercive Persuasion and Undue Influence? Can a sport go too far in forcing or coercing young kids/adults into following its mantra?"

I, personally, was raised in Texas where football was king. I played football from elementary school through highschool and into college. I played because it was the cool thing to do. From my experience in over 10 years of football I certainly learned many positives. Yet, to this day my body hurts as I am forced to live with the effects of bashing my body in sport.

If football had not been "the thing" guys had to do, I would, most likely, not have played. The pressure to play was very strong. Once on the team, the pressure to perform was very strong. In some ways, what I am reading on this forum sounds so much like Sport.

What do you think?

Then, there is someone like me! I use Sport to share my faith, Christianity. To me, Sport is a "harvest field", as the Bible puts it, where I can tell others what I believe is true. Yet, I feel I do this without "Coercive" or "Undue" in the title. But, I feel this way. This doesn't mean others feel as I do.

My view is I use the sport of tennis to "sell" my product, which is faith in Christ. Much like a tennis racket manufacturer like Wilson, or a sunglass manufacturer like Oakley or Bolle, I feel I have the same priveledge to "sell" my product to the same consumer as they are selling their product to.

What do you think?

When faith or religion is used in the same way as consumerism, we sometimes place a label of "agenda" on the reasoning. Yet when Oakley comes out with some cool, red shades they say you "gotta" have, we smile and try them on!

Recently, in tennis, a tennis parent in France has been sent to jail for 8 years for drugging his son's opponent, whcih cause his death. He spiked this opponent's water with an anti-anxiety drug which cause the young man to crash his car as he drove home.

Is Sport cult like? In that people become obsessed with the Sport as their idol, can Sport ever be classified as a cult. To some, could it fit the bill as their religion? I don't know. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I, personally, have seen the really bad side of tennis. The journey to the top of this sport is a rough place. The ones that make it there healthy are fortunate.

Thank you for your patience. Any thoughts or advice whether in agreement or disagreement would be appreciated. I'd just really like to know what you feel about if Sport uses Coercive Persuasion or Undue Influence.


scott paschal

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 14, 2006 08:39PM

A sport by itself is not a "cult" per se.

See []

A cult requires an abosoulte authoritarian leader that largely defines the group.

There have been certain leaders that have allegedly used sports to recruit and control people.

"Divine Madness" has been called a "cult" and is focused on running.

See []

"Chung Moo Quan" is a martial arts school allegedly also run like a "cult."

See []

"Champions for Christ" mixed religion with sports, which was considered controversial.

See []

Please remember that preaching and proselytizing are not allowed on this board. It is also not a place to promote your business.

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: scottpaschal ()
Date: March 15, 2006 12:25AM

Thanks for your quick response.

I took a look at your link to describe "cult." I noticed [b:7b3d03f460]2 of the 5 definitions[/b:7b3d03f460] used for "cult" by Webster's Dictionary as posted do not refer to religion! I found this interesting. This could be seen as an approximate 40%, and anything statistically at a 40% is substantial.

Here's what I found on your link:

"1. A formal religious veneration 2. A system of religious beliefs and rituals also its body of adherents; 3. A religion regarded as "unorthodox or spurious."; 4. [b:7b3d03f460]A system for the cure of disease [/b:7b3d03f460]based on dogma set forth by its promulgator; 5. a: [b:7b3d03f460]A great devotion to a person, idea, thing; [/b:7b3d03f460]esp.: such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad, b: A usually small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure."

"This definition obviously could include everything from Barbie collectors to old "Deadheads," "Trekkies" to diehard Elvis fans. American history might also include within..."[/color:7b3d03f460]

Recently, NBA basketball has innitiated a dress code for players during NBA games. Players not in uniform must wear appropriate professional bussiness attire when seated on the sidelines. The NBA commissioner has issued this mandate to keep the NBA out of the "gangsta bling" movement and to facilitate a professional image.

If a religious leader were to demand its followers to do similar, how would we respond?

Yesterday, I read in the Wall Street Journal that Bud Selig, the commissioner of baseball, is being forced to handle an angry mob of media dissent because he refuses to throw Barry Bonds out of baseball for possibly using steroids in the "80's when there was no rule not to use steroids.

Now, the media seems to have a great "devotion to an idea", which is a Webster definition of cult, that Bonds has done steroids and should be thrown out of baseball. This is the current local "fad", as defined in Webster's Definition of cult, as it is currently selling advertising space for newpapers, offering writers something to write about, selling TV commercials for sports shows.

Can Sport media fall into the definition of cult?

I viewed your other links. Thanks for the information.

Three days ago a swedish crossboard olympic caliber skier died in a crash in a World Cup event. His jump went bad and he landed hard. This young man was young, and he was devoted to his Sport. This Sport obsessed him, as Sport has for so many, to the point he is now dead.

He travelled in, as described by Webster for cult, and "usually small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure." in this case his "movement" was this small band of skiers and their coach united under Sport.

I'm interested in learning, not about religious groups per se, but about other groups such as Sport groups which fall under the definition of cult.

Do you have any stories of Sport teams or groups which can be defined by the RR Insitute's Webster's Dictionary definition of cult as written above?

The reason I have placed my name and my occupation on this forum is simply due to the fact that I am sincere in my requests for information and would like advice.

In my line of work as a Sport coach, and having played sports for my entire youth, I have seen far more damage done physically and mentally to athletes within the realm of Sport, than in any other aspect of life, apart from religion. Sport seems to fit the Webster's definition for cult in some ways.

Yet, in my reading of the RRI messageboard I find nearly all cult information available has religious connotations. Sport seems to be mentioned mainly in connection to religion, such as when someone, like myself, shares his faith in Sport.

This is not quite what I am looking for info about! I already know some folks will be quite angry when a person shares their faith, that's why 90% of wars have occured! I, at times, have people upset with me since I am the founder of an international sports ministry. People become jealous, angry, territorial, defensive. I am pretty familiar with this aspect of religion and sports!

I simply hoping to learn of the thoughts and ideas of others who have played sports.

Have you played sports? When you look back, can you see cultlike patterns within your coach, federation, team, teammates, captain, practices, followers, fans?

Have you felt abused by sports? Manipulated by sports? Controlled by sports? Obsessed with sports?

Has Sport been a positive influence on your life? Have you led your children or friends into your sport? If so, how have they responded?

I look forward to your thoughts and ideas!

scott paschal

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:29AM

The previous links covered this.

Please read all of the information, which goes into great detail.

No, sports are not "cults." And this is explained within the links.

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: scottpaschal ()
Date: March 15, 2006 10:05AM

I did research the links further.

There is a lot of info, but I didn't find where the info agreed with your thoughts about sports not being able to fall into the cult category.

The Webster Dictionary definition of cult seems to disagree with your thoughts, also.

My concern is that worldwide, kids playing sports have not realized they have choices. And that those Sports, or more specifically those running the sports, are using Coercive Persuasion and Undue Influence.

I am certainly not against sports. There certainly are benefits! What I am seeking is intelligent answers about if sports can go to far in pushing it's agenda, thus end up controlling and manipulating people.

Look at the NFL SuperBowl. Look at soccer's World Cup. The world "stops" for these events. Look at the life of an obsessed parent trying to make their kid successful.

Look at the teenager doing steroids to succeed. Why?

If one man, such as a religious leader, were to be able to cause this- someone somewhere would stand up and holler "cult!"


Take a look at the definition again which leads the "what is a cult" entry page from the RR Institue...

5. a: A great devotion to a person, idea, thing; esp.: such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad, b: A usually small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure." [/color:787cd4041c]

So, if we are to look at this definition, is not just about everyone who runs a small church, para-church, ministry clearly defined in this catagory?

And if we have a great devotion to our coach or athletic director couldn't we be regarded as being in a cult? I'm looking right at the definition above as I type and I just can't see how Sport doesn't fit into the "cult" definition.

Most of what I've read on this messageboard concerning cults has to do with religion. Yet, religion usually follows mainstream populations. Thus, the typical traits and attitudes we instill in our youth through sports and other venues can very easily transfer to their religious tendencies and vice versa.

Is it possible that we teach our youth how to be cultlike through sports?

I am personally involved in the Christian and tennis (Sport) aspects of life. As I travel worldwide I see much from both which is disturbing.

I was actually shown this web site by someone who saw some things my competitors in tennis said about me written on this forum. I personally know both people who wrote. I know them both to be highly jealous of my accomplishments and future plans.

Yet, as I looked around this forum, I immediately wondered why Sport hasn't been substantially written about as being cult. Lives are daily manipulated and used because of sport. And many people have great experiences because of sport!

Why has an institute such as Rick Ross not viewed Sport as having cultlike tendencies, thus informing people for help or info? I'm not talking about the links I was given by the moderator which linked me to Christians pushing their faith through sports. I know all about this stuff! That's what I do for a living as the founder of an international sports ministry involved in tennis ,and I already know some folks are going to get mad about it! Those links don't help much!

Is there a forum "search" box where I can search for other posts?

I realize the moderator can't have all the answers and has other stuff to do.

I'd really like to educate myself further in this area. But, my time available for research is highly limited and I cannot read through hundreds of articles. So, any "search" help would be greatly appreciated.

scott paschal

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 15, 2006 09:00PM

Per the dictionary definition you quote a "cult" includes "a person" that is the focus of "devotion or allegiance."

At least that's the type of cult typically being discussed here.

There are "cult followings," "cult brands" and "cult heros."

A sport might have a cult following or a cult hero, but that would not be a destructive cult like Jonestown led by Jim Jones or the Waco Davidians led by David Koresh.

But a tennis coach could fit the definition of a "cult leader" if he or she used that position and/or religion to dominate, control and/or mainpulate people coached.

This has happened at times in sports as the two previously linked groups demonstrate.

You admit that people see you that way and have posted comments here and elsewhere alleging that you somehow fit within this category.

See []

Also see []

Seems like your purpose at this board is not to "educate" yourself, but rather to obfuscate the issues per your own agenda.

Something like what the man who posted at the above link says you have done previously when he questioned your behavior, credentials etc.

"I received various emails at times polite and at times threatening either from Mr. Paschal, or his two helpers during the next several years. I replied politely but desired to keep the communication to the minimum."

Antoher excerpt from the post linked above seems to fit the description of someone using a sport as a basis to control and/or dominate people.

"December 2005 - A former top 100 women WTA player trains with Mr. Paschal. She has now quit after a short period there. The method of operation for ICTA to attract players is as follows: Provide free airfare to the Florida. Provide housing. Separate them from their family. Immediately start to use their photos on the website, to validate their claims of great players and to attract additional players. Surround the player with Mr. Paschal assistants by living with them all in the same house. Control of the player by both love and anger. Mr. Paschal states that he has become her 'tennis dad'."

These comments were originally posted by Rev. Bob Kraft, March 7, 2006.

Again see []

This may fit within the definition of a cult as outlined by psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton through his criteria.

See []

The type of environmental and emotional control described wold also appear to fit within what Lifton and sociologist Richard Offshe would call "coercive persuasion" or "thought reform."

These definitions are very specific.

Please understand that attempting to blame all sports or others that are "jealsous" does not really address the specific complaints against you. But this reaction is often typical of people trying to obfuscate an issue by diverting attention elsewhere or attacking others.

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: scottpaschal ()
Date: March 16, 2006 04:15AM

Ok, if I read you correctly, cult can be involved in sports, as in a"cult hero" following of a top NFL quarterback such as Brett Farve. Brett has a large devotion of fans who enjoy NFL football.

What about the sport itself? Such as the fever which takes over a college town during football season or basketball season.

Alabama is famous for its NCAA football rivalry between the Crimson Tide and Auburn. Drive through Tuscaloosa and you will see "Roll Tide Roll" everywhere! Kids are raised to root for the Crimson Tide from a very young age!

Kids, who may have excelled in other sports of their choosing, or who may have chose not to play sports at all, are raised in an environment where football is king. The pressure to play for the Crimson Tide, or if not play, then support, is enormous.

Similar situation in Auburn.

Then, the big game comes and the stadium is packed. The Crimson Tide and the Tigers of Auburn have enormous influence within their cities. The cities themselves are relatively small when compared to the world. Thus, the following is generally localized and the devotion is great.

This also seems the way with religion. Most of us are born into some type of religious preference. Usually, from birth, we are taught what we believe. The hope is that we have been born into something healthy. Though that word could be translated many ways.

[b:93fcaefe20]As for Bob Kraft, I read his post. I read the part you copied. Here's my answer[/b:93fcaefe20] to the following "fact" Reverend Kraft used....

First though, I think it is important to note that I've learned the pro player I've trained formerly traveled with Reverend Kraft, and her coach, to the largest, most famous tournaments in the world, such as the US OPEN, for several years. She had helped him gain free entry into tournaments, access into player's lounges with her player VIP credentials, helped him meet famous tennis celebrities, and through this helped him establish credibility.

Within the first week of her arrival to train with me, she told us how she traveled with him. She stated she did NOT like Reverend Kraft when she first met him, has never trusted him, and does not want to see him again.

She informed us that she only helped him because her then coach asked her to. She explained Reverend Kraft did not have the respect of the players or coaches. She said many other things. You get the point.

For this player to come train with me fulltime was certainly not something Reverend Kraft could have wanted.

This statement of fact from Bob Kraft is typical...

"December 2005 - A former top 100 women WTA player trains with Mr. Paschal. She has now quit after a short period there. The method of operation for ICTA to attract players is as follows: Provide free airfare to the Florida. Provide housing. Separate them from their family. Immediately start to use their photos on the website, to validate their claims of great players and to attract additional players. Surround the player with Mr. Paschal assistants by living with them all in the same house. Control of the player by both love and anger. Mr. Paschal states that he has become her 'tennis dad'."
These comments were originally posted by Rev. Bob Kraft, March 7, 2006.

[b:93fcaefe20]Let's first start[/b:93fcaefe20] with the date Bob used in his fact: Dec 2005[/color:93fcaefe20]

The problem here is she didn't arrive until mid January. She and I spoke on Dec. 25, 2005 for the first time in over 2 years. It was agreed upon a week later in another conversation, that I would coach and prepare her for her upcoming pro tour comeback. She arrived on Sunday January 15, 2006. When negotiating this coaching agreement, I spoke with a Pastor's wife, who is a missionary in France for over 2 decades. The player had left her mother months previously, and had moved in with this missionary family. She had been attending their church, living at their house, etc. The Pastor's wife and I spoke several times, many questions were asked on both sides. It was agreed by all of us the player would greatly benefit by coming to train with me. She arrived, not in Dec, but mid January.

The player trained with me from Jan. 16 through her arrival to her first pro tournament back on tour, February 27. I continued my role as her coach during her match on March 1. On March 3, a mom of one of our academy students then drove her to her next tournament being held in California.

Bob writes, "She has now quit after a short period there."

This is misleading, I think purposefully. She arrived January 15 and stayed the entire training period. She is now back on tour and will travel worldwide. She recently competed in the world's 6th largest pro tennis tournament, and today will fly to the world's 5th largest pro tournament! My coaching has been completed, until needed again. You should note that previous to my contacting her on Dec 24 via email and our subsequent conversation December 25, this player had [b:93fcaefe20]quit tennis completely. [/b:93fcaefe20] She had not played in over 6 months, had sank into a depression, had contemplated suicide, had razor cut her arms, lost over 20 lbs of muscle, estranged herself from her mom, and was living with a Pastor's family to try to find help.

She is now back on tour. I believe I did good work. My opponents might not, but I believe I did a good job getting her back to independence on the tour.

Bob writes, "provide free airfare to Florida, provide housing, separate them from their family."[/color:93fcaefe20]

The airfare wasn't free, it cost about $300. The mom, mentioned earlier who drove her to California, had paid for her airfare. We were told by the Pastor's wife the player had little money left from her prize money.

She had separated herself from her family, which meant her mom as she had no dad, months before I had contact with her. They had developed a poor relationship over time, possibly as an obsessive and overbearing parent trying to help their child succeed. While training with me full time, the player and mom spoke several times within just he first 2 weeks. Their first conversation went badly and the player became highly upset. Each subsequent conversation was better.

By the end of the first month she was here, she looked forward to calling her mom. They now speak regularly and are redeveloping their relationship. I feel this is a breakthrough which will help her become happy in her life. During her first three weeks, I spoke with the mom several times. I told her the player was eating again, attending church again, and working hard to improve. The mom was very pleased and relieved. Remember, the player was suicidal prior to coming here and those who cared about her were very worried for months.

And, as for housing, housing is provided during training, of course.

Bob writes, "Control the player by both love and anger."

Well, yes an no. I have two male 16 year old tennis students training with me who are Pastor's sons. Their parents are some of my best friends. The parents fully expect me to provide a healthy, family atmosphere. They have spent much time here with me and agreed the atmosphere is healthy, and is what they want for their kids tennis training. I certainly do love these kids and I tell them so. When they need discipline, in cooperation with their folks direction, I or the parents discipline them.

As for the pro player, she arrived in a very depressed state. As such, she was taking the depression medication, Paxil. From this her moods swung from happy to sad to angry. She had difficulty sleeping and would often wake up at 3am or 4 am and begin her day, thus waking all of us up. She soon needed a prescription refill. The pharmacist advised us her prescription is twice the amount she can legally fill in the USA! This worried me. I researched the drug and found it caused many of the side effects the player showed. I spoke with the player about the dangers of this particular drug. She became defensive and began to become upset with me. Research shows the effects of this drug are addictive.

At her pro tournament, the doctor cut her prescription in half, and has advised her she no longer needs, but must slowly stop taking the drug.

During the times of her mood swings, she and I would argue. I believe she was controlled by her drug. I believe many factors of abuse had been in her life for years. My job was to train her fulltime for tennis. Coaches and players argue. People taking 200% the legal amount available for prescription of Paxil can suffer from quick mood swings. People trusted me to care for her. I stood up against the drug and this caused arguments. I was not angry with her. Nor did I control her in a negative way, though as her coach I certainly did control the environment .

This player needed help. She was suicidal and needed help. She is now back on the pro tour with an ability to earn a good income playing the sport she loves. She is independently running her own schedule. Her depression drug dosage has been cut in half. Her eating disorders have stopped. She has began restoring her relationship with her mother. She was in such bad shape when she arrived her first workout with me lasted only 19 minutes, within just 7 weeks she was competing for over 2 hrs in a qualifier pro match in the 6th largest pro tournament in the world. She is on her way to becoming happy and healthy. The love and anger I showed her were positive. When we became upset with each other, we calmed down, then talked and worked it out.

Bob writes, "Mr. Paschal states that he has become her 'tennis dad'." [/color:93fcaefe20]

This is her statement to me, and I gladly tell others. Her biological father did not want her so she didn't know him. She told me several negative stories about her former step-dad. When she called me her tennis dad I was proud of the title and still am. I am glad she feels she has a dad. She also calls the Pastor she lived with in France her dad. I would feel he is proud, too.

Bob writes, "Immediately start to use their photos on the website, to validate their claims of great players and to attract additional players. "[/color:93fcaefe20]

Every tennis academy posts pictures of their players. We are proud of our students. The pro player personally told me I could use her pics on our web site. She also hand wrote a letter she wanted placed on our web site for the world to read and hear her story. I began developing a section on our ministry's web site specifically for her. If this attracts player, great. If this provides inspiration to our web site visitors, great. If this motivates another pro player to also receive help, great.

[b:93fcaefe20]Finally, [/b:93fcaefe20]the pro player has agreed to pay back the expenses I've incurred. When her income allows her the financial ability to pay me back, she will do so. Top junior and pro athletes worldwide usually train train at academies for free, not just in tennis, but in most sports. Most tennis athletes travel extensively and cannot afford a full time coach. Academies provide training at no or low cost to these players. Compensation often comes later if the player is successful. Either direct financial compensation, or free advertising, recommendations, sponsorships, etc. Offering free training is standard industry practice and if you are fortunate for a great athlete to choose your facility it is a very good thing. The pro player spoke about our building an orphanage in partnership together, or a tennis academy. This could be agreed upon as financial compensation for my services.

[b:93fcaefe20]The first day Reverend Kraft [/b:93fcaefe20]called me over 6 years ago and began speaking to me, I did not want to talk with him further. He attempted to establish himself as the person to whom I am accountable. I was told what to do by this man, not asked. I felt uncomfortable. He clearly made it known that he was the person in charge of ministry through tennis worldwide and that I would need his approval for my new ministry.

I broke off communication. His response was anger.

Nowadays, when Reverend Kraft learns of something neat happening with my life or ministry, he exerts his control to dampen my spirits.

The pro player has benefited from my coaching services and she has shared with us her negative experiences traveling with Reverend Kraft. His reaction to this is the same as previous reactions.

Though I certainly have the right to, I didn't recruit this pro player. I was told she was suicidal, in deep depression, had physically cut herself on her arm multiple times with a razor blade, was bulimic and had lost 10 kilos (20+ pounds), was dealing with 4 years of sexual molestation as a teen, felt let down by the Christian influences in her life, was taking powerful anti-depressant drugs, and needed a new chance and a new start. After learning of her terrible situation, I offered everything I could to help.

She received her new start. She is back in pro tennis playing at the highest levels, and is as an independent woman making her own decisions.

I am back home in Florida preparing a Christian mission trip to Miami during the 5th largest pro tournament in the world. I look forward to seeing her, and if she like, I will coach her during her matches.

For 7 weeks I gave her my best, all of us here did. I think we did a good job.

scott paschal

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 16, 2006 06:05AM

The word "cult" can be used in different ways as stated before. The links posted cover this.

Your attack regarding Rev. Kraft is noted.

And you seem to be saying everyone else is to blame for whatever went wrong, not you.

You are many things to your players such as their "dad," coach and minister.

You wear many hats apparently without many boundaries.

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: scottpaschal ()
Date: March 16, 2006 07:10AM

I have done my best to explain a statement you used which was written by Reverend Kraft. If, in explaining, it looks like I am attacking him, to you or to anyone else, I appoligise.

My explaination was as clear and concise as possible. It showed his statement to be misleading.

The player is doing well. My hard work helped someone who had been suicidal. She is now independent and happy. She has the new start she prayed for. I'm glad I had a ministry that could offer her help.

I do wear several hats. The tennis academy is just one small ministry, of many, that the sports ministry I founded offers. This sports ministry is not a tennis academy. This is a sports ministry with mission trips, travel tours, chaplain services, and more. I coach because I love it and it is great exercise and fun.

As for accountability, here is a written recommendation of a parent whose son I coached full time from 06/2004-08/2005 and is now playing NCAA Division 1 college tennis in Florida just 40 miles from here! (note: I have deleted our ministry name as requested previously by the moderator of this forum)

Dear Scotty:

You have a wonderful organization. The (sports ministry) has been a blessing to my family and to my son, Adam. Adam has been living and training with the (sports ministry) for over seven months. I could not be happier. I fully expected Adam’s tennis game to improve and it did; in fact, it improved far beyond my expectations. There are many other reasons for me to be thankful. Tennis, as important as it is to us, is the least of these.

My son’s faith has grown. The (sports ministry) is a spiritually rich environment. The training in Christian doctrine and discipleship is excellent. The Christian materials you use and the training techniques employed are simply first rate. The kids are not only taught, they are taught how to teach and how to present their faith in a variety of environment and circumstances. The advice that Peter gave us (in 1 Peter 3:15) … “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect”, comes alive in these young people. The discipleship training that they receive demands personal action of them. Impressive!

Adam is more mature. The living environment for Adam and his cohorts is excellent. Adam is learning how to live successfully with a group of kids; how to keep the clothes and dishes washed, the bathrooms and kitchen clean. It surely doesn’t happen by itself. Also, I very much like the fact that you do not have a TV. The kids read all the time, play cards and other games, interact and have serious, thought provoking conversations. None of this would be possible if they had to compete with TV. Adam is wiser, more articulate, and more thoughtful than ever before.

Every person that I have met in association with the (sports ministry) has been of the highest quality. The supporters and contributors are excellent people. All of students are wonderful, mature, thoughtful, well mannered and committed to excellence in their tennis and in all aspects of their life. It is so refreshing to know that kids of this quality are active in the Tennis world. I am proud of every one of them.


Steve Richardson, CPA[/color:8230c122e4]

This man was recommended to send his son to train with me by one of the most influencial Christian leaders in America. He is the accountant for the Christian leader's ministry, as well as my accountant. The parents of full time students are among the greatest accountability and "boundary setting" partners of any tennis academy.

As for what has "gone wrong" between Reverend Bob Kraft and myself, well, we're both human and flawed. Both of us have made mistakes in our dealings with each other. I have conceded my mistakes to him long ago. He took my concessions as admissions of guilt to further prove his authority or point.

I have only recently began thinking of him again as the pro player has made serious accusations against him, some of which have been mentioned in this forum. I am in contact with him to discover the legitimacy of her accusations from his perspective.

scott paschal

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Can Sport Go Too Far?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: March 16, 2006 08:45AM

Yes, of course Scott, you are right and Rev. Kraft is wrong.


Can you think of an example of when you were wrong regarding how you handle players and coach them?

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