Post crazy ideas on about what, who, where and how is he possibly able to do what he does. and wait till someone that communicates with him to come along and sets us straight. (I am in no way shape or form Comparing G*D to Tom Ringrose or the Gathering, simply showing how retarted this bulletin is. and should be removed.)
Higher Forces = Holy Spirit.
Faith = Belief/Devotion in something you cannot see.
Tom Ringrose = loving husband, Caring Friend, Channeler to the Higher Forces.
The House = a home, place of Gathering (hence the title of the group), place of information that is higher than this world.
If you truely want to see what the gathering is about and if you have kinds of questions that most likely the only ones that can answer fully are the ones that were involved. Then ask that person, if not that exact person talk to another that was there at the same time of the event. DO NOT sit in this bulletin and just speculate and give theories on it. Go straight to the source. Then make your decision after you have recieved all the facts
I don't think it gets much crazier or more mentally low functional than this session 559 November 19, 1990 where Tom is describing the first Iraq war and our President. [
"We do see that your President has a flair for what would be called Tingle Tinsel Tops. He would be known as Tingle Tinsel Tops. We are not being negative or derogative, it’s that it is a big gun salute sending all the force in many different directions. It is much wiser to come up with strategies and plans that will take over the years to implement, rather than to send thousands and thousands of troops in one spot. What we are saying is the United States needs to regroup of itself, not to make the flash of power and strength. "
Then more circular reasoning on how the "gathering" is allied against the aliens by being spiritual.
"That is why this house represents again a force of spiritual power and energy rejuvenated, so people from all walks of life can take from it and be rejuvenated, not just locked into Catholicism or into Judaism, but all the forces that combine Judaism and Catholicism together. But, this force has been built up over the years, and at the time and told of darkness as it is now, no great darkness could befall the earth in the major countries as what is happening now, and equal to the greatest darkness must be equal to the greatest light, so those could be drawn and force that understanding of not by power but by love. And that same force of love can give the overwhelming, overwhelming answer to a dreadful and dreaded situation where prayer and meditation and silence and love of God is, it can conquer any alien, any UFO, any ship. It is this power that we speak about openly. We know you have been inundated with ufologies and all things that go bump in the night. You have been inundated by this power to learn, to receive. You have been on a compact course of learning, but we say at this time that there is no amount of dark side that has power equal to the amount of the spiritual side, not only in your earth and those elements of worship between you and your universal God, but the God of the galaxies, the God of the Universe has so much that it is transcending this earth, and you will see the workings of inter-galactical forces, and as they walk through their hallways xeroxing, what they believe are the rudiments of the regulations of the powers one must adhere to, that there are universal powers of even higher and greater than this that one must adhere to through prayer and spiritual fibers of backbone and commitment. There is no grey individual that has control over the spiritual soul of man in his prayerful attitude."
This is brilliant reasoning. If you make up a force of darkness that is illusory then you will never get proof that what you are teaching is failing or losing. The gathering is able to keep the dark forces at bay for the entire world because no one can ever find proof that these aliens and dark forces exist. This then proves the power of the house and the higher forces.
Now comes the subtle mind control which pushes down criticism, and doubt and thinking for yourself.
"Such is the way to the spiritual powers of true powers: through that of service and improving and making things always better. The days ahead are difficult days, but they do not have to be difficult days if you incorporate a positive attitude, a “can do” attitude, an attitude that blocks all negative thoughts, and only supports constructive ideas and ideals. Than that would be the furnace and focus point of your mind, that you would be the servant of the most High, that you will bring in the Law of One, that you will bring in balance and harmony in all that you do, that if you fail you get up again, that if you thought a thought that diminishes you, you remove it. Replace it with one much brighter. You cannot afford to give in to the luxuries of self-indulgence, feeling sorry and right at the same time. They are not constructive thoughts, they are not healthy thoughts, they are not your thoughts. The thoughts do not belong to you. Do not associate with them. Abandon them as quick as they come, that you will be standing in the light and in the power and in the force of creation. Such is it. We are now ready for your questions."
Many, many more and better examples of this form of manipulation can be found in the sessions that support the idea that the group must focus "spiritually" in order to support the house, the channeler and the "teaching"