"But that has not been my experience"
It may not have been your experience because:
* You may have been surrounded only by new recruits who were still high, happy and in the honeymoon phase.
* You were not aware that full information about the group was deliberately concealed, that you were shown only the bright side. (See the quoted material below)
* You believe no one is being abused because you've you've learned to distrust your own feelings your own perceptions and can rationalize bizarre, shocking behavior. Bonus points if you grew up in an abusive family. A guru or group can easily socialize Adult Children of Alcoholics/Addicts to become disciples who are BLIND to abuse that is done to them or happening right in front of them.
* It is not your experience because leader or the group made sure you never witnessed abuse or heard anyone voicing serious misgivings. While being courted as a recruit and welcomed as a new member, you'd have been shown only the Happy Face side of the group. You'd have been kept well away from anyone expressing doubts, anyone voicing complaints. Anyone being shunned or overworked would be kept out of sight. Wealthy members
are often pampered; they will rarely be aware of the overworked low rankers
slaving away before dawn to cook breakfast.
* If you became a member of the inner circle, you became so after you've
been thoroughly vetted and tested beforehand. You become a member of the inner circle if you do any or all of the following.
Why Inner Circle Members Do Not Recognize Abuse as Abuse-They Endure Anything.
* You so crave the guru's favor that you will rat on and betray any friend
you have who is also a member. Your sole loyalty is the guru, never a fellow member.
* You may have married another member of the group. Bonus points if you marry another member and have a kid within the group.
* You select sect members to go to for professional advice. That means you're
monitored all the time.
* You bring business and useful information to the group.
* You have demonstrated that you have dropped your outside friends, keep secrets from your family.
* You conceal that the guru and group are your total life when talking to
outsiders. You get used to concealing your vacations
are indoctrination retreats, and (say) theater group and gardening serve only the and leader sect. , not freely chosen by you. were tricked to believe
that the tension of keeping secrets was evidence of your superiority, that you
were strong enough to live in this tension and that telling the truth is for
* Over time, you're socialized to regard straightforward truthfulness as childish and unenlightened, and that Realization or 'Crazy Wisdom' is beyond
conventional morality.
A man who spent decades as a disciple of Adi Da, and who was a member of the inner circle describes some of this.
As mentioned on the Daism site, the general policy in Adidam is that only good news gets reported, and this creates a culture of lies. It works both ways. Adi Da is not supposed to hear bad news, so Adidam for years resembled a Stalinist cabal, where all the bad news was kept secret from the leader, and he was fed lie after lie about the glorious happiness of his loyal followers.
Likewise, people outside the inner circle were not to hear bad news or stories of Adida's abuse of both people around him, or his abuse of drugs, alcohol, and sex. Or, if some such stories were to get out, they would be described in a "spiritual context".
In essence, only Good News was to get either in or out. The guardians of the inner circle were thus the only ones who knew the full picture of what was going on. This gave them an incredible feeling of power and responsibility. Lying to both sides of the community was taken to be a kind of sacred puja of service to God. Of course, the people became very twisted up and perverted inside by this life of lying, but they generally took pride in being able to "handle it".
Most devotees couldn't handle it. I've had many conversations with inner circle people about this issue of lying, and it's kind of fascinating to hear people rationalize it. You would literally think that it was some kind of spiritual path to enlightenment to hear them describe it. To them it was almost the epitome of devotion to their Guru, because of the sacrifice it required on their part. To them, telling the truth would have been the easy way out, and they even looked down on me when I advocated telling the truth, as if I were just not advanced enough to understand the subtleties of the art of devotional lying.
I would advocate telling Adi Da the truth about the community, and telling the community the truth about Adi Da, and on both counts was always shot down as hopelessly naive and "stuck on integrity". And I'm talking about conversations at the very highest levels of Adidam, not some local mid-level bureaucrat.
Lying becomes a way of life, such that truth itself seems untrue to them, and the lying is the only truth they know. This is where cognitive dissonance is taken to its logical end, and you have what could truly be called brainwashing. Here it's the brainwashers themselves who have become the most brainwashed people, because they can literally not tell the difference anymore between the lies they tell and the truth.
The lie literally becomes more important than the truth, because it's the lie that keeps you going.
And Adidam is built on so many lies at so many levels that it is literally just a charade, a joke, that everyone involved can hardly take seriously, but they keep it going because they need the show to go on.
Now this isn't to say that everything in Adidam is a lie. Far from it. It's just that from inside Adidam, the lies are virtually indistinguishable from the truth. They have become so interwoven that both seem indispensible to one another.
There really are Divine truths within Adidam, and real experience of the Divine. And side by side with that truth is a whole pastiche of lies and deceptions that boggle the mind.
Separating the two is not only difficult, it is considered a heresy within Adidam, because it would mean identifying the true as true, and the false as false, then throwing away the false and keeping the true, which would literally destroy everything that Adidam has built up so far and require rebuilding it from scratch, and that is just way too much work for Adi Da and everyone else involved to do. They literally wouldn't have a clue where to begin.
Adi Da and the rest of his inner circle are simply too old for something as creative as that, and it would threaten the world they've created for themselves.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2017 02:45AM by corboy.